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110 Cards in this Set

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KeynotesQ: Domineering, materialistic, sexual preoccupation
KeynotesA: Fluoricum Acidum
KeynotesQ: Lascivious thoughts
KeynotesA: Fluoricum Acidum
KeynotesQ: Hurried
KeynotesA: Fluoricum Acidum
KeynotesQ: Extremely warm, worse heat
KeynotesA: Fluoricum Acidum
KeynotesQ: Coryza, copious watery DC
KeynotesA: Fluoricum Acidum
KeynotesQ: Falling of hair, alopecia areata
KeynotesA: Fluoricum Acidum
KeynotesQ: Excessive sexual desire, promiscuity
KeynotesA: Fluoricum Acidum
KeynotesQ: Varicose veins, often painful
KeynotesA: Fluoricum Acidum
KeynotesQ: Distortion or weakness of the nails
KeynotesA: Fluoricum Acidum
KeynotesQ: Feet hot and must be uncovered
KeynotesA: Fluoricum Acidum
KeynotesQ: Migratory arthritis
KaeynotesA: Fluoricum Acidum
KeynotesQ: Cold sensation in the teeth
KeynotesA: Fluoricum Acidum
SankaranEssenceQ: Tremendous effort towards breaking relationship
SankaranEssenceA: Fluoric Acid
FearsThenRemsQ: Suffering
FearsThenRemsA: Fluoricum Acidum
RemsThenFearsQ: Fluoricum Acidum
RemsThenFearsA: Suffering
DelusionsQ: Betrothal must be broken
DelusionsA: Fluoric Acid
DelusionsQ: Must dissolve marriage
DelusionsA: Fluoric Acid
DelusionsQ: Thinks he must drive children out of his house
DelusionsA: Fluoric Acid
DelusionsQ: Must get rid of servants
DelusionsA: Fluoric Acid
DelusionsQ: Repulsive fantastic imagination
DelusionsA: Fluoric Acid (2)
FoodCravingsQ: Fluoric Acid
FoodCravingsA: Fresh, Alcohol(3), Spices(3), Sour (FASS) (Scholten, H&tE, pg. 86)
FoodAversionsQ: Fluoric Acid
FoodAversionsA: Sour (Scholten, H&tE, pg. 86)
TemperatureQ: Fluoric acid
TemperatureA: Very warm
ComplementsQ: Fluoric Acid
ComplementsA: Silica
KeynotesQ: Nausea of pregnancy, <AM, w/excess salivation
KeynotesA: Lactic Acid
KeyWordQ: Diabetes and rheumatic pain
KeyWordA: Lacticum acidum
FoodCravingsQ: Lactic Acid
FoodCravingsA: Milk, Porridge, Sour, Buttermilk, Sweet (Scholten, H&tE, pg. 82)
FoodAversionsQ: Lactic Acid
FoodAversionsA: Sour, Sweet (Scholten, H&tE, pg. 82)
EssencesQ: Muriatic Acid
EssencesA: Physical over-activity or fever followed by collapse
SankaranEssenceQ: Has to constantly nurture others, gets exhausted
SankaranEssenceA: Muriatic Acid
SankaranEssenceQ: Muriatic Acid
SankaranEssenceA: Has to constantly nurture others, gets exhausted
FearsThenRemsQ: Alone, Water, Danger, Failure, Death of Family, Accidents
FearsThenRemsA: Muriatic Acid (Scholten, H&tE, pg. 91)
RemsThenFearsQ: Muriatic Acid
RemsThenFearsA: Alone, Water, Danger, Failure, Death of Family, Accidents (Scholten, H&tE, pg. 91)
FoodCravingsQ: Muriatic Acid
FoodCravingsA: Salt, Fish, Sour, Starch (Scholten, H&tE, pg. 91)
FoodAversionsQ: Muriatic Acid
FoodAversionsA: Sour, Sauerkraut, Citrus fruit, Meat (Scholten, H&tE, pg. 91)
KeynotesQ: Anxiety about health (Sulph, Phos)
KeynotesA: Nitric Acid
KeynotesQ: Fear cancer and death
KeynotesA: Nitric Acid
KeynotesQ: Irritable and peevish, worse AM
KeynotesA: Nitric Acid
KeynotesQ: Holds grudges and unmoved by apology
KeynotesA: Nitric Acid
KeynotesQ: Hard person and suffering etched on face
KeynotesA: Nitric Acid
KeynotesQ: Nihilism, Pessimism, depression
KeynotesA: Nitric Acid
KeynotesQ: Cursing
KeynotesA: Nitric Acid
KeynotesQ: Stitching or splinter like pains
KeynotesA: Nitric Acid
KeynotesQ: Eruptions, herpes, warts around corners of mouth
KeynotesA: Nitric Acid
KeynotesQ: Crave fat and salt
KeynotesA: Nitric Acid
KeynotesQ: Hemorrhoids with great pain after stool for hours
KeynotesA: Nitric Acid
KeynotesQ: Rectal warts
KeynotesA: Nitric Acid
KeynotesQ: Genital warts (Nat Sulph, Thuj, Sep)
KeynotesA: Nitric Acid
KeynotesQ: Foul smelling urine like horse
KeynotesA: Nitric Acid
KeynotesQ: Cracks at bends of joints, cracks on fingers
KeynotesA: Nitric Acid
KeynotesQ: Warts (Thuja)
KeynotesA: Nitric Acid
EssencesQ: Nitric acid
EssencesA: Negativity and pessimism
EssencesQ: Constant effort to ward off & fight danger
EssencesA: Nitric Acid
SankaranEssenceQ: Constant effort to ward off and fight danger
SankaranEssenceA: Nitric Acid
SankaranEssenceQ: Nitric Acid
SankaranEssenceA: Constant effort to ward off and fight danger
FearsThenRemsQ: CANCER, DEATH, Aids, Poverty, Antidoting remedy
FearsThenRemsA: Nitric Acid
RemsThenFearsQ: Nitric Acid
RemsThenFearsA: CANCER, DEATH, Aids, Poverty, Antidoting remedy
DelusionsQ: Elevated in air
DelusionsA: Nitric Acid
DelusionsQ: Increasing and decreasing images
DelusionsA: Nitric Acid
DelusionsQ: Disappearing and reappearing images
DelusionsA: Nitric acid
DelusionsQ: Running images
DelusionsA: Nitric Acid
DelusionsQ: Engaged in a law suit
DelusionsA: Nitric Acid (2)
DelusionsQ: Talking irrationally
DelusionsA: Nitric acid
DelusionsQ: Surrounded by strangers
DelusionsA: Pulsatilla (3), Nitric acid
DelusionsQ: Sees specters during chill
DelusionsA: Nitric Acid
SidednessQ: Nitric Acid
SidednessA: Left (Scholten: HaM, pg. 152)
FoodCravingsQ: Nitric Acid
FoodCravingsA: FAT (#1), SALTY, Herring, Cheese, Bread, Inedibles
FoodAversionsQ: Nitric Acid
FoodAversionsA: Eggs, Bread, Cheese
TemperatureQ: NITRIC ACID
TemperatureA: Very Chilly
ComplementsQ: Nitric Acid
ComplementsA: Arsenicum, Lachesis, Calcarea Carb
ImportantRubricsQ: Warts on the face
ImportantRubricsA: Caust, Nitr Acid
ImportantRubricsQ: Anxiety about health
ImportantRubricsA: Phos, Kali Ars, Nitric Acid (PKN)
KeynotesQ: Symptoms worse thinking about them
KeynotesA: Oxalic Acidum
KeynotesQ: Pain in spots
KeynotesA: Oxalic Acidum
KeynotesQ: Angina pains, sharp and stitching
KeynotesA: Oxalic Acidum
KeynotesQ: Numbness of arm with cardiac disease
KeynotesA: Oxalic Acidum
EssencesQ: Grief or loss of fluids followed by collapse
EssencesA: Phosphoric Acid
EssencesQ: Phosphoric Acid
EssencesA: Grief or loss of fluids followed by collapse
SankaranEssenceQ: Must constantly care for others to be loved/accepted
SankaranEssenceA: Phosphoric Acid
SankaranEssenceQ: Phosphoric Acid
SankaranEssenceA: Must constantly care for others to be loved/accepted
DelusionsQ: Hears clock strike
DelusionsA: Phosphoric Acid
DelusionsQ: Hearing objects moving
DelusionsA: Phosphoric Acid
DelusionsQ: She must look out under her forehead
DelusionsA: Phosphoric Acid
DelusionsQ: Standing on head with bed tilted
DelusionsA: Phosphoric Acid (2)
SidednessQ: Phosphoric Acid
SidednessA: Right (Scholten: HaM, pg. 131)
FoodCravingsQ: Phosphoric Acid
FoodAversionsQ: Phosphoric Acid
FoodAversionsA: Salt, Fish, Sour (Scholten, HaM, pg. 131)
TimeAggQ: Phosphoric Acid
TimeAggA: < 9 pm (Scholten, HaM, pg. 131)
EssencesQ: Picric Acid
EssencesA: Mental over-activity followed by collapse
DelusionsQ: Reach the clouds when going to sleep
DelusionsA: Picric Acid
DelusionsQ: Faces reaching the clouds when going to sleep
DelusionsA: Picric Acid
DelusionsQ: Tongue reaches clouds on falling asleep
DelusionsA: Picric Acid
KeynotesQ: Hurriedness
KeynotesA: Sulphuricum Acidum
KeynotesQ: Worse fumes and car exhaust
KeynotesA: Sulphuricum Acidum
KeynotesQ: Tendency to bruising
KeynotesA: Sulphuricum Acidum
KeynotesQ: Painful aphthae
KeynotesA: Sulphuricum Acidum
KeynotesQ: Desire brandy
KeynotesA: Sulphuricum Acidum
KeynotesQ: Averse to water without liquor
KeynotesA: Sulphuricum Acidum
KeynotesQ: Bruising and echymoses, follows arnica in acutes
KeynotesA: Sulphuricum Acidum
EssencesQ: Sulphuric Acidum
EssencesA: Hurriedness, activity followed by collapse
EssencesQ: Sulphuric Acidum
EssencesA: Hurriedness, activity followed by collapse
SankaranEssenceQ: Constant need to make effort that leads to exhaustion
SankaranEssenceA: Sulphuric Acid
SankaranEssenceQ: Sulphuric Acid
SankaranEssenceA: Constant need to make effort that leads to exhaustion
FoodAversionsQ: Sulphuric Acid
FoodAversionsA: WATER unless alcohol added to it
FoodCravingsQ: Sulphuric Acid
FoodCravingsA: Alcohol, esp brandy
TimeAggQ: Sulphuric Acid
TimeAggA: < 5am and 9 pm (Scholten, HaM, pg 127)
ComplementsQ: Sulphuric Acid
ComplementsA: Pulsatilla, Arnica montana
ImportantRubricsQ: Worse smoke
ImportantRubricsA: Spig (#1), Sulph Acid, Nat Ars
ImportantRubricsQ: Hurried
ImportantRubricsA: Tarent (#1), Sulph Acid (#2)
ImportantRubricsQ: Allergic to everything
ImportantRubricsA: Blatta, Ars, Dulc, Nux, Kali I, Lach, Sulph Ac, Tub