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41 Cards in this Set

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Study of genetic basis of immunity

Immune Response and Immunity

Such response = immune response

Protection provided = immunity

Such response = immune response

Protection provided = immunity

Body defense mechanisms

Innate immunity

Anatomical barriers - Skin & mucous membranes, Acidity of stomach
Washing affect of Tears, Saliva, mucous secretion entraps foreign microorganisms (Lysozymes destroy bacterial cell wall)
Cilia propels mucous entraped microorganisms.

Innate immunity - after enter the body

Phagocytose - kill, and digest whole organisms.

- Blood monocytes,
- Neutrophils and
- Tissue macrophages

Phagocytosis diagram

1. Pathogens entering the wound.
2. Blood clotting
3. White blood cells enter the injured space
4. phagocytosis

1. Pathogens entering the wound.
2. Blood clotting
3. White blood cells enter the injured space
4. phagocytosis

Phagocytic Cells

Monocytes, neutrophils (white blood cells) and tissue macrophages (monocytes differentiate into macrophages)

- Internalization of whole micoorganism and formation of phagosomes.
- Fusion of phagosomes with lysosome
- Digestion of microorganism by lysosomal enzymes

Phagocytosis process

difference between pathogens and antigens

A pathogen is any organism capable of producing disease.

An antigen refers to the protein on the surface of a cell (bacterium, fungus or virus) that our bodies recognize as a foreign substance and triggers the immune system into producing antibodies specific to that antigen. This means that if in the future the same antigen is again introduced, our immune system will recognize, remember and produce the right antibodies to "deal" with the intruders.

Pathogens have antigens on their surface.

How do lysosomes destroy microbes?

Lymphocytes (specialized white blood cells)

originate in the bone marrow stem cells - migrate to Thymus and become T lymphocytes (T cells)
some remained in Bone marrow and become B lymphocytes
- mature into plasma cells
- Produce large quantities of antibody

Lymphocyte classes

Lymphocytes show specificity

T and B lymphocytes recognize and respond to particular microbes and foreign molecules - specificity


A foreign molecule that elicits a specific response by lymphocytes is called an immunogen


A foreign molecule that binds specifically to an antibody, a B cell or a T cell receptor.

Cell mediated inmmunity

Development of various T cells after stimulation of antigen
- cytotoxic T cells, secrete toxic substances, responsible for the death of virus-infected and foreign cells.
- helper T cells, secrete growth factors (cytokines), help the action of B cells and other T cells

- T cells giving rise to lymphokines, soluble factors, enhance destructive action of other white cells e.g. macrophages

Humoral Immunity

B-lymphocytes produce Immunoglobulin (=antibodies).
- mature to plasma cell
- produce antibodies
- triggered by the presence of antigen
Antigens may be infinite
- viruses,bacteria,foreign molecules of any kind, blood cells from other animals

foreign substance initiates

- antibody produced against it is directed against specific structure on the surface of the cell or particle (surface antigen)

when the animal is attacked by the same antigen

- antibody binds with the antigen
- forms antigen-antibody complex

result :
a) agglutination (clumps of inactivated cells)
b) precipitation (clumping of soluble antigen)
c) cell death (series of reactions leading to cell lysis)

The protection arising from the production of antibodies is called humoral immunity.


attach to surface of B-cells or in blood plasma called immunoglobulins (IG)

A basic antibody molecule consists of
- 4 chains of AA: 2 identical light (L) chains and 2 identical heavy (H) chains

Each chain consists of a variable (V) region and a constant (C) region

Variable region differs from one antibody to the next.

Antibodies diagram

Antibodies properties

Being polypeptides – antibodies are the products of genes.

L- and H- chains – produced from different clusters of genes

Each different antibody – produced by a different clone of B lymphocytes

Binding of antigens to antibodies triggers immune respone

Blood transfusion

animals do not normally carry antibodies to red-blood-cell antigens (Red-cell antigens), unless they have been specifically challenged with appropriate foreign red blood cells.
Because of this – it is often assumed that blood transfusions in animals can be conducted safely with any available blood – and there is normally no need for blood typing before transfusion.

Blood transfusion cross-match

If untyped donors must be used – a simple cross-match should be conducted

If untyped donors must be used – a simple cross-match should be conducted

Transplant rejection

Organ and tissue transplants and skin grafts
- usually rejected by the recipient.
Chance of rejection considerably reduced if the donor is a close relative of the recipient.
Obvious that there is genetic basis to transplant rejection.

Rejection is the result of an immune response determined by naturally occurring cell-surface antigens


A haplotype is a collection of specific alleles (particular DNA sequences) in a cluster of tightly-linked genes on a chromosome that are likely to be inherited together

What is MHC

group of genes that code for proteins found on the surfaces of cells that help the immune system recognize foreign substances

Both classes – surface antigens

What does HTC do?

Ok, so when there is a pathogen (foreign particle) in your body, the first cells to act are the phagocytic cells (macrophages, neutrpphils...). They engulf the pathogen and partially digest it, then present part of the pathogen on the surface of their cell with the MHCII complex. Another cell, the helper T cell, can now recognize the presentation to activate the cytotoxic T cells. The cytotoxic T cells then destroy any other remaining pathogens. Another way for a pathogen to be recognized is by the B cells, which have antibodies on their surface to recognize the pathogen, then they take the pathogen in and digest it, and present a portion of the antigen on their MHCII complex for the helper T cells to recognize. The helper T cell can then stimulate the B cell to make an increased amount of antibodies to kill the remaining pathogen. All nucleated cells in the body have a MHCI complex on their surface. This is how the body can recognize 'self' from 'nonself' cells. Another cell called the natural killer cell will destroy any cell that has a missing or abnormal MHCI complex

Major Histocompatibility Complex

Many loci whose gene products play a role in compatibility between tissues (histocompatibility).

One group of tightly-linked loci play much more important role than others
Because of its major role – these loci are major histocompatibility complex (MHC)

MHC in mammals
- includes many genes
- 3 regions

MHC Diagram

Class I region

MHC Class I

Contains many genes, each of which codes for a polypeptide which combines with another polypeptide β2-microglobulin (Transport to cell surface)

Class I histoglobulin

expressed on almost all nucleated cells

Tells immune cells that its not a foreign body (self cells)

MHC Class I diagram

MHC Class I Pathway

Class II region

MHC Class II

Contains genes that encode 2 types of polypeptide (α and β chains) which unite to form a class II histoglobulin

limited distribution – mainly on lymphocytes, macrophages, and dendritic cells

MHC Class II diagram

MHC Class I Pathway

class I and class II MHC Pathways

Class III region

contains a mixture of genes having a wide range of functions only some of which involve in immune response

Determining phenotype and genotype at the MHC

To determine the role of MHC in immunity to disease
Need to
-identify the types of histoglobulin present in the individual
-determine the potential difference of histoglobulins between donor and recipient

Determining phenotype and genotype at MHC Methods

1. Tissue typing
- use of sera containing polyclonal antibodies which distinguish between histoglobulins
- it identifies the phenotype (tissue type) of corresponding allele

2. Molecular technology
- genotypes can be determined directly (nucleotide sequence)
- almost all different alleles – occurs on exons 2 and 3 in Class I MHC
- Exon 2 in Class II MHC
- identification by RFLP (restrication fragment length polymorphism)

MHC polymorphism

Many alleles at most loci

The chance of choosing any two individuals having the same set of MHC alleles – exceedingly small
This is the reason for difficulty to find suitable donor for tissue transplant
crossing-over of MHC genes – very rare due to closeness of their locations