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35 Cards in this Set

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restriction enzymes run on gel reported one germ line. again w/ restriction enzymes run agin, but different band w/ sounterh blot. why?
because sequence had changed
chat are the multigene families of light chain?
V (variable) J (joining) and C (constant)
what's the address label?
the L segment, and exxon that is the "leader" that takes sequence to ER, docks and that way it's transcribe into the ER lumen.
how does a peptide "choose its own ending"?
multiple possibilities available for gene segments.
ie. b cell maturing can choose j2,c3 & c1 for example. random choices.
what choices do humans have with V,J and C's?
humans have 31 V's, 4J's and 7C's.

4 lambda constant regions b/c 4 lambda subunits
"fake out"?
a pseudogene. these are nonfunctional. if 5 seen on pre chosen gene, 1 pseudogene, than only 4 would be functional
order of joining?
yes. V and J join. then C.
heavy chain has what extra segment?
has a D for Diversity
this adds another level of complexity.
D helps with complementary loop.
B cells early on only make IgM and later make IgE or IgA. you can only go in this order. what is the order?
"class switching"
when b cell chooses a class. epitope ever changes.
primary transcript has what 2 options?
M or D (mu or delta)
differential processing
done on primary transcript. choosing the heavy chain, M or D
what are the light chain parts?
Kappa and lambda
k A
germ line DNA before rearrangement looks like this
what keeps germ line DNA?
the hematopoietic stem cell divides, and 1 stays the same
what happens to the other cell, that is what is it's order of rearrangment (heavy chain)?
it's DJ first recombo's, then V. this is complete heavy chain rearrangement.
after made, tested, right? name this cell
yes. heavy chain is exposed on membrane with surrogate light chains. this is a "pre B cell"
tries out kappa, 2nd kappa, lambda, until a fit found. mIgM membrane bound
if passes heavy chain test, and light chain "fitted", another test?
yes, to test that it doesn't recognize self-antigens.
then a change in RNA processessing occurs and only IgM and IgD can go to blood
if as IgM/D encounters Ag, now in "set" stage, waiting for ____ cell.
once it interacts with this cell, it undergoes ____________.
now B cell referred to as a ____ cell.


plasma. also get memory B cells here
at this stage we see IgM/D going to IgG, IgA, and IgE, this is called
"class switching"

will get secreted forms now
multigene family?
there's lambda multigene family, kappa multigene family, and heavy chain multigene family. these are not funtional until "chosen"
where does the recombining and "choosing" take place?
in the bone marrow
with lambda, how does the multigene "choosing" take place?
V & J are chosen and the silerncers are eliminated and promotors promotoed to enhance function of gene. 70kb (70K) bp's removed and only after rearrangement can promotors/enhancers interact
with kappa, how does multigene "choosing" take place?
V & J first. there's only 1 C isotype. all come together and now promotor and enhancer close together. 1' transcript ->splicing -->mRNA.
after kappa is mRNA, what occurs?
then poly A tail added. ribosome recognizes 5' cap and goes through ER leader cleaved off and left membrane bound or secreted. funcitonal kappa folds into domains to get heavy chain
with heavy chain, how's "choosing" occur?
basically the same, slightly more complex. D and J combo first. double recombination event, DJ chooses V. promotor/enhancer together now -->transcription. terminator after all but M&D. if M cut, D used
recombination signal sequence. these are "flanked" on the ends of the V, D and J segments.
what're the 2 nuclotide sequences of RSSs?
2 - turn
has heptamer than 23bp and a nonamer

1 turn
has nonamer 12bp and a heptamer
what segment has 2 RSSs?
anything significant w/ RSSs?
yes. it's basically a palendrome separated by many bp's, later to be hooked up, look at page 113
why called 1 turn and 2 turn?
b/c 1 turn is 12 bp's and basically 10 bp's per turn of DNA, so
2 turn is 2 turns of DNA about 23 bp's.
what's the
a, b, c, d, e, of mechanisms or rearrangment?
a. recombining RSS
b.alpha chain V to J
c. beta chain K to J
d. heavy chain DNA V-D-J
e. Rag 1 & Rag 2 genes and enzymes (recombo activating gene)
what do rags recognize?
rag's recognize the RSSs.
they have affinity to other rags and to RSSs.
Rag's remove RSSs and combine cut & join V's and J's.
what's the
f, g, h, i, j, k, of mechanisms or rearrangement?
f. Rag 1 see's RSS and binds
g. Rag 2 see's other RSS and binds.
h. B - recombinases collectively VDJ recombinase
i Rag I j. Rag 2 k. terminal deoxynuclotidyl transferase (TdT)
TdT, what's its role?
TdT - terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase. after cut, and rag'd, comes and randomly adds DNA sequences between D and J. this makes many CDR (loop) diversity. all random, better Ag binding diversity