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43 Cards in this Set

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Travel Before the Insustrial Revolution
Traveled by foot or carriage
Travel Affter the Industrial Revolution
Traveled by Train or steamship
Dutch Contributions to Agricultural Revolution
1. Built dikes to reclaim land. 2. Combined small farms into large ones. 3. Used fertilizer
British Contributions to Agricultural Revolution
1. Used crop rotation 2. Bred animals 3. Used a seed drill to plant seeds in rows for greater production.
Enclosure Movement
Taking over and fencing land formerly shared with peasants
Essay Qustion: What was the Enclosure Movement and what were 3 effects on small farmers and farm laborers?
Taking over and fencing land formerly shared with peasant.
1. Farm laborers were put out of work.
2. Small foramers were put out of business.
3. Former farmers moved to the cities for jobs.
Essay Question: what 4 factors contributed to the population explosion?
1. Declining death rate
2. Reduced risk of famine.
3. Plague had gone away.
Better hygiene, sanitation and medical care.
A natural resource that was used to produce power and power steam engines.
Essay Question : (7 pts) Who was the Leader in the Industrial Revolution and for why?
Britain. 1. Natural Resources (large supply of coal & iron) 2. Human Resources (large workforce available because of agricultural revolution) 3. Economic Conditions (capital & Demand)4. Political Conditions (stable gov't) 5. Social Conditions (strong navy to protect trade)
Iron was needed to creat machines and steam engines.
Putting Out system
System where raw cotton was given to peasant families and made into cloth in their homes. It was slow and unable to meet demand.
Flying Shuttle
Machine that increased the speed of weaving and worked better than cotton spinners.
Spinning Jenny
Spun many threads of cotton at the same time to keep up with the weavers.
Water power was used to speed up spinning
End of the Putting out System
The machines were too big to move so they had to bring people to them and place the factories near streams.
Private roads that charge a fee to use them.
were dug to link rivers and town harbors.
Were built to transport goods and people 5x faster than before.
Could move upstream at a record 5mph
Movement of people to cities caused by changes in farms and need for factory workers.
Conditions of tenements
buildings with no light, running water, sewage or sanitation pick up that peasants lived in.
Conditions of Factory
worked 12-16 hours long with no safety devices. Many accidents. Air quality was poor in coal mines.
Women workers
Preferred because they were easier to manage and adapted easier to the work. They also worked for less money.
Child Workers
Preferred because they had small hands and could move quickly. Orphans worked for food and were beaten if they didn't do enough work.
The skilled workers who lost their jobs to machines and protested by smashing or burning the machines down. They were hung or sent to Australia.
Benefits of Industrial Revolution
People had enough money for food, rent, travel. And New opportunities
Problems of Industrial Revolution
Low pay, unemployment, bad living conditions.
New way of thinking were there should be no goverment interference in business.
Adam Smith
Wrote Wealth of Nations - a free market would benefit everyone by: 1. producing more goods at lower prices would make them affordable. 2. People would make money, invest it and make more money.
David Ricardo
"Iron Law of Wages" 1. When wages were high people had more children 2. More children meant more workers. 3. More workers meant lower wages and more unemployment.
Jeremy Betham
Developed the concept of Utalitarianism
The greatest happiness for the greatest number of people.
John Stuart Mills
1. Actions are right if they promote happiness wrong if they cause pain 2.Felt workers and women should have the right to vote so they could create reform.
People as a whole, rather than individuals would own the large businesses. Socialism worked to protect and take care of the people.
Communist Manifesto
Pamphlet written by Karl Marx & Friedrich Engles calling for a workers revolt.
Karl Marx & Friedrich Engles
Wrote the Communist Manifesto
all businesses and land would be owned by the people and would prevent class struggles.
Proletariats (workers) would win the struggle with the Bourgeosie (Owners) and make wealth and power equally shared.
Essay Question : 6 points
What kind of people did factory's prefer to hire and why?
Women - easier to manage adapted quicker and could pay them less.
Children - smaller and could move quickly. Worked for food and could be beaten if they didnt work enough.
Essay Question: 9 items
Why was there a transportation revolution?
Faster and cheaper means of moving goods was needed.
Identify the new means of transportations and what they were used for.
Turnpikes - private toads that charge a fee to use them.
Canals - were dug to link rivers and towns to harbors
Railroads - transpot good and people 5x faster.
Steamboats - move upstream at 5mph.
Essay Question 4 items:
Jeremy Betham Philosophy
He would say to save Los Angeles because he believed that it was important to achieve the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people.
Essay Question (contd)
John Stuart Mill Philosophy
He would say to save the Secretary Geneeral because he believed actions were right if they caused happiness and wrong if they caused pain for a person.