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130 Cards in this Set

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What enzyme deficiency is associated with a Clear Cell Acanthoma?
Phosphorylase deficiency results in glycogen deposits inside keratinocytes.
What are the 3 histological findings seen with Granular Parakeratosis?
1) Thickened stratum corneum
2) Severe compact parakeratosis with retention of keratohyaline granules
3) Vascular proliferation & Ectasia
What is the cause of Axillary Granular Parakeratosis?
An irritant response to rubbing, antiperspirants or deodorants
Acquired Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum (PXE) is associated with what drug in newborns?
What eye findings are associated with PXE?
Angioid streaks of the retina
What 2 blood disorders are associated with acquired PXE?
1) Sickle cell anemia
2) Beta-Thalassemia
What 2 skin findings are seen in PXE?
1) Yellow-ish Chicken-flesh-like skin
2) Later the skin becomes lax and wrinkled
What is the characteristic histological finding in PXE?
Short blue fragmented and calcified dermal elastic fibers
What are the 2 most important systemic manifestations of PXE?
1) Intracerebral and
2) Intestinal hemorrhage
What is the gene defect associated with Trichorrhexis Invaginata or "Bamboo Hair"?
SPINK5 gene
-chromosome 5q32
What is the cause of "Bamboo Hair" seen with Trichorrhexis Invaginata?
Intussusception of the hair shaft at the zone where keratinization begins
What other syndrome is associated with "Bamboo Hair"?
Netherton Syndrome
Chediak-Higashi Syndrome is an AR disorder that results in what 3 cell defects?
1) Giant Organelles (including melanosomes)
2) Leukocyte granules
3) Platelet-dense granules
What 4 main clinical features are seen in an infant born with Chediak-Higashi Syndrome?
1) Silvery hair with a metallic sheen
2) Decreased ocular pigment with photophobia
3) Recurrent pyogenic infections
4) Increased bleeding time
What 4 immunologic defects are seen with Chediak-Higashi Syndrome?
1) Neutropenia
2) Impaired antibody-dependant cell-mediated cytotoxicity
3) Reduced T-cell activity
4) Decreased natural killer cell function
What will a peripheral blood smear show in a patient with Chediak-Higashi Syndrome?
Abnormally large granules in the perinuclear area of granulocytes
Name the 3 clinical features seen in McCune-Albright Syndrome
1) Precocious Puberty
2) Bony defects (Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia)
3) Unilateral Cafe-au-lait spots
Describe the clinical features of cafe-au-lait spots seen in McCune-Albright Syndrome
Large unilateral pigmented patches with an irregular "Coast of Maine" border
-often over bony locations
-follow Blaschko's lines
What are the 2 histological features seen in McCune-Albright Syndrome?
1) Increased basal layer melanin
2) Giant melanosomes (macro-melanosomes)
What type of mutation on which chromosome is seen in McCune-Albright Syndrome?
Activating mutations on chromosome 20q13
Upregulation of which protein is seen in McCune-Albright syndrome?
Upregulation of the alpha-subunit of the G protein, which controls cyclic AMP activity (causing stimulation of cAMP)
What mood stabilizing drug should be avoided in Darier's disease?
Darier's disease is an AD disorder caused by a mutation of what gene?
ATP2A2 gene
Darier's disease is an AD disorder caused by a mutation on which chromosome?
Chromosome 12q23-24
Darier's disease causes keratotic plaques in what distribution?
Seborrheic distribution
Hailey-Hailey causes keratotic plaques in what distribution?
-Axilla and groin
Grover's disease causes keratotic plaques in what distribution?
upper chest and back
Darier's disease has what specific nail finding?
V-shaped notches
What 3 histological features are seen in Darier's disease?
1) Acantholysis
2) Dyskeratosis
3) Corps Ronds & Grains
What gene defect causes Hailey-Hailey disease?
Acrodermatitis Enteropathica is caused by an AR defect in which gene?
Intestinal Zinc transport gene, SLC39A4
Acrodermatitis Enteropathica lead to deficiency of what mineral?
Cafe-au-Lait spots are seen in what 2 disorders?
1) McCune-Albright Syndrome
2) NF1
What 5 clinical features are seen in Neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1)?
1) Cafe-au-lait spots (>6)
2) Neurofibromas (>2)
3) "Freckling" in the axilla or groin
4) Lisch Nodules of the Iris
5) Bony defects
What is the most common bony defect seen with NF1?
Sphenoid Wing Dysplasia
What 2 medications are associated with Acanthosis Nigricans?
1) Insulin
2) Statins (HMG Co-A Reductase Inhibitors)
What is the histological feature of Xanthomas?
Lipid-laden foamy histiocytes
What are 2 common sites for Verruciform Xanthomas to occur?
1) Around the Mouth
2) Scrotum
Xanthomas are also seen in what congenital syndrome?
CHILD Syndrome
What does CHILD syndrome stand for?
Congenital Hemidysplasia
Ichthyosiform Erythroderma
Limb Defect
What is the skin lesion you see with Multicentric Reticulohistiocytosis?
Red-brown papules with a cobblestone appearance on face and hands
What is the term for lesions around the nails seen with Multicentric Reticulohistiocytosis?
"Coral Beading"
multiple tiny lumps around the nails
What bony disorder is seen with Multicentric Reticulohistiocytosis?
Arthritis Mutilans in 50%
What are the 2 histological features of Multicentric Reticulohistiocytosis?
1) Abundance of non-foamy histocytes with ground-glass cytoplasm
2) Multinucleated, bizarre looking histiocytes
Multicentric Reticulohistiocytosis is associated with underlying malignancy. T or F?
20-30% of cases
What are 2 other names for Basal cell nevus syndrome?
1) Gorlin Syndrome
2) Bazex Syndrome
What is the gene defect in Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome?
PTCH gene
What 2 systemic manifestations are seen with Gorlin Syndrome?
1) Odontogenic cysts in the jaw
2) Palmoplantar pits
What typical hair finding is seen with Trichothiodystrophy?
Tiger Tail Hair
-under polarizing light
What AR disorder seen in infants leads to hair loss caused by sulfur-deficiency?
What malignancy is associated with DH?
Enteropathy-associated T-cell Lymphoma
What malignancy is associated with chronic infection with H. pylori?
Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT)
-B-cell lymphoma in the gut
What 2 histological findings are seen in Calciphylaxis?
1) Calification and
2) Fibroplasia of small vessels in the dermis and SQ
What is the triad of Calciphylaxis?
1) Vascular calcification
2) Thrombosis
3) Skin Necrosis
What systemic disease is associated with Calciphylaxis?
End-Stage Renal Failure
What is the name for multiple angiokeratomas on the genitals?
Fordyce Spots
What is the name for multiple angiokeratomas on acral skin?
Mibelli angiokeratomas
What X-linked recessive disease is associated with diffuse widespread angiokeratomas?
Fabry's Disease
What is another name for Fabry's disease?
Angiokeratoma Corporis Diffusum
Fabry's is due to deficiency of what enzyme?
alpha-galactosidase A
What is another name for Morbihan's Disease?
Lymphedematous Rosacea
What clinical feature do you see in Morbihan's disease?
Pitting edema of the central face, over time becoming irreversible hard non-pitting edema
Name the 2 forms of Paget's Disease seen in the skin.
1) Paget's disease of the breast
2) Extramammary Paget's disease
What type of carcinoma does Paget's disease of the breast represent?
Intraepidermal extension of underlying intraductal breast carcinoma
What type of carcinoma does extramammary Paget's represent?
May be an extension of an underlying adenocarcinoma but commonly arises de novo
Which 4 stains are positive in Paget's Disease?
1) CEA
2) EMA
3) PAS
4) CAM 5.2 (low-molecular weight cytokeratins)
What stains can help differentiate Paget's from Melanoma and Bowen's disease?
Melanoma: S100+, HMB-45+
Bowen's: CEA-, CK5/6+
Paget's: S100-
Superficial Pemphigus is also known as?
Pemphigus Foliaceous
What are the 3 histological features of PF?
1) Subcorneal blister
2) Eosinophils
3) DIF+ for intracellular IgG, C3
Seborrheic Dermatitis is associated with activation of which complement pathway?
Alternative Complement Pathway
-Malassezia activates lipase which releases FFA which activate complement
What is another name for Morbihan's Disease?
Lymphedematous Rosacea
What clinical feature do you see in Morbihan's disease?
Pitting edema of the central face, over time becoming irreversible hard non-pitting edema
Name the 2 forms of Paget's Disease seen in the skin.
1) Paget's disease of the breast
2) Extramammary Paget's disease
What type of carcinoma does Paget's disease of the breast represent?
Intraepidermal extension of underlying intraductal breast carcinoma
What type of carcinoma does extramammary Paget's represent?
May be an extension of an underlying adenocarcinoma but commonly arises de novo
Which 4 stains are positive in Paget's Disease?
1) CEA
2) EMA
3) PAS
4) CAM 5.2 (low-molecular weight cytokeratins)
What stains can help differentiate Paget's from Melanoma and Bowen's disease?
Melanoma: S100+, HMB-45+
Bowen's: CEA-, CK5/6+
Paget's: S100-
Superficial Pemphigus is also known as?
Pemphigus Foliaceous
What are the 3 histological features of PF?
1) Subcorneal blister
2) Eosinophils
3) DIF+ for intracellular IgG, C3
Seborrheic Dermatitis is associated with activation of which complement pathway?
Alternative Complement Pathway
-Malassezia activates lipase which releases FFA which activate complement
What is another name for Morbihan's Disease?
Lymphedematous Rosacea
What clinical feature do you see in Morbihan's disease?
Pitting edema of the central face, over time becoming irreversible hard non-pitting edema
Name the 2 forms of Paget's Disease seen in the skin.
1) Paget's disease of the breast
2) Extramammary Paget's disease
What type of carcinoma does Paget's disease of the breast represent?
Intraepidermal extension of underlying intraductal breast carcinoma
What type of carcinoma does extramammary Paget's represent?
May be an extension of an underlying adenocarcinoma but commonly arises de novo
Which 4 stains are positive in Paget's Disease?
1) CEA
2) EMA
3) CK7
4) CK20
What stains can help differentiate Paget's from Melanoma and Bowen's disease?
Melanoma: S100+, HMB-45+
Bowen's: CEA-, CK5/6+
Paget's: S100-
Superficial Pemphigus is also known as?
Pemphigus Foliaceous
What are the 3 histological features of PF?
1) Subcorneal blister
2) Eosinophils
3) DIF+ for intracellular IgG, C3
Seborrheic Dermatitis is associated with activation of which complement pathway?
Alternative Complement Pathway
-Malassezia activates lipase which releases FFA which activate complement
Pellagra is cause by deficiency of what?
What are the 3 D's of Pellagra?
1) Diarrhea
2) Dementia
3) Dermatitis (periorficial & around the neck)
What skin disorder is associated with a glucagon-secreting tumor of the pancreas?
Necrolytic Migratory Erythema
What is the earliest skin lesion of Scurvy?
Violaceous perifollicular papules on the shins
What hair findings will you see with Vitamin C deficiency?
Corkscrew hairs
-break easily
What deficiency causes "Toad-like" skin?
Vitamin A deficiency
Phrynoderma is caused by excessive development of what?
Excessive amounts of Keratin in hair follicles
-caused by vitamin A deficiency
Phrynoderma can look similar to what common skin lesion?
Prurigo nodularis
Multiple Hamartoma Syndrome is also known as what?
Cowden's Syndrome
What 3 skin lesions are seen in Cowden's Syndrome?
1) Trichole-MOO-mas (Moo goes the Cow)
2) Palmoplantar keratoderma
3) Cobble-stoning of the oral mucosa
What gene defect is associated with Multiple Hamartoma Syndrome?
-tumor supressor gene
What gene defect is seen in Cowden's syndrome?
Cowden's syndrome is associated with increased susceptibility of what 2 types of cancer?
1) Breast
2) Thyroid
Multiple Tricholemmomas on the face is associated with what cancer syndrome?
Cowden's Syndrome
Acquired Ichthyosis is associated with what infectious pulmonary disease?
Pulmonary TB
What skin lesions are seen in Multiple Myeloma?
Raccoon eyes
-atraumatic ecchymoses in a periorbital and perioral distribution
What AR condition is characterized by diffuse flat-topped warts?
Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis (EDV)
What HPV-type is associated with EDV?
50% of EDV pts have associated malignant change in what area of the skin?
Sun-exposed skin
Where is the split in SSSS?
Intraepidermal split in the granular layer
SSSS is associated with Staph Aureus phage group what?
Phage group 2
-Types 71 & 55
What 2 exotoxins are produced by S. aureus in SSSS?
1) Exfoliatin A (ET-A)
2) Exofoliatin B (ET-B)
What is the antigen attacked in SSSS?
Desmoglein 1
Bacillary Angiomatosis is caused by what bacteria?
Bartonella Henselae
Bacillary Angiomatosis associated with lytic bone lesions is caused by what bacteria?
Bartonella Quintana
Painful red to purple papules on the skin that become systemic affecting the spleen, liver and bone is what disease?
Bacillary Angiomatosis
Sporotrichosis is caused by...
Sporothrix Schenckii
Sporothrix Schenckii is what type of fungus?
Dimorphic fungus, living as a saprophyte on plants
What histological finding can be seen in Sporotrichosis?
Asteroid Bodies
Asteroid bodies are pathomnemonic for what?
A patient with Bowen's disease and punctate yellow papules on the palms and soles is being exposed to what?
Describe arsenical keratosis
Palmoplantar keratosis, look like AK's and associated with Bowen's disease
What does POEMS stand for?
Monoclonal gammopathy
Skin changes
What is the term used to describe whitening of the proximal nail?
Terry's Nails
Terry's Nails are seen with what multisystemic disease?
What is another name for Hobnail Hemagnioma?
Targetoid Hemosiderotic Hemangioma
What are the 2 characteristic clinical findings of a hobnail or targetoid hemosiderotic hemangioma?
Solitary violaceous papule surrounded by a red ring or halo
HHV-8 is known to cause what disease?
Kaposi's Sarcoma
What is another name for Follicular Mucinosis?
Alopecia Mucinosa
The hair loss in follicular mucinosis is caused by what?
Mucin deposition in hair follicles and sebaceous glands.