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36 Cards in this Set

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Mario ha caldo.
Mario is hot.
Ugo ha freddo.
Ugo is cold.
Sandra ha sete.
Sandra is thirsy
Silvia ha fame.
Silvia is hungry
Ahmed ha sonno.
Ahmed is sleepy.
Cinzia ha paura.
Cinzia is afraid.
Enrica ha ragione.
Enrica is right
Antonella ha torto.
Antanella is wrong.
fare le ore piccolo
to stay up late
non vedere l’ora (di fare qualcosa)
to not be able to wait (to do something/be excited)
non vedo l’ora di rivederti
I can’t wait to see you again/I’m excited about seeing you again
fare colazione
to have breakfast
fare sport
to play sports
fare una domanda
to ask a question
fare una foto
to take a photo
fare una passeggiata
to take a walk
fare spuntino
to have a snack
fare caldo/freddo/ bello/brutto
(the weather)
it is hot/cold/beautiful/ugly
che bello
how beautiful/wonderful/great
che genio
how genius
che furbo
how clever
che schifo
how gross
che scemo
what a moron
che mattone
what a bore (literally, brick)
da uomo/donna
men’s/women’s shoes
da matti
a crazy (thing/situation)
da vedere
a must see (film)
da leggere
a must read (book)
cose da fare
things to do
qualcosa da bere/mangiare
something to drink/eat
da morire
drop dead (gorgeous)
da dio
an awesome (dinner)
-si infinitives that are conjugated like reflexives even if they aren't actions done to oneself.

annoiarsi - to get bored
arrabiarsi - to get angry
-si infinitives that are conjugated like reflexives even if they aren't actions done to oneself.

mi annoio a guardaare i film rosa.
mi arrabbio con mia sorella.
-si infinitives that are conjugated like reflexives even if they aren't actions done to oneself.

divertirsi- to have fun
sbagliarsi- to be wrong
sentirsi- to feel
-si infinitives that are conjugated like reflexives even if they aren't actions done to oneself.

mi diverti alla lezione d'italiano.
non mi sbaglio mai.
mi sento beneoggi.
ho mal di testa.
i have a headache.
fare le ore piccole.
to stay up late.