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105 Cards in this Set

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Nitro contraindactions
right ventriclar infarct, viagra/cialis use w/in 24-48hrs
Rapid ventricular rhythm post tPa treatment?
RVR is often self limited.... if persistent STEMI observed consider PCI
Inferior MI on 1 - ECG, 2 - which lead to check for Rt sided involvement,?
1 - II, III, aVf..... 2 - move V4 to right side to check for right vent involvement to decide weather nitro is safe for use
Mobitz I and Mobitz II and 3rd degree block treatment,
I - no treatment if asymptomatic, II and 3rd degree may need pacer if unstable, cannot use atropine if widened QRS
what is an osborne wave
J point elevation as seen in hypothermia
st elevations observed in a pt ekg with a rate of 170s?
first slow rate to see if they persist, often ischemia is transient 2/2 rate
when should we aggressively medically control/cardiovert tachycardic rate in A FIB
when there is a fib with signs of RVR
MAT common in what pt group?
WPW treatment first line, second line. Meds contraindicated?
first - procanimide, second - cardiovert, contra - AV NODAL MEDS
syncope with deep inverted T waves on ECG
syncope with arm exericise
subclavian steal synd ---- order vasc study
syncope with shaving
carotid sinus hypersensitiviy (also syncope with head turning)
syncope in fire
CO poison or cyanide
syncope with back pain
if question states a presentation for reanl/MSK/GI bleed/syncope is "classic" in presentation (ie flank pain with hematuria with classic pt not being able to find a comfortable position)
think AAA - aka the great mimicker
AAA u/s - aorta size of normal, emergent repair male and female
normal <3cm, male >5.5, female >5cm
ED role in management of AAA needing emergent repair after diagnosis while awaiting surgery
type and cross like 10 units, central line placement, close monitoring
Acute murmur cause MR, AR, AS, TR/TS
MR - inferior/post MI, AR - dissection, AS - new onset CHF or advancing CHF exacerbation, TR/TS - endocarditis
Pericarditis EKG results andTreatment
diffuse ST elevation without reciprocal changes, PR depressions, smiley shaped elevations, NSAIDS, no steroids unless rheumatoligc cause
Tamponade EKG, most common 2 causes, treatment
electrical alternans, T wave inversions, ----------causes - malignancy or trauma, -------- treatment --- stable - fluids increases pre load inhibiting potential tamponade with right ventricular collapse, unstable-pt needle or surgical window
Peptic or gastric ulcers more common
peptic ---- night pain relieved by food
baby with GI bleed most common diagnosis... with pain and w/o pain
w/ - anal fissures -----------w/o - meckles
variceal bleed tx
fluids, octreotide, abx and emergent EGD (also tranfusion as needed) -----------most important octreotide - has shown reduction in M&M (note - vasopressin does not help)
Cullen verus grey-turner sign
hemorrhagic pancreatitis-----------cullen = umbilicus ------grey-turner = flank unilateral mainly
Admission ranson criteria
"GLOWS" Glucose >200 LDH >350Old >55yoWBC >16k SGOT (ast) >250 ------ note late presentation may include a pt w/ abd pain and hypocalcemia
When to give abx in pancreatitis
if evidence of necrosis on CT
#1 surgical entity in elderly
Charcot triad, pentad
cholangitis - thus give abx-------1 fever 2 RUQ pain 3 jaundice----------4 - ams or hypoTN
mesenteric ischemia suggestive labs
elevated WBC, hyper phosphatemia, lactate, acidosis
mesenteric ischemia xray buzz word, gold standard
"thumb printing", CT angio
Obstruction most common cause, 1 large, 2 small
1 tumor, 2 adhesions and hernia
IBS, 1 treatment, 2 copmlication
1 - fluid, bowel rest, high dose steroid, abx, 2 - pseumembranous colitis
Recent overseas travel with frothy diarrhea
shell fish and diarrhea
Parotitis #1 cause and treatment
mumps, hot compress and abx
Sialolithiasis presentation
no reported fever, pain worse after eating
Tympanic membrane hemorhaggic blisters
Malignant otitis externa, 1risk factors, 2etiology, 3important w/u, 4treatment
1 DM and immunocomp, 2pseudomonas, 3CT head for mastoid involvment, 4debridement and abx
Auricular hematoma treatment
I&D not needle aspiration
Nystagmus and tinnitus in central versus peripheral vertigo
peripheral nystagmus is mostly horizontal and fatigues, peripheral may have tinnitus whereas central generally does not
Peritonsilar versus retropharyngeal which is pediatric
Ludwig angina presentation and early ED management
bad dentintion, drooling, voice changes, swelling, pain--------------intubate ASAP as decompinastes
Vent failure mnemonica
"DOPE" - displacement, obstruction (suction), ptx, equipment fail
MC pediatric cranial bone fractured
parietal, other bones fx consider abuse
orbital blowout fx presentation, treatment
exopthalmous, mm entrapment, hyperesthesia (essentially a compartment synd), treatment = canthotomy
whiplash injury
central cord synd - weakness UE>LE, variable sesnory loss
Nexus criteria
r/o additional w/u for neck trauma "NSAID"
no neuro def, no spinal tenderness, alert, no intoxication, no distracting injuries (clinician judgment)
seatbelt sign neck injury, presentation, treatment in ED
carotid art dissectin, horner's syndrome and neck pain, heparin to deter thrombus thus ischemic cranial injury
Jefferson versus hangmag injury
jeff = C1 and hangman = c2 without
pulmonary contusion treatment
positive pressure O2, lye pt on lat decub opposit injury, euvolemic state
blunt flank injury - scan in adults vs peds in micro versus macro hematuria
adults scan for macro not micro, peds scan at microhematuria
chest xra with cavitation in alcoholic with fever and mild non-productive cough
klebsiella --- cavitation likely an abcess
pna w/ widened mediastinum
pna from missouri area
pna in farmer
hypersensitivity pneumonitis
pna in autoshop worker
Pulm Edema (non-cardiogenic) ddx
"HAHA" - high alt, asa, heroin, ards
transudate and exudative number one causes of pleural effusion
trans - chf, exu - pna
metHb causes and treatment
nitrate, anesthetic tox, bactrim/dapsone reactions......treat with methylene blue
seep sulcus seen on a cxr supine dx?
complication of near drowning
delayed pulm edema (admit for observation)
What is breath stacking and what complication can it lead to? How to fix the problem
presents in an intubated asthma pt with new onset hypoTN---------------cause is too fast of RR and alveoli become full of air as they trap a lot of air.....to treat either pause the vent or push hard on the chest
#1 cause hemoptysis
massive hemoptysis cause of death and treatment (4 types in order)
asphyxia -------------------treatment - 1flex bronch at bedside, 2rigid bronch in OR, 3embolization by IR, 4open CT surg
MC peds frx
salter II
best and worst prognosis of salter harris
I is best and V is worst
Buckle fracture aka
torus fracture
toddler's fx
spiral tibial fx --- common in toddlers from falling while running-------all other spiral fx are concerning for abuse
bucket handle frature
metaphyseal chip concerning for abuse
stellate skull fx w/u
scaphoid fx complication
non-union = arhtitis long term and short term avascular necrosis from radial art damag
amputation of finger point at which conservative managment is all that is indicated, what is that management?
distal to DIP -------------clean, consider rongeur for excess exposed bone, give abx
open paint gun injury managment
ortho consult for debridement of paint as this will screw ish up
Jersey Finger - path, presentation, management
"grabbing a jersey in a sport" --------flexor tendon of ring finger damaged------------cannot flex at DIP, possible mass palpable-----------managment - splint wi/ surg consult w/in 24hr
Mallet finger - path, presentation, management
injry to extensor -------finger flexed at rest (no opposing tendon) -------- splint in extension for 8 wks
gamekeeper's thumb aka skier thumb
game as in chicken in act of strangulation-------ulnar collateral lig dmg from hyper abduction-----------if complete laxivty consult ortho/hand surg or ensure hand surg f/u 24 hour
what is a felon and treatment
deep nail bed infection AT growth plate -------------I&D on palmer surface
human bit etio, tx
eikenella, do not close completely, irrigate copious, cephalospon
kanavel's sign - dz assoc, 4 components, treatemetn
pyogenic flexor tensoynovitis-----------------at rest held in flex, pain with extension, swelling, tenderness on flexor sheath ------treat - I&D in OR
Boxer fx - bone and treat
5th metacarpal fx --------treat - ulnar gutter with ortho f/u
mc wrist dislocation
scapholunate lig --- will have gapping btwn scaphoid and lunate
Smith vs Colle's fx
both ar FOOSH------------Colles = hand is dorsal (frx is angulating under palmer surface of hand)
posterior fat pad adult and ped injury
posterior = pathologic (anterior simply increases suspicion but can be normal) -------adult - radial head, ped - supracondylar fx
Monteggia vs Galezzi
treatment for both = ORIF because of potential radial nn dmg ---------------"MUGR" - monteggia ulnar and galezzi radial ---(note that the name also has the proximal fx as the proximal letters in the word - thus monteggia is proximal forearm and galeazzi is distal)------------"GRDD" - galeazzi's really dirty dick - galeazzi, radial fx, distal shaft, dislocation of ulnar----------------"MUPD" michigin univeristy police depart - monteggia, ulnar fx, proximal shaft, dislocation of radius
Hip resting presentation in internal rotation versus external rotation for what pathology?
internal = dislocation ---------external = fx of femur ----------"ID and EF"
Lisfran fx - injury pattern, sign on xray, treatment
often happens in very mild injury pattern like a missed step -------------"fleck sign" = gapping bwtn 1st/2nd metacarp.....or a chip at metacarpal base---------treatment - surgical correction as non-union is common
5th metatarsal fx 2 types names and treatment
dancer's and jones ---------dancer's = epiphysis - needs hard shoe-------------jones = diaphysis - non-union high prevalance thus surgical intervention
avascular necrosis 2/2 fx in what common 2 loacal
scaphoid and hip
fx of humerus ephysis pt develops chest and axillary petechiae
fat emboli ---- treat with steroids
non-union after fracture common in which 3 types of fx
jones, lisfranc and scaphoid
Compartment synd ---- nml and diagnositc value, most common location, first 3 common symptoms in most common location
<10 is nml, >50 is diagnostic---------anterior leg is MC -----common presentation big toe pain with passive movment and weakness with first web space numbness
Posterior shoulder dislocation #1 cause
hill sachs
superior tear/fx after dislocation
glenoid labrum tear seen on inferior aspect
Elbow dislocation complication
median nn dmg
knee dislocation direction with complication
anterior dislocation risk of popliteal art rupture
ottowa ankle
bony tenderness on malleoli, bony tenderness on navicular/5th metatarsal, cannot at least limp
ottowa knee
tenderness over patella, tenderness on fibular hed, cannot flex to 90, cannot weight bear
LBP can't miss diagnosis
"CRAFTI" cauda equina, renal, aaa, fx, tumor, infection
b/l versus unilateral sciatica
uni - slipped disc, b/l cord compression/dz get an MRI at minimum
LBP w/ prolonged impotence diagnosis
aortoiliac insufficiency
Finklestein +test
dequirvain's tenosynovitis, treatment - spica and RICE therapy
Clavicular fx treatment
sling w/ f/u
SCFE versus Legg-Calve-perthes age of onset
SCFE 8-15yo--------------LCP - 4-9YO
Punching injury
Bennet - simple fx, treat with sling-------------rolando = comminutied, treat with surgical "rolando = Ruptured"