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35 Cards in this Set

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Conflict Theories 1950s-1980s
Dependency (l.60s-70s)
World System (l.60s-70s)
Regulation theory (20s-70s)
Marxism (19th Century)
Defining feature social relations
Ctrl over pdctv forces = power
Extra wk of laborers for owners = exploitation
Society is lim by dev of pdctv forces
Exploited compelled to "volunteer" surplus thru ISAs (false conciousness)
Purely econ. (ethnic, race, etc. subsumed)
Unending struggle (seed of own destruction)
False consciousness
Subordinate class express and share values of the elite
Compel beh to serve elite
Create illusion of neutrality
Block class-consciousness
One class controls other through cultural forms (schools, church, etc.)
Structural Marxism (70s-early 80s)
Based on Althusser, each mode of production has its own structure
Inequality legitimized by state & ideologies
(Ex. white man's burden)
Marxism on policy
Social effects are not necessarily conspiritorial actions (maybe unintended consequences of other policies)
Marxism on functionalism
Maintains status quo (elitist); isn't proactive to change it
Marxism on colonialism
Maturation of industrl capitlsm
material demands
expans'n lessens internl tension
Marxism/Neo-Marxism on educational and social research
How modes of pdn & reln of different classes to modes influence social life
Dependency Theory reacting to
Reaction to Prebisch, ECLA
(ignore class)
HC (3rd world poverty from dependency not lack of HC)
Sattelite growth bene sattelite elite
Dependency points
Center/Periphery; Core/Periphery; Metropole/Satellite
Development of periphery is dependent on relation to core
Periphery grows as a reflection of its rel'n to core (Cardoso)
Context: colonialism - 3rd world development patterns
Dependency theorists
Gunder Frank (1969)
Dos Santos (1970)
Cardoso (1969/1977)
Falleto (1969)
"new" Dependency
Cardoso (77)
Sociopolitical, internal focus (Dual development-"internal colonies" in B, Arg, M)
Development & dependency can co-exist
Multinationals need some development to create market
Marxist/Neo case studies
Bowles & Gintis (1976) Schooling in Capitalist America
refuting HC ed & work hypotheses:
Harry Braverman (1974)
Randall Collins (1977)
World Systems
Core/Semi/periphery (Econ zones)
Semi mitigates, prevents polarization
Core: military power, efftv pdn sys, capital accum, str admin
Periphery: opposite chartrstic
Capit flows peri to core
Origins in 16th C
Wallerstein (1974-Binghampton)
Galtung (1971)
Memmi (1965)
Fanon (1968)
World Systems stages
Mercantilism (UK core)
Post 1760: Indust Rev full c/p
Post 1960s: US hegemony
World Systems/Dependency implications for education
See Carnoy (1974)
Look internationally
Implications of: Aid, western models of HE, Int'l scholarly netwks, Curric Dev (Altbach), Center v. Periph view on functions of education
Regulation Theory
Society uses ideological hegemony to control society through modes of regulation: media, macro-econ policy, hegemony of large corporations
Ex. Fordism (consent to mass consumption)
David Harvey
8 hr day, assembly line, standardization
blue/white collar
production up, consumption up
worker consumes what produces
Crisis of Fordism (mid 70s)
Scott (UCLA)
decrease labor mkt rigidity
external links (cheap labor SEA)
Hidden Curriculum
Indirect schooling in norms and values of modern society
Functionalists: treats everyone the same
Marx: different classes are taught differently (see Anyon 1980)
Symbolic Violence
Bourdieu & Passeron
imposition of meaning system of one group on another
Habitus (passed from gen to gen)
Dominant culture creates "classics" to be revered
Competition: some don't even enter
Schools teach child where they stand with respect to dominant group
Critique: Vague, unmeasurable (F&S)
F & S critique of Marxism/Functionalism
Both presuppose some system (lack of ind. agency)
Some capitalist societies with strong socialist tradition have schools that are more hierarchical
Foucault (70s-80s)
Socially construct mean "normalcy"
Power is ubiquitous
Domination will always exist as long as there are social institutions and discourse
Ex. sexuality - Halperin OED 1892
Criticism: doesn't say how identity should be formed
Feminists on Marxists
Men dominate women in all classes
Sexual division of labor in work and home (two fold)
Companies favor men leads to low expectations for girls
Fraser (1989) differential welfare
Bowles & Gintis (1976)
Capitalist schooling in America
Schools legitimize inequality
Social Reproduction
No correlation between IQ, years of schooling and econ success
Conclusion: ascribed still important
Harry Braverman (1974)
Work environment has become deskilled
Randall Collins (1977)
Haven't become more skilled because of labor market demands
Educated workers are not necessarily more productive
Galtung on Imperialsm
disharmony between two peripheries
no harmony between centers
more disharmony in periphery than in the center (instability)
Gunder Frank (1966) Hypothesis
1. Development of satellite (national and other) limited by sattelite status.
2. Sattelite develops most when connection to core is weakest
3. Most underdevelopment today in regions that had strongest connection to core in past
4. Industrialization paralized in sattelite while reintegrates
Gunder Frank (1970)
Capitalism, not tradition is cause of underdevelopment in LA
surplus flow:
landless laborer to tenant farmer to latifund, merchants to local center to regional center to global center
Anyon (1980) Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work
Hidden Curriculum
5 schools study (2 wking, mid, upper mid, elite)
teaching style, work, ownership, rules
working class taught lock-step, upper middle own perspective, elite in charge
McDermott (1982)Social Relations as Contexts for Learning in School
Reading groups and question asking
Students from high level reading groups will interrupt teacher working with a low level group more than the reverse.
Willis (1981) How Working Class Kids Get Working Class Jobs
Ear'ole students
Need to look at subculture which lads create
Students culture values bravado, manual labor
Abstract is feminine
Doomed to working class job by own rebellion
Students are active part of process-agency(different from Bourdieu, Passeron)
Meets their short term needs
Fraser (1989)
Differential welfare remuneration
men receive unemployment
women receive conditional subsidies: food stamps, etc.