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37 Cards in this Set

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What is the main and only animal in the phylum Porifera?
What phylum do sponges belong to?
What does Porifera mean?
"Pore bearing"
What kind of feeders are sponges/Porifera?
What kind of digestion do Porifera/sponges have?
What are the specialized cells called that trap food in the sponge's body cavity?
What are the specialized cells in sponges/Porifera that finish off digestion?
Where does water leave sponges/Porifera?
Through the hole in the sponge at the top (Osculum - Os-cul-um)
Where does water enter sponges/Porifera?
Through the irregular-shaped pores in the sponge
What tiny structures on a sponge/Porifera channel water into the organism?
What are the two ways in which sponges/Porifera reproduce?
Sexually and Asexually
Are sponges male or female?
They are both (that sounds really odd now that I think about it..); they contain egg and sperm
How do sponges reproduce asexually?
by budding
What are the two ways sponges reproduce?
- Gemmales (grouping of Archaeocytes surrounded by spicule; occurs in unfavorable conditions)
What are adult Porifera/sponges referred to as?
"Sessile" (can't move)
When can sponges/Porifera move?
When they are larva they are motile until they anchor and grow into a new sponge
What are the major characteristics of a sponge/Porifera? (Not including the animal ones)
- No circulation of blood, only water moved in by flagellated by Choancytes
- soft sponges - mostly spongin
- **Asymmetrical (A-sym-metrical)
- harder sponges - more spicule content
- have pores in irregular shapes
- no gut, mouth, tissue, or organs
What phylum means "stinging cells"?
What are the four types of Cnidaria?
Hydra, Coral, Sea Anemones, and Jellyfish (Ane-mon-es)
What is the actual stinging cell called?
What is the barbed filament that shoots-out when touched in a Cnidocyte?
What are the three main steps for capturing and digesting food for a Cnidaria?
Sting, paralyze, gastrovascular cavity (gastro-vas-cular)
What kind of digestive system do Cnidoria have?
Intracelluar and Extracelluar
How do Cnidaria reproduce?
By sexual and asexual reproduction
What are the two phases of a Jellyfishes' life-cycle?
"Medusa" Phase and "Polyp" Phase (Pol-yp)
What are jellyfish known for being?
Prolific (having lots of offspring)
What does the "Medusa" Phase look like?
A blob with its tentacles hanging down
What does the Polyp Phase look like?
An upside-down jellyfish
What kind of skeletons do some Cnidarians have allowing them to be able to inflate their tentacles with water? (Ex. Sea Anemones)
Hydrostatic Skeletons
What method of moving do some Cnidarians use?
Jet Propulsion
Where does water enter inside of a Cnidarian to allow it to move by jet propulsion?
Through the gastrovascular cavity
What type of symmetry do Cnidaria have?
Radial Symmetry
Is the Polyp Phase asexual or sexual?
Is the "Medusa" Phase asexual or sexual?
What are the "Medusa" and Polyp phases known as?
What do Cnidarians have that are also known as stinging cells?
What do Cnidocytes contain that are also known as poison-filled darts?