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39 Cards in this Set

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1st leukocyte to respond to tissue damage, ingest/destroy antigens, esp bacteria. >amts with bacterial infx, inflammation and necrosis
immature neutrohpil
shift to the left
increased bands indicate infection
neutralize histamine, increase in allergic reaction and with parasitic worms
secrete histamine, serotonin, and heparin during inflammation.
Mast cells
basophils in the tissue
types of granulocytes
neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils
types of agranulocytes
large phagocytic agranulocytes called marcrophages. Engulf bacteria
B Lymphocytes
noncirculating short lived cells responsible for humoral response. 1st responders to viral infx, some become memory cells to recognize antigens
T lymphocytes
responsible for cellular immunity. Interace with specific antigens on cell surface and attack invading micro-orgs. Mobilize or stop other cells in immune system
Helper (CD4+) T cells
recognize antigens and present to B cells or macrophages. Secrete lymphokines to stimulate B cells to make antibodies
Suppressor T Cells
inhibe helper T cells and B cells. keeps immune system in check
Cytotoxic T Cells
phagocytize target cells, make cells more vulnerable to chemical attack via production of lymphokines
Natural killer cells
large granular lymphocytes can directly destroy tumor cells, not antigen specific
Humoral response
macrophages capture antigesn and present to B cells and some helper T cells triggering an immune response.
cell-mediated response
macrophages present antigen to helper T cells. T cells secrete substance that stimulate growth of more T cells.
cytotoxic T cells
track down and kill tumor cells, viruses and other pathogens
active immunity
body responds to an antigen with humoral or cell-mediated response. Long-lived & follows exposure to environmental agent or vaccine.
Passive immunity
transfer of immunity from one person to other - woman to fetus. Most maternal antibodie are gone by 6-9 mos. of age
immunodeficient disordersin children - causes
can be inherited, acquired thru infx or illness, or side effect of meds
children with abnormal thymus are
have disrupted T cell formation and are at risk for viral and fungal infx and some CA
acquired cell-mediated immunodeficiency disorder causing wide spectrum of illness
HIV transmission
shared needles, unprotected sex, infected blood, mother to infant across placenta during pregnancy, at delivery or breastfeeding
HIV progression infants vs adults
progresses to AIDS faster in children, untx infants die of AIDS before 2 yrs old. High viral load contributes to progression
viral load
measurement of HIV in the blood
HIV s/s in children
failure to thrive
HIV complications in kids
early opportnistic infx, oral candidas, inc. bacterial infx, lymphoid interstitial pneumonitis - may have hypoxia, clubbing and parotid gland enlargement
kids - mild HIV s/s
nonspefic, lymphadenopthy, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, dermatitis, URI's
kids - mod HIV s/s
signs important if they persist or recur, esp anemia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, diarrhea, fever X 1 mon, herpes simples, oral candidas in kids older then 6 mo
HIV diagnostics - kids
ID HIV + preg women
ELISA not accurate in children less then 18 mos r/t maternal antibodies
viral diagnostic tests can ID HIV by 1 - 6 mos
diagnostic testing for HIV-exposed kids
before 48 hours old
positive result is confirmed by 2nd sample
retest at 1-2 mos then 3-6 mos
Mgm't of HIV babies
IV ZDV to mother in labor
po ZDV for baby 6-12 hr after birth
PCP, pneumocysist carinii pneumonia prophylatic tx
antiretroviral therapy goal
maxilmally supress viral replication aeb undetectable load
Mgm't of HIV kids
antiretrovirals, aggressive tx of infx, proper immunization, nutritional support, sex ed
Type I allergic reaction Immediate, anaphylactic, hypersensitive
IgE attaches to mast cels and basophils, causes cells to burst
Type II allergic reaction
Cytotoxic hypersensitivity
allergen stimulated IgE or IgM to react and mobilize complement to destroy the allergen
Type III allergic reaction
Arthus hypersensitivity, immune complex
immune comples is formed and can destroy tissues
Type IV allergic response
Delayed cell-mediated hypersensitivity
an allergen reacts with T lymphocytes and these lead other cells to produce damage