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23 Cards in this Set

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1. bacteria

2. viruses

3. parasites

4. prions

Bacteria Characteristics

1. prokaryotes (no nucleus)

2. single-celled

3. can damage tissues at open wound sites

4. can release toxins that enter bloodstream

5. diseases and infections

* typhoid fever, strep throat, middle ear infections

Virus Characteristics

1. nucleic acids (DNA and RNA)

2. enclosed in a protein coat

3. unable to reproduce unless in a host cell

4. multiply in the host cell, then destroy the cell to be released and infect other cells

5. some can lie dormant before going through replication- cold, flu, HIV

6. typically enter through respiratory tract or open wound

Parasite Characteristics

1. can be protists, fungi, or multicellular

2. damage a host by using its nutrients to survive

* hookworm, roundworm, plasmodium, blood flukes

Prion Characteristics

1. nonliving

2. infectious proteins

Innate Immunity Characteristics

1. aka (nonspecific immunity)

2. body recognizes general qualities that marks a pathogen as foreign

3. inherited at birth

4. does not require prior exposure

5. response is the same each time exposed

3 Components of Innate Immunity

1. physical barriers

2. chemical mediators

3. white blood cells

Physical Barrier Characteristics

1. initial defense against pathogens


-rigid exoskeleton (arthropods)

-glands = secrete antimicrobes

-mucus = microbes stick in it and get taken to stomach

Chemical Mediator Characteristics

1. lysosome, sebum, mucus - located on surface of cell; kill microorganisms

2. cytokines - proteins secreted by cells that bind to receptors to regulate the intensity/duration of immune response

White Blood Cell Characteristics

1. most important cellular component of immune system

-produced in red bone marrow and lymphatic tissue and released into blood

-move into tissues from blood where they are needed

-phagocytes: engulf and destroy microbes

Types of White Blood Cells

1. neutrophils

2. monocyte

3. macrophage

4. basophil

5. eosinophil

6. mast cells

7. natural killer cell

8. dendritic cell

Neutrophil Characteristics

1. 1st to leave the blood and enter infected tissues

2. pus - accumulation of dead neutrophils, dead microorganisms, debris from dead tissue, and fluid

Monocyte Characteristics
1. enters tissues to become a macrophage
Macrophage Characteristics

1. most effective phagocyte

2. engulf viruses and bacteria

3. phagocytic activity in the late stages of an infection

4. involved in activation of B and T cells

Basophil Characteristics
1. secretes heparin (anticlotting factor) that helps circulation flush an infected site
Eosinophil Characteristics
1. enter tissues and releases chemicals that inhibit inflammation
Mast Cell Characteristics

1. non-motile cell in connective tissues

2. releases histamine, which promotes inflammation

Natural Killer Cell Characteristics
1. lyses tumor and virus-infected cells
Dendritic Cell Characteristics

1. processes antigen

2. activation of B and T cells

Inflammatory Response

1. pathogen damages tissue

2. mast cells release histamine (increases permeability of capillaries to WBC)

3. capillaries dilate resulting in swelling, redness, and heat

4. phagocytes leave blood and enter tissue

5. phagocytes engulf pathogen

6. lysosomes break down the pathogen into smaller molecules

Acquired Immunity

1. aka (specific immunity)

2. the body's response is specific to a particular antigen

* antigen- a foreign molecule that enters the body from a parasite

* lymphocytes- (aka NK cells- also seen in innate immunity) respond to the antigen

Lymphocyte Characteristics

1. they circulate in blood

2. most are in organs/tissues of the lymphatic system

3. different types of lymphocytes

* B Cells

B Cell Characteristics

1. produce antibodies (proteins) that will attach directly to a specific antigen

2. also are memory cells that remember the antigen if there are any further invasions

3. in bone marrow