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26 Cards in this Set

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The sharpness and sbruptness of structural detail borders
Recorded Detail
The sharpness and abruptness of structural detail borders; in electronic/digital imaging, term used to describe this quality is.....
Spatial Resolution
What are some other terms that refer to recorded detail?
Resoultion, clarity, defintion, and sharpness
Recorded detail is measured with what?
A resolution test pattern
How is a resoultion test pattern expressed?
It is expressed in lpmm
Anything that affects density or contrast will or will not affect visibility of detail?
Anything that affects density or contrast does affect visibility of detail
_______ relats to the size and shape of the image compared to the acutal size and shape of the object.
Magnification, elongation, and foreshortening are used when describing ________
Magnification, elongation, and foreshortening are used when describing DISTORTION
Recorded detail and magnification are (inversely, directly) related
Recorded detail and magnification are inversely related
As recorded detail increases, magnification (increases, decreases)
As recorded detail increases, magnification decreases
SID & OID regulte _________
SID is (inversley, directly) related to magnification
SID is inversely related to magnification ( increase SID = decrease magnification)
SID is (inversely, directly) related to recorded detail
SID is directly related to recorded detail (increase SID = increased recorded detail)
OID is (inversely, directly) related to magnifiction
OID is directly related to magnification (increase OID = increase magnification)
OID is (inversely, directly) related to detail
OID is inversely related to recorded detaail (increased OID = decreased recorded detail
True or False:
Some geometric unsharpness is intrinsic bc of the shape & position of the structure of intrest within the body
True or False?
Structures that do not parllel the x-ray tube and IR and/or that lie outside the central axis of the x-ray beam will be foreshortened or elongated
Structures within the bosy lie at varying distances from the x-ray IR, producing varying degrees of ___________
The extent or size of the unsharp area is (inversely, directly) related to the focal spot size and OID
Unsharpness (increases, decreases) as focal spot size and OID increases and as the SID decreases
Borders of unsharpness around image details is often referred to as....
Focal spot blur, geometric unsharpness, or edge gradient
The (smaller, larger) the focal spot size, the better the geometrically recorded detail
The (actual, effective) focal spot is the finite area on the tungsten target tht is acutally bombarded by electrons from the filament
The actual focal spot
The (actual, effective) focal spot is the foreshortened size of the focus as it is projected down towards the IR
The effective focal spot
How the apparent focal spot will differ from the acutal focal spot as a result of the _______ _______ principle
Line focusing principle
True or false:
The angle of the anode does not has any effect on recorded detail
The angle of the anode cn have a significant effect on recorded detail