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32 Cards in this Set

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Columbus lands in America
1492: Europe begins to colonize the Americas
Jamestown founded
1607: First permanent English settlement in the Americas
Mayflower Compact
1620: Helps establish idea of self-government and majority rule
King Philip's War
1675-1676: War between New England colonists and Native Americans allows settlers to expand further into Indian lands
Bacon's Rebellion
1676: Earliest rebellion of colonists against English colonial control
French and Indian War
1754-1763: British defeat the French and gain control of most of the northern and eastern parts of North America
First Continental Congress
1774: First colonial effort to act together to protest English policies; precedent for the first American government
Battles at Lexington and Concord
1775: First battles of the American Revolution
Declaration of Rights signed
1776: Colonists break away from England
Articles of Confederation ratified
1781: Becomes the first American government
Treaty of Paris signed
1783: Ends American Revolution
Shays's Rebellion
1786-1787: Makes politicians realize that they need a stronger national government
Constitution ratified
1788: Becomes blueprint for American government
Cotton gin invented
1793: Makes producing cotton much cheaper
Whiskey Rebellion
1794: National government proves that it has the power to enforce the laws
Louisiana Purchase
1803: More than doubles the size of the country
Lewis and Clark Expedition
1804: Expedition explores America's new territories
War of 1812
1812-1815: America proves it can defend itself
Missouri Compromise
1820: Preserves balance between free and slave states
Monroe Doctrine
1823: States that Europe should stay out of the Americas
Tariff of Abominations
1828: Leads Sountherners to create the doctrine of nullification, an extreme states' rights position
Nat Turner's Rebellion
1831: Causes Southern states to pass stricter slave laws
Texas Independence
1836: Texas revolts from Mexico
Trail of Tears
1838: Cerokees forced to move to the West
War with Mexico
1846-1848: America acquires much of the Southwest
California Gold Rush
1849: Many Americans settle the west coast
Dred Scott Decision
1857: Increases tension between North and South
Lincoln becomes president
1860: Causes southern states to secede
Shots fired at Fort Sumter
1861: Beginning of the Civil War
Emancipation Proclamation
1863: Freed the slaves in Confederate states
Lee surrenders at Appomattox Court House
1865: Ends the Civil War
Reconstruction ends
1877: White Southerners regain control of their stat governments