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115 Cards in this Set

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Enviornmental stress has no effect on the aging process T or F ?
The first vital component to an effective health and safety program is the commitment of senior line management T or F ?
It is possible that the responsibilities of a safety proffessional and an industrial hygienist can be found in the same person T or F ?
In many cases it is extremely difficult to differentiate between the symptoms of occupational and nonoccupational disease T or F ?
The majority of occupational health hazards arise from living organisms that can cause adverse responses in humans T or F ?
False, arise from inhaling chemical agents
Solvent vapors enter the body mainly by skin absorption, although some inhalation may occur T or F ?
False, vapors enter mainly by inhalation
Storage of dangerous chemicals should be limited to one week's supply T or F ?
False, should be limited to one day supply
The ________ must draw upon specialized knowledge in the physical and social sciences, including knowledge of engineering, physics, chemistry, statistics, mathematics, and principles of measurement and analysis?
Safety proffessional
The _______ provides the critical link between the employee's health status, the work process, and the determination of employee ability to do this job?
Occupational health nurse
The primary goal of the ________ is to prevent occupational illness and, when illness occurs, to restore employee health within the context of a healthy and safe workplace
Occupational medicine physician
Joint labor-management safety and health committees are often used where employees are represented by a ________?
In what year did the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) come into official existence?
April 28, 1971
What is the principle federal agency engaged in occuptional health and safety research?
National Institute of Occupational Health and Safety (NIOSH)
________ are capable of destroying living tissue and have a destructive effect on other substances, particularly on combustible materials?
_______ are chemicals that decompose rapidly under certain conditions to yeild oxygen?
Oxidizing materials
Science devoted to the anticipation, evaluation, recognition, and control of enviornmental factors arising in or around the workplace
Industrial Hygiene
Hazard is the capacity of a material to produce injury or harm when the chemical has reached a sufficient concentration at a certain site in the body T or F ?
False, toxicity
People function efficiently in a very narrow body tempature range, measured on the skin or at body extremities?
The body attempts to counteract the effects of high tempature by increasing the heart rate T or F ?
Allergy is usually a factor in primary irritation dermatitis?
False, its usually a factor in sensitization dermatitis
Alpha-particle do not penetrate thin barriers such as paper, cellophane, or skin T or F ?
Broadcast radio waves can produce heating of the body?
Sick-building syndrome is a clinically diagnosed disease in one or more building occupants T or F ?
According to the Hearing Conservation Amendment, in all cases when the sound levels exceed _______ dBA on an eight-hour time-weighted average, a continuing, effective hearing conservation program shall be administered
Humidity, or the moisture content of the air, is generally measured with a _______?
_______ is an important mechanism for increasing body tempature by causing metabolic heat production to increase to several times the resting rate?
Of the following types of radioactivity, which is not used in ordinary manufacturing operations?
A barrier such as concrete or lead is required to stop _______?
Which device measures accumulated amounts of radiation?
________ are the volatile form of substances that are normally in the solid or liquid state at room tempature and pressure?
When sampling air, where should the sample be taken from?
breathing zone
On- the- job investigations of reported work exposures requested by employer, employee, or employee represenative?
Health Hazard Evaluation
The nose serves only as passageways for air going to and from the lungs T or F ?
Breathing is controlled by a series of respiratory centers in the nervous system T or F ?
The two lungs are mirror images of each other T or F ?
An emphysema patient can breathe in, but cannot breathe out efficiently?
The common term for trachea is throat?
False, pharnyx is throat
What are the vocal cords?
folds of membranes
Approximately how many air sacs, or alveoli, does the human respiratory tract have?
300 million
How many pairs of ribs does the human body have?
What are the last two pairs of ribs called?
floating ribs
What is the common term for pharnyx?
The process through which the body combines oxygen with food substances and thus produces energy?
Inflammation of the bronchial tubes?
What is the average rate of respiration per minute in a relaxed state?
10-14 breaths per minute, with each breath lasting 4-6 seconds
The organ of voice is the larynx T or F ?
Only the skin has a more extensive and intimate contact with the ambient atmosphere than do the lungs T or F ?
Significant impairment of respiratory function can exist even though the patient can perform the tests of ventilatory function normally T or F ?
Constriction of the bronchial tube muscles in response to irritation, allergy, or other stimulus is called rhinitis T or F ?
Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas that is transfered from the lungs into the bloodstream but does not damage the lungs?
What is the structure that guards the opening of the trachea?
What are the anterior nares?
the nostrils
What does spirometry mean?
measurement of air
What is the typical vital capacity of the lungs?
3-4 liters
Two passageways at the bottom of the throat?
esophagus and trachea
hairlike filaments in the nasal cavity and nasopharnyx?
Two forms of pnuemonocosis?
silicosis and asbestosis
When it is injured, the epidermis can form tissue, a scar, to repair itself T or F ?
False, dermis
Ulcerations are the most frequent causes of occupational skin disease?
The skin is the largest organ of the body T or F?
Chlor-acne can be accompanied by systemic toxicity and is often resistant to therapy T or F?
For workers to keep their skin free of injurious agents, they must use washing facilities at least 3 times a day, before lunch, after lunch, and before leaving the facility T or F?
False, 4 times a day
Where is the epidermis the thickest?
on the soles of the feet
Which industry group has the highest incidence of occupational dermatoses?
Which of the folllowing can sensitize the skin to light?
coal tar
When absorbed through the skin, which of the following can cause central nervous system depression?
carbon tetrachloride
Which of the following helps to prevent contact with acids, alkalis, and some types of metallic acids
Water repellent cream
Which of the following is not a basic requirment of industrial skin cleansers?
They should be relatively abrasive in order to quickly remove industrial soil
For some people, contact with natural rubber latex can result in generalized urticaria, angioedema, asthma, vascular collapse, and even death?
Most of the body's 2 to 3 million sweat glands are concentrated on the forehead and neck T or F?
Detergents are classified as strong, or absolute, primary skin irritants T or F?
Anthrax can produce granulomas, or chronic, indolent areas of inflammation that can be localized or generalized T or F?
Most workers' compensation claims for occupational skin disease involve temporary total or permanent partial disability T or F?
Skin is the chief rate-limiting barrier against ________?
aqueous solutions
The highest percentage of dermatological injuries is due to _______?
lacerations and punctures
What percentage of occupational dermatoses are caused by primary irritants?
80 percent
Which of the following types of ionizing radiation cannot injure the skin?
Which of the following classes of skin disorders implies intermittent confinement at home or at another domicile?
class 4
A _________ burn is almost always deep and often extensive, with the type of clothing being a major factor in severity
Heat rash caused by working in hot, humid conditions
A process to regulate body tempature?
Thermoregulatory sweating
Means "outside"
Having no skin pigment
A material that can cause an allergic reaction to the skin or respiratory system?
Studies the pattern of rigids of the hands
Irritation of the skin caused by cutting oils, creatode, and oils.
A skin conddition caused by PCB's
An oily substance
Has the ability to penetrate the skin and reacts with calcium. In the bone it turns to phosphoric acid and to prevent it is to get calcium and lime water shots?
Hydroflouric acid
Urinal block
Substances that sensitize the skin to light
"Brown lung disease" caused by exposure from dust from cotton processing
Highly vilerant bacteria infection from animals and by products
An infection caused by breathing in spores of a fungus often found in bird and bat droppings
A pnuemonicosis caused by rhe inhalation of dust from sugar cane.
addipose tissue
Caused by an irrritant
Irritant contact dermatitis
An allergic reaction on the skin caused by sensitizer?
Allergic contact dermatitis
A disorder normally caused by organic substances that is wholly or partially due to a persons occupation?
Occupation skin disease
An organ system consisting of the skin, hair, nails, and exocrine glands. It protects the body from various kinds of damage, such as loss of water or abrasion from outside
Integumentary system
Pertaining to or affecting the skin
Anything with a PH of 2 or <
a PH of 12 or >
Body corrosive
The bodily system that performs the maintenance of a consistent internal tempature?
Thermoregulatory system
The maximum concentration of a chemical that you maybe exposed to 8hrs a day and 40hrs a week over your working lifetime with no ill effects for nearly all workers?
PEL's / TLV's
A substance that can cause unconsiousness or death by suffocation?
Short term
Long term
Infection that is highly contagious.
Gases that irritate the eyes, and throat for example
Irritant gases
Affects the part of the body it touches?
local toxins
A substance that dissolves another substance. Usually refers to organic solvents?
Any substance or material that could adversly affect the safety of the public, handlers, or carriers
Dangerous materials
Any chemical that has a flash point less than 100° F and combustible liquid as those that have a flash point greater than 100° F
flammable liquid
Suggested baseline of noise tolerance, which, if not exceeded, should result in no hearing loss due to noise?
Damage Risk Criteria