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121 Cards in this Set

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What are you doing?
Anda sedang apa?
He is playing table tennis, Sir
Dia sedang main tenis meja, Pak
Gee, he plays table tennis all the time?
Wah, dia main tenis meja terus, ya?
Correct, Sir. That is Saleh hobi. Every opportunity there is he always plays table tennis
Betul, Pak. Itu hobi Saleh. Setiap ada kesempatan dia selalu main tenis meja
Mr Wur, what do you want to drink?
Pak Wur, mau minum apa?
Just drinking water
Air putih saja
You always drink plain water. Don't you want to drink coffee?
Bapak selalu minum air putih. Tidak mau minum kopi?
I never drink coffee, once in a while I drink tea. You, yourself what do you want to drink?
Saya tidak pernah minum kapi, sekali-sekali saya minum teh. Mike sendiri mau minum apa?
I just drink beer
Saya minum bir saja
You always just drink beer. Don't you like to drink wine?
Anda juga selalu minum bir. Tidak suka minum anggur?
I rarely drink wine, just now and then.
saya jarang minum anggur, sekali-sekali saja
What are you doing?

(colloquial version)
lagi apa nih?
Doing homework. Were are you off to?
lagi ngerjakan PR. Rini mau ke mana?
I'm not going anywhere. I have nothing to do tonight. Do you want to watch a film?

(colloquial version)
Nggak ke mana-mana. Saya lagi nganggur malam ini. Nonton film, yuk?
Oh, I really want to, if my homework is already finished
Oh, mau sekali, kalau PR-nya sudah selesai
Do you often watch films?
Anda sering nonton film, ya?
Just sometimes. I prefer to go to a restoran
kadang-kadang saja. Saya lebih suka ke restoran
Don't you like to eat in the mess?
Tidak suka makan di wisma?
Yeah I like it, every day I eat lunch and dinner in there. On the weekend, i usually eat at the restorant. So that I don't get bored.

(colloquial version)
Suka, setiap hari saya makan siang dan makan malam di sana. Pada akhir minggu, saya biasanya makan di restoran. Biar nggak bosan.
When will you go to Indonesia?
Kapan Anda akan ke Indonesia?
In about 3 months time, in April
Kira-kira 3 bulan lagi, bulan April
What date?
Tanggal berapa?
I already booked a plane ticket for the date 23 April, Sir.
Saya sudah booking tiket pesawat tanggal 23 April, Pak.
How many times have you already been there?
Sudah beraa kali ke sana?
Two times. The last time I was there was three years ago.
Due kali. Terakhir saya ke sana tiga tahun yang lalu.
This time how long do you want to be there?
kali ini mau berapa lama di sana?
I will go for more or less two months.
Selama kurang lebih dua bulan.
Where do you want to go just in Indonesia?
Mau de mana saja di Indonesia?
The plan is, I will go to several locations
Rencananya, saya akan pergi ke beberapa tempat
Is there a plan to go to Yogya?
Ada rencana mau ke Yogya?
Yes, already a long time I wish to go to Yogya
Ya, sudah lama sekali saya ingin ke Yogya.
In the month of April I already return to Indonesia. Please drop in when while you are in Yogya.
Bulan April saya sudah kembali ke Indonesia. Silakan mampir kalau sedang ada di Yogya.
Thankyou Sir. If that is the case may I ask your address now?
Terima Kasih Pak. Kalau begitu boleh saya minta alamat Bapak sekarang?
My address at Sudirman Street number 28. Please drop in whenever you like. If you want, just telephone me first. This is the number.
Alamat saya di Jl. Sudirman nomor 28. Silakan mampir kapan saja. Kalau perlu, telepon saya saja dulu. Ini nomornya.
Okay Sir. When I already arrive in Yogya, I will telephone you.
Baiklah Pak. Kalau saya sudah sampai di Yogya, saya akan telepon Bapak.
I already ordered a plane ticket on the date 23 April, Sir
Saya sudah pesan tiket pesawat pada tanggal 23 April, Pak
How long will he live in that house?
Berapa lama dia akan tinggal di rumah itu?
What are you looking for, Ma'am?
Mau cari apa, Bu?
I am looking for a desk, Ma'am. For my child.
Saya cari meja belajar, Bu. Untuk anak saya.
How about this one?
Bagaimana kalau yang ini?
I think this table is too large. My child is still small.
Saya kira meja ini terlalu besar. Anak sya masih kecil.
How about this one? This table is smaller, Ma'am.
Bagaimana kalau yang ini? Meja ini lebih kecil, Bu.
Yes, I think this one is suitable. How much is it, Ma'am?
Ya, Saya kira yang in cocok. Berapa, Ma'am?
For you, just 45.000 rupiah. Not expensive.
Untuk Anda, 45.000 rupiah saja. Tidak mahal.
Gosh!! Very expensive. May we bargain.
Wah!! mahal sekali. Boleh ditawar?
Please, but it's price is already rather cheap.
Silakan, tapi harganya sudah cukup murah.
How about 30.000?
Bagaimana kalau 30.000?
Not able to do that, Just 40.000.
Tidak bisa, Bu. 40.000 saja
Still too expensive. How about 35.000? May we?
Masih terlalu mahal. Bagaimana kalau 35.000? Boleh?
Okay, Ma'am. For you I give a cheap price.
Baiklah, Bu. Untuk Ibu saya beri harga murah.
I'll take this, Ma'am. This is it's money.
Saya ambil yang ini, Bu. Ini uangnya.
Is your car big enough for carrying this table?
Apakah mobil Ibu cukup besar untuk mengangkut meja ini?
Yes, my car is a VW combi van, I think it is large enough. Thankyou, Ma'am.
Ya, mobil saya mobil VW combi, saya kira cukup besar. Terima kasih, Bu.
Come to here often, Ma'am
Sering-sering ke mari, Bu.
This building is already good; That building is still ugly
gedung ini sudah bagus; gedung itu masih jelek
That cupboard is tall; This cupboard is low
lemari itu tinggi; lemari ini rendah
this pencil is long; that pensil is short
pensil ini panjang; pensil itu pendek
The Princess Highway is wide; Little Bourke Street is narrow
Jalan Raya Princess lebar; jalan Little Bourke sempit
The building at Albertan base are already old; the building at the language school is still new.
Gedung di pangkalan Albertan sudah tua; gedung di sekolah bahasa masih baru.
Mr Ramli, where do you plan for the traditional ceremony to be?
Pak Ramli, acara selamatannya di mana?
Mr Ramli, where do you plan for the traditional ceremony to be?
Pak Ramli, acara selamatannya di mana?
I think in the auditorium
Saya kira di auditorium
I think in the auditorium
Saya kira di auditorium
It is not happening in the park?
Tidak jadi di taman?
It is not happening in the park?
Tidak jadi di taman?
In which park?
di taman yang mana?
The one in front of the auditorium
Yang di depan auditorium.
In which park?
di taman yang mana?
Oh it is not happening, they say that today will rain. Therefore it is just in front of the building.
Oh tidak jadi, katanya hari ini akan hujan. jadi di dalam gedung saja.
The one in front of the auditorium
Yang di depan auditorium.
I think it's better inside the building, so that we can play a video, slide and at the same time karaoke
Saya kira lebih baik di dalam gedung, biar kita bisa mutar video, slide dan sekalian karaoke
What is the plan?
Apa saja acaranya?
Oh it is not happening, they say that today will rain. Therefore it is just in front of the building.
Oh tidak jadi, katanya hari ini akan hujan. jadi di dalam gedung saja.
It's like this, 12.30 is the start. Bu Santi will explain to the students the purpose of that traditional ceremony.
Begini, jam setengah satu acara dimulai. Bu Santi akan menjelaskan kepada siswa maksud selamatan itu.
I think it's better inside the building, so that we can play a video, slide and at the same time karaoke
Saya kira lebih baik di dalam gedung, biar kita bisa mutar video, slide dan sekalian karaoke
The "ceramonial dish of yellow rice in cone shape" will be placed on top of the table in the middle of the room. Bu Santi will stand din behind the table beside the screen.
Tumpengnya akan ditaruh di atas meja di tengah ruangan. Bu Santi akan berdiri di belakang meja di samping layar gulung.
What is the plan?
Apa saja acaranya?
It's like this, 12.30 is the start. Bu Santi will explain to the students the purpose of that traditional ceremony.
Begini, jam setengah satu acara dimulai. Bu Santi akan menjelaskan kepada siswa maksud selamatan itu.
The "ceramonial dish of yellow rice in cone shape" will be placed on top of the table in the middle of the room. Bu Santi will stand din behind the table beside the screen.
Tumpengnya akan ditaruh di atas meja di tengah ruangan. Bu Santi akan berdiri di belakang meja di samping layar gulung.
Who will cut the "traditional dish"?
Siapa yang akan motong tumpengnya?
The Commander. He will stand in between Bu Santi and the Head of Department. He wil call the student who is the youngest in Course for acceptance of the "dish"
Pak Komandan. DIa akan berdiri di antara Bu Santi dan Pak Kadep. Dia akan memanggil seorang siswa yang paling muda dalamKursus utuk menerima tumpeng.
Are there Indonesian guests invited?
Ada tamu Indonesia yang diundang?
Yes there are, they are new military students.
Ya ada, mereka siswa militer yang baru.
Where do they have to park their cars?
di mana mereka harus parkir mobilnya?
How about opposite this building?
Bagaimana kalau di seberang gedung ini?
If that is the case we have to ask permission first.
Kalau begitu kita harus minta ijin dulu.
Can I help you, Sir?
bisa dibantu, Pak?
I need a frame for this painting.
Saya perlu bingkai untuk lukisan ini.
What is the paintings size, Sir?
Ukuran lukisannya berapa, Pak?
It's length is 90 senti and it's width is 75 senti
Panjangnya 90 senti dan lebarnya 75 senti
Do you want made from wood or aluminium?
Mau dari kayu atau aluminium?
I think from wood will be more suitable.
Saya kira yang dari kayu lebih cocok.
How about this one?
Bagaimana kalau yang ini?
I like it's design but it's wood is too thick. Are there thinner ones?
Saya suka modelnya tapi kayunya terlalu tebal. Ada yang lebih tipis?
There is, but it's size is different. It's width is not the same.
Ada, tapi ukurannya berbeda. Lebarnya tidak sama.
Gosh unfortunately, yeah. How about I just order? Roughly how many days until it is finished?
Wah sayang sekali, ya. Bagaimana kalau saya pesan saja? Kira-kira berapa hari selesainya?
It just so happens that there are not many orders this week, in three days it can be finished.
Kebetulan tidak banyak pesanan minggu ini, tiga hari bisa selesai.
If that is the case I want to just order.
Kalau begitu saya mau pesan saja.
nol koma nol lima persen
Please, but it's price is already rather cheap.
Silakan, tapi harganya sudah cukup murah
Gee! That's very expensive. May we bargin?
Wah! Mahal sekali. Boleh ditawar?
For you, just 45.000 rupiah. Not expensive.
Untuk Ibu, 45.000 rupiah saja. Tidak mahal.
Yes, I think this one is suitable. How much, ma'am?
Ya, saya kira yag ini cocok. Berapa, Bu?
How about this one? This table is smaller, bu.
Bagaimana kalau yang ini? Meja ini legih kecil, Bu.
I think this table is too big. My child is still small.
Saya kira meja ini teralu besar. Anak saya masih kecil.
How about this one?
Bagaimana kalau yang ini?
I am looking for a desk, Ma'am. For my child.
Saya cari meja belajar, Bu. Untuk anak saya.
You come from what area in New Zealand?
Dari daerah mana di Selandia Baru?
I watch television in the evening
Saya memonton televisi di pada malam hari
Not yet, but I wish to go there
Belum, tapi saya ingin ke sana
one billion
half a million/ 500, 000
setengah juta
How about 30.000?
Bagaimana kalau 35.000?
Come often, yes, Ma'am.
Sering-sering ke mari ya, Bu.
Yes, my car is a VW combi van, I think it is big enough. Thank you, Ma'am.
Ya, mobil saya mobil VW combi, saya kira cukup besar. Terima kasih, Bu.
Is your car big enough for transporting this table?
Apakah mobil Ibu cukup besar untuk mengangkut meja ini?
I will take this, Bu. Here is it's money.
Saya ambil yang ini, Bu. Ini uangnya.
Alright, Ma'am. For you I will give a cheap price.
Baiklah, bu. Untuk Ibu saya beri harga murah.
Still too expensive. How about 35.000? May?
Masih terlalu mahal. Bagaimana kalau 35.000? Boleh?
No can do, Ma'am. Just 40.000.
Tidak bisa, bu. 40.000 saja.