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37 Cards in this Set

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Relationship testing refers to the testing of ____________________ that are inherited to determine the presence or absence of a biological relationship

genetic markers

The _________ complex represents the most polymorphic genetic system in the human genome


Only antigens expressed by the ___ or ____ loci are considered for relationship testing with non-DNA based typing

A or B

_________ refers to polymorphisms of the DNA that can be detected by restriction enzymes; relate to the presence of ________.


STRs have repeats that are _________ bp long


STR present on the ____ chromosome can verify only male lineage


______________ can only verify maternal lineage

mitochondrial DNA

The term ________ is used when the bands between the child and the AF do not match


a minumum of ____ mismatches is required before an opinion of nonpaternity is rendered


A _____________________ occurs when a marker is detected in the child and is absent in the mother and the AF or when the AF's phenotype demonstrates two markers and the child has neither of them

direct exclusion

An ___________________ occurs when a single marker is detected in the child and a different single marker is detected in the alleged father

indirect exclusion

False indirect exclusions occur secondary to the presence of ________ alleles


In which genetic system is the allele frequency distribution continuous?

DNA polymorphisms by RFLP

A false direct exclusion in RBC antigen genetic systems can be caused by

a lack of precursor substance

Which organization offers an accreditation program for parentage testing labs?


A newborn is typed as Group O. her mother is Group A. Determine the maximum number of theoretical blood types that the father could be to produce a child of this ABO type.

A, B, O

Which offspring scenerio could NOT be the result the marriage shown:

Father: MM/Mother: NN—Child: MN

Father: MN/Mother: NN—Child: NN

Father: MN/Mother: MM—Child: NN

Father: NN/Mother: NN—Child: NN

Father: MN/Mother: MM—Child: NN

Which of the following is astructure located within the cell nucleus that carries genes in a linear orderas a part of the DNA molecule?


The inclusionarycalculations are deemed invalid if which of the following possible subjects isto be ruled out as the alleged father of the child?
Apparent oppositehomozygosity is also known as
direct exclusion.
CODIS stands for
Combined Offender DNA IndexSystem
What test systems are usedin the ascertainment of paternity
RBC, HLA, enzymes, serumproteins
How is DNA testingadvantageous to paternity cases
It provides visual insight into genetically inherited differences among individuals.
What technology is used todemonstrate the presence of allelic variants of red blood cell enzymes andserum proteins
Which of the following AABBstandards must be met in paternity testing
DNA testing usingdouble-locus probes
Given the gene frequenciesof MS and NS, what is the genotype frequency (MS/NS), assuming the genotypecould occur in two different ways: MS: 0.2578 or NS: 0.0628


What component of theHardy-Weinberg equation (p2 + 2pq + q2) signifiesheterozygotes


A child was found toexpress the M+N+ phenotype. The mother's phenotype was M+N-, as was thefather's. What type of exclusion is evident in this case?


How is HLA serologictesting performedwas
B lymphocytes are harvestedand introduced to a panel of test sera specific for antigens of the HLA system.
In paternity testing, whichof the following systems is the first to be tested against samples drawn fromthe mother, alleged father, and child?


How many chromosomes doesthe developing child normally carry


Samples for paternitytesting have arrived at Forensic Laboratories, Inc. What documentation shouldthe shipping container contain?

Department code

In HLA serologic testing, howare cytotoxic effects of antigen-antibody interactions detected?
The cells remain clear.
What is the statisticalbasis of the Hardy-Weinberg principle?
Selection of mates is independentof blood types and therefore is random.
What is the basic unit ofinheritance that determines the production or nonproduction of specific markers


What is the majorconstituent of chromosomes


Calculate the relativegenotype frequency of MS/Ns, given that the genotype frequencies of MS/Ns andMS/Nu are 0.1999 and 0.0002, respectively. Gene frequency: MS, 0.2578; Ns,0.3877; Nu, 0.0004.
