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25 Cards in this Set

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The effectiveness of an event as a reinforced is defined as the extent to which it ________ the rate of the behavior.


The Principle of Contingency states that the reinforcer must be delivered to the person ________ if he/she emits the desired behavior.


The Principle of Contingency states that the effectiveness of an event will be maximized if it is delivered only when the desired behavior occurs but never when an alternate behavior that is not ________ occurs.


Does the Principle of Contingency imply that you can deliver an event for only one desired behavior?


To determine whether the Principle of Contingency is being used, ask "Was the reinforcer given ________ if a desired behavior occurred?"


The Principle of Immediacy states that the more ________ the delivery of a reinforcer, the more effective the reinforcer will be.


To determine whether the Principle of Immediacy was used, ask "Was the reinforcer delivered with a(n) ________ of the behavior?"


If an event is delivered WHILE he/she is preforming a behavior, the Principle of Immediacy (would; wouldn't) be followed.


The Principle of Size states that the ________ of the reinforcer delivered after a behavior, the more effective the reinforcer will be.


Does the Principle of Size imply you should just use as much of the reinforcer as possible in order to maximize it's effectiveness?


To decide if the Principle of Size was followed, ask "Was the amount of the reinforcer used ________?


Satiation refers to how ________ the person received the reinforcer.


Deprivation refers to how ________ since the person received the reinforcer.


The opposite of deprivation is ________.


The Principle of Deprivation states the the more ________ a person is of the reinforcer, the more effective it will be.


To determine whether the Principle of Deprivation was followed, ask "Has the reinforcer been delivered too ________ or too ________?"

Recently, often

If the amount of a reinforcer was worthwhile, the Principle of ________ was being used correctly.


If a person is reinforced within a minute of his/her response, the Principle of ________ is being used.


The Principle of Reinforcer effectiveness that deals with how recently (or how much) a person has of a particular reinforcer us called the Principle of ________.


If a reinforcer is given only when a particular desired behavior is made, the Principle of ________ is being used correctly.


Brigham and his colleagues delivered tokens to children immediately after they sat down for handwriting lessons. The tokens could be traded for activities that they enjoyed but that they didn't get to participate in too often. If Brigham and his colleagues wished to increase the rate of correct handwriting behaviors then this example would clearly violate which principle of effective reinforcement?


Brigham and his colleagues delivered tokens for a time, contingent on accurate handwriting and for another time non-contingently on correct handwriting. Which procedure produced a higher rate of accurate behaviors?


Hall and his colleagues gave Jerry 25¢ at the end of the month for every time he was wearing his braces when the checked him (and only for wearing them) the money permitted him to buy things he wanted and never got too much of it. What principle of effective reinforcement did they violate?


Hall and his colleagues tried two different procedures giving Jerry 25¢ for each time he was observed wearing his braces. The first procedure involved observing him every day and paying him at the end of the month. The second procedure involved observing him every day and paying him every time he was wearing them. Did the first of second procedure result in a higher rate of wearing the braces?


Anyllon gave Doris towels only when she was in her room. She hoarded them for nine years. By the time she had 600 of them, she started taking them out of the room. Anyllon used what principle of effective reinforcement to REDUCE the reinforcing properties of the towels?

Deprivation (satiation)