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21 Cards in this Set

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Media planning process

design of a strategy that quantifies how investments in advertising dollars and time will contribute to achievement of marketing objectives

Levels of strategy formulations

marketing, advertising and media strategies

Marketing strategy

identifying the target market and selecting the appropriate marketing mix

advertising strategy

advertising objectives, budget and media strategies

Media strategy

1. target audience selection

2. objective specification: TARPs, GRPs, ERPs

3. media and buying vehicle selection

4. media buying based on optimisation criteria (maximising reach, effective reach, frequency)

Media strategy: selecting target audience

buyer behaviour



values and lifestyle

Media strategy: specifying media objectives

reach, frequency and weight

specifying media objectives: reach

percentage of target audience that is exposed, at least once during a specific time frame, to the vehicles in which the advertising message is inserted - opportunity to see (OTS)

specifying media objectives: determinants of reach

use multiple media rather than single medium

number and diversity of media vehicles used

increased by diversifying day/night time slots used to advertise a brand

specifying media objectives: frequency

the number of times, on average, during the planning period of four weeks that members of the target audience will be exposed to media vehicles that carry a brand's advertising message

specifying media objectives: weight

who much is required to accomplish objectives: gross rating points, target audience rating points, effective rating points

weight: gross rating points (GRP)

gross weight that a particular advertising schedule has delivered

GRP = Reach x Frequency

weight: target audience rating points (TARPs)

measure audience of a specific media vehicle at a given point in time and are expressed as a percentage of the potential population (target audience turned in to program)

weight: effective rating points (ERPs)

effective media schedule delivers sufficient but not excessive number of ads to target audience

effective reach: advertising schedule is effective only if it does not reach members of the target audience too few or too many itmes

selecting media categories and vehicles: three exposure hypothesis

minimum number of exposures needed to achieve advertising objectives

selecting media categories and vehicles: efficiency index procedure (alternate to three exposure hypothesis)

select media schedule that generates the most exposure value per GRP

1. estimate exposure utility for each level of vehicle exposure (ots)

2. calculate exposure distribution of various media schedules that are being considered

3. determine the value at each OTS level and then the total value across all OTS levels

4. develop an index of exposure efficiency by diving total value for each schedule by the number of GRPs produced by that schedule

effective reach in practice

fewer than 3 exposures in 4 week schedule is ineffective, more than 10 exposures in this schedule is excessive

selecting media categories and vehicles: continuity

how advertising is allocated during course of advertising campaign

continuous: relatively equal number of ad dollars is invested throughout the campaign

pulsing: advertising is used through schedule but amount varies from period to period

fighting: advertisers varies expenditures throughout campaign and allocates zero expenditure in some months

selecting media categories and vehicles: regency planning

built on three interrelated ideas:

1. consumers first exposure to brand is most powerful

2. advertisings primary role is to influence brand choice and advertising does indeed influence choice for subset of consumers who are in the market for the product category at the time a brand in that category advertises

3. achieving a high level of weekly reach for brand should be goal rather than acquiring heavy frequency

selecting media categories and vehicles: cost considerations

CPM: Cost per thousand is cost of reaching 1000 people (=cost of ad/number of total contacts)

CPM-TM: cost of reaching 1000 members of target audience, excluding those people who fall outside the target market (= cost of ad/number of target market contacts)

cost considerations: CPM limitations

1. measures of cost efficiency not advertising effectiveness

2. lack of comparability across media

3. data can be misused unless vehicles within particular medium are compared on same basis