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85 Cards in this Set

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What is the normal degree for the Axis of the Neck of the Femur with the Axis of the Shaft of the Femur?
120-130 degrees
What is the name for the nice smooth curve over the Oburator Foramen?
Shentons Line
What are the 2 routine hip radiographs?
AP Frog Leg
What is an Intracapsular Femoral Fracture?
Femoral Neck and Head fractures
What is an Extracapsular Femoral Fracture?
Intertrochanteric Fracture
Subtrochanteric Fracture
When do femoral neck fracture most commonly occur?
AFTER a fall
Femoral neck fractures can also be related to __________ instead of a single traumatic event.
Chronic Stress
Stress fractures of the neck of the femur can be subdivided into what?
Fatique fractures and Insufficiency Fractures
What is a Femoral neck fracture that results from an increased or abnormal stress placed on normal bone?
Fatigue Fractures (stress fractures)
What is Femoral neck fracture that results from normal stress placed on a diseased bone, such as osteoporotic bone?
Insufficiency Fractures (pathologic fractures)
What is the main concern with a femoral neck fracture?
Osteonecrosis of Femoral Head
What percent of people die from a femoral neck fracture?
15-34% (age dependent)
What percent of Femoral Neck fractures result in osteonecrosis of the femoral head?
What type of femoral fracture occurs as a result of a fall- from direct or indirect forces?
Intertrochanteric Fractures
Where on the femur do Intertrochanteric Fx occur?
occurs along lines between theGreater and Lesser Trochanter
Which heals better, Intracapsular or Extracapsular femoral fractures?
Extracapsular because has an excellent blood supply
What is the MAIN underlying bone disease that would prequel a Pathologic fracture of the Hip?
What is the most common bone tumor that could lead to pathologic fractures of the hip?
Metastatic disease
What are the 4 most common types of Metastatic Carcinoma?
Lytic cancer tends to have _______density and Blastic cancer tends to have ________ density.
Lytic- low density
Blastic- high density
When would a hip joint replacement be performed?
with Advanced Degenerative Disease
What is replaced with a hip joint replacement?
Acetabulum and head
What accounts for 90% of all hip dislocations?
Posterior dislocations
What occurs when the knee and hip are flexed and a force is applied at the knee?
Posterior dislocation
What occurs when a direct blow to the posterior aspect of the hip, or from a force applied to an abducted leg that levers the hip anteriorly out of the acetabulum?
Anterior Dislocation
What occurs when a direct impact to the lateral aspect of the hip forces the hip centrally through the acetabulum into the pelvis?
Central Dislocation- actually a fracture-dislocation
What type of dislocation is seen on the xray with the femoral head in the obturator foramen?
Anterior Hip Dislocation- leg is stuck in abduction
What type of hip dislocation is the leg stuck in abduction?
Anterior Dislocation
What is the test for Development Dysplasia of the hip?
Ortoloni Maneuver
What is a positive result of the Ortoloni maneuver? What is this indicative of?
"clunk" is heard when the hip reduces into the acetabulum during abduction. Clunk indicates Development Dysplasia of the hip
What percent of newborns are born with Development Dysplasia of the hip?
0.1-0.2% of all newborns
What are 3 predisposing factors to Development Dysplasia of the hip?
Female 80%
Family History
Breech or other abnormal pos.
What are 3 things to look for with a possible Development Dysplasia of the hip?
1. Shentons Line
2. Small Epiphysis
3. Increased Acetabular Index
What is the normal acetabular index for a newborn?
less than 30 degrees
What is the normal acetabular index for a 2 year old?
less than 20 degrees
What is another name for Development Dysplasia of the Hip?
Congenital Hip Dislocation
What are 2 routine femur views?
Femur fractures are usually _______ and are treated with intermedullary rods.
Transverse fx
What are 2 possible complications with a femur fx?
Severe Hemorrhage
Pulmonary Embolism-fat embolism
What are the 4 routine knee views?
Patella View
Should you be concerned is you have a flabella behind the knee?
no, it's normal
What is a sesmoid bone that serves as a fulcrum between the tendons?
What is an area of high density that is seen with bursitis, trauma or bleeding?
What does fat in the knee joint indicate?
Has to be a fracture
In a lateral view, describe the fat-fluid level.
Fat rises above the fluid
Where do you find Bipartite Patella?
ALWAYS in upper outer quadrant- it's an ossification center that is pretty common
What are cortical avulsions of the proximal lateral tibia plateau?
Segond Fx
What is usually seen in ski patients and is a little, flat lateral fx at the proximal tibia?
Segond fx
What is another name for Segond Fractures?
Flake fx
Segond fractures ALWAYS indictate injury to _____________.
Why does the ACL look bright on a MRI, aren't ligaments usually black?
bright because it has fat thru out
What is responsible for connecting one meniscus to another?
Transverse Ligament
Which meniscus is largest, medial or lateral?
What ligament of the knee has a hook shape and should have continuity?
Posterior Cruciate Lig- very strong and hard to tear
When looking at a Sagittal MRI of the knee joint, what ligament runs towards the front of the knee and appears to fan out?
What image is best to view the PCL?
Sagittal Middle Images
How do you know that the sagittal image is a medial cut?
can see the "bowtie"
Which meniscus is larger, anterior or posterior?
Posterior meniscus LARGER
What is the only image you can use to diagnose an injury to the meniscus?
Sagittal Image- bc only one you can see entire ligament
What are 2 routine views for the Lower Leg?
With a fractured distal tibia, what else should be observed?
always look at proximal fibula because it will likely be fx too
What is a Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome?
shin splints
What are 3 routine Ankle views?
With lateral inversion, twisted ankle, what should be observed?
base of 5th metacarpal for fx
What is the name of the joint between the Talus and the Navicular bones?
Transverse Tarsal joint
With an AP ankle view what is a curvey line between the tibia and foot?
Ankle Mortus
What is an ellipticial lesion whose long axis runs parallel with the long axis of the tibia?
Bone Island
How big are bone island bening lesions?
always less than 1 cm
What is a fracture of the medial and lateral malleolus?
Bimalleolar Fracture
What is a medial, lateral and posterior malleolar fracture?
Trimalleolar Fx
Widening of the ankle joint is indicative of what?
Unstable ankle- test the ligament by inverting the ankle
What is a way to classify tibial fractures?
Salter Harris Classification
Wat does a partial archilles tear look like on an MRI?
Really fat or edema in the tendon
What is discontinuity of the archilles tendon and the calcaneuous?
Complete Tear
What are the Routine Foot Views?
Oblique (foot is hard to see, thats why we do oblique even though its a bone)
What is a normal Boehler's Angle?
should be 30-40 degrees
What does a Boehler's angle less than 30 degrees indicative of?
Fracture- even if you don't see it
What is used to find Boehler's angle?
Anterior and Superior aspects of the Calcaneus bone
What type of fracture is the base of the 5th metatarsal pulled off by the ligament?
Inversion Fx (avulsion fx)- usually TRANSVERSE
What is a fracture to the proximal 5th metatarsal?
Jones Fx
When looking at the foot, apophysis run _______, and fractures run ___________.
Apophysis- run up and down
Fractures- transverse
What type of fracture is seen at the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals?
Stress Fractures- take a long time to see
What should you do to see a stress fracture since they take so long to see on an Xray?
Bone scan
What is a fracture of the Cuneiform and Cuboid bones?
Lisfranc Fracture Dislocation
What on an image seems to have the toes shift laterally and there is a big space between big toe and 2nd toe?
Lisfranc Fracture Dislocation