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31 Cards in this Set

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ammanius marcellinus

fourth century Roman soldier and a historian, he wrote the penultimate major historical account surviving from Antiquity. his work chronicled in Latin the history of Rome from 96 to 387, although only the sections covering the period 353-378 are existing

emperor theodosius I

born in Cauca in the spanish province of the tarraconensis in AD 347. he served in the member and was later recalled from exile in order to deal with disastrous circumstances in the east of the empire. after his successes in teh east, he became Augustus of the east. Theodosius made treaties with the Visigoths, Germans and some Huns. In domestic reforms, he created stringent taxes which was seen as widespread oppression. he briefly united both teh east and west of the empire through suppression of paganism and arianism. he established the creed of the council of nicaea as the universal norm for Christian orthodoxy

ambrose of milan (bishop)

was the bishop of milan, biblical critic and initiator of ideas that provided a model for medieval conceptions of church-state relations. his literary works have been acclaimed as masterpieces of latin eloquence and his musical accomplishments are remembeed in his hymns. he is also significant as a teacher who converted and baptized st.augustine of hippo, the great Christian theologian, and as a model bishop who viewed the church as rising above the ruins of the roman empire

augustine of hippo

fourth century philsopher whose groundbreaking philosophy infused christian doctrine with neoplatonism. he is famous for being an inimitable catholic theologian and for his agnostic contributions to western philosophy. he is the first western philosopher to promoate what has come to be called the argument by analogy against soliphism. he is the most significant for his dramatic conversions in the church, with a change of belief and behavior, which led to his most influential written work, confessions and city of god


flavius stillicho was a regent for the Roman Emperor Honorius and one of the last great Roman military commanders in the west. he fought in several campaigns against the barbarians, opposing the invading visigoths under alaric in the balkans and italy and reppling an ostrogothic invasion of italy in 406. he is half-roman half vandal by birth

emperor theodosius II

was the eastern roman emperor from 408 to 450. he was gentle, scholarly, easily dominated man who allowed his government to be run by a succession of relatives and ministers. throughout his reign, control of the government remainde out of theodosius hands. his legacy is associated with the erection of an impreganble wall around constantinople, the founding of the university of constantinople and supervising the compilation of the theodosian code

hypatia the philosopher

she was a female philosopher and mathematician born in Alexandria Egypt. from primary sources, she is seen as a woman who was widely known for her generosity, love of learning, and expertise in teaching the subjects of neo-platonism, mathetmatics, science and philosophy in general. her life is a testatement to the decline of alexandria as christianity rose in pwoer and her death is seen as the embodiment of all that was lost to civilization in the tumult of religious intolerance and the destruction it engenders

alaric the visigoth

he was visigoth king, a barbarian who has the distinction of having sacked rome. in addition to being the king of the goths, he was a roman master of soldiers, making him a valued member of the roman empire. despite his allegiance to rome, alaric knew he wold conquer the eternal city because it had been prophesied

cyril of alexandria (bishop)

cyril was a christian theologian and bishop active in the complex doctrinal struggles of the fifth century. he is chiefly known for his campaign against nestorius, bishop of constantinople, whose views on Christ' nature were to be declared heretical. cyril was named a doctor of the church in 1882. during his lifetime, he was in conflict with the civil administration over the zeal with which eh championed orthodoxy. he closed the churches of the novations and was also involved in the expulsion of JEws from Alexandra following their attacks upon Christians

Pope Leo I

pope Leo was a pope from 440 to 461, a master exponent of papal supremacy. his pontificate, which saw the disintegration of the roman empre in teh western and formation in the east of theological differences that were to split christendom, was devoted to safeguarding ortohodoxy and to secure the unity of the western church under papal supremacy. he worked to suppress heresy which he regarded as the cause of corruption and disunity. yet his most significant theological achievemt was not his negative suppression of heresy but his positve formulation of orthodoxy. he also enhanced the prestige of the papacy and helped to place western leadership in the hands by dealing with invading barbaric tribes. he persuaded the huns not to attack rome and the vandals not to sack rome when they occupied it three years later

miaphysites or anti-chalcedonians

miaphysitist held that both divinity and human are equally present within a single nature in teh person of Christ. this was interpreted by Roman and Greek churches as heresy called monophysitism, the belief that christ had only one nature, which was divine.

greogry of tours

gregory was a bishop and writer whose ten books of histories is the major 6th century source for studying the merovingian kingdom of the franks. as a christian leader, his work on the franks has become a valuable part of history. in religious dealings, he kept peace and order in the church of tours and produced great works of history from a christian point of view. his work also were on the miracles and the lives of the saints

pope gregory the great

pope gregory was a pope from 590 to 604, and he was a reformer and an excellent administrator. he was the founder of the medieval papcy, which exercised both secular and spiritual power. his epithet, the great Reflects his status as a writer as well as a ruler. as the fourth and final of the traditional latin fathers of the Church, Gregory was the first exponent of a truly medieval sacramental spirituality.

emperor justinian

emperor justinian was educated at constantinople and in 521 was named consul, in 527 Justinian was proclaimed sole emperor and was crowned along with his wife, theodora. hew as skillful in selecting the most able generals and as a result the roman empire was restored to its ancient limits. he is also known for reuning the east and the west. his first with persia ended with a treaty favorable to justinian. during his reign, justinian constructed a vast line of walls along the eastern and southeastern frontier of the empire. his most significant contributions has been as a legislator. he collected and codified all the principal imperial statues. the codex which contained all previous imperial enactments that were repealed was published in 529. his work is compiled together as the body of civil law

empress theodora

she was a byzantine empress and wife of the emperor justinian I. she is known as the most powerful woman in byzantine history. her intelligence and political acumen made her justinian's most trusted advisor and enabeld her to user the power and influence of her offie to promote religious and social policies that favoured her interests. she is significant because she is remembered as one of the first rulers to recognize the rights of women, passing strict laws to prohibit the traffic of young girls and altering the divorce laws to give greater benefit to women. she spent much of her reign trying to mitigate the laws against the monophysites


flavius belisarius was born in Illyria to poor parents and rose to becoem one of the greatest generals one of the byzantine emprie. he is considered as a notable candiate for the title of the Last of the Romans by which is meant the last individual who perfectly embodies the values of the roman empire at its best. he served under the byzantine emperor Justinian I and under him he won many victories with limited resources of men and funds. he fought against barbarian tribes, the vandal kingdom of north africa, and the sassanian empire. during his life, belisarius stayed loyal to justinian despite the treatment he received from him

circus factions

circus factions were group of lunatic sport enthusiasts (chariot race factions) and theater-maniacs. through occassionally called upon to participate in the momentous events of the day, they most often spent their time wholly wrapped up in the microcosm of the circus. when law and order broke down, they were often the first to take advantage of the situation, but they were rarely the cause of the breakdown in the first place. the factions were first introduced during the republican times in Rome until it delcined later in the eastern empire

king khusro I

in 531 king khusro I became the new emperor in Iran. in history he is known as one of the greatest kings of iran. his long reign remaiden a model for kingship, lordly virtues and wise ruler that was used as a mirror for subsequent rulers of Iran down the islamic middle ages. khusro got from justinian a share of the spoils from the north african reconquest on the grounds that it would never have been possible for the Romans wihtout a peaceful Iran. King Khusro I accused Justinian of provoking the Huns to invade Iran. accordingly, taking advante of Constantinople's preoccupation in the west, Khusro invaded the ROman Empire in 510. he reigned for forty eight years

emperor heraclius

he was the eastern roman emperor for 610-641 who recognized and strengthened the imperial administration and the imperial armies but who nevertheless lost Syria, Palestine, Egypt and Byzantine Mesopotamia to the Arab muslims


prophet mohammed wrote letters to emperor heraclius and other kings

battle of adrianople

this battle on August 9th AD 378 was the beginning of the end for the Roman Empire. with the barbarians on the rise, Rome was no longer in its prime. during this battle, the western empire was ruled by Gratian while the east was ruled by his uncle Valens. It is significant because the battle marks the point in history where the military initiative passed to the barbians and was never truly regained again by Rome. in military history it also represents the end of the supremacy of the heavy infantry on the battlefield. the loss is accredited to the Valen's greatest mistake of waiting for the Emperor Gratian and the western army. the roman legion was in effect obsolete after the battle

the destruction of the Serapaeum

in 391 AD, Theophilus, the patriarch of Alexandria, was encouraged to oppress paganism in Alexandra by edicts declared from the Roman empire calling for the strict enforcement of Christianity as an official religion of the empire. the serapaeum was destroyed because the emperor Theodosius I believed it was a source of evil. the christians howedver were hesitant because they believed that the destruction of the statue of serapis would bring about a major distaster. theophilius later had many other temples in alexandrai destroyed in the same manner as the serapeum

the theodosian code

in 438 c.e. roman emperor theodosius II publiushed in a single volume the general laws of his christian predecodessors beginning with Constantine I. Roman law had always regulated the transfer of wealth from one generation to the next. the theodosian code reveals that during the era when the empire was becoming Christian, emperors sought a greater share of wealth for themselves and for the imperial church through the controls of wills and testaments. the law had also always punished violation of the tombs that lined the roads outside the city walls

the council of ephesus

this council was a council of Christian bishops convened in euphesus in 431 AD by the Roman emperor THeodosius II. this third ecumenical council, an effort to attain consensus in the church through an assembly representing all of Christnedom, confirmed the original Nicene Creed and condemned the teachings of Nesteroius the patriarch of constantinople that the virgin mary may be called the birth giver of Christ but not the birthgiver of God

the council of chalcedon

this council was held on october 8 to november 1 in 451 AD at Chalcedon. the council issued judgments and definitions of divine nature which became a significant turning point in the Christological debates that led to the separate establishments of the church in the western roman empire during the 5th century. the council was convened by Emperor Marcian, with the approval of Pope Leo the Great. this council issued the chalcedonian definition which repudiated the notion of a single nature in christ and declared that he has two natures in one person and hypostatis. this was the fourth ecumenical council

the nika riot / revolt

this week long riot took place in Constantinople in 532 AD. It was the most violent riot in the history of Constantinople, with nearly half oteh city being burned and destroyed and tens of thousands of people killed. the nika riot was caused partially by the Blue and Green factions. the riot threatened the life and reign of emperor Justinian

The justinianic code

this body of civil was the collection of laws and legal interpretations developed under the sponsorship of the byzantine emperor Justinian I from 529 to 565 AD. Strictly speaking the works did not constitute a new legal code. the justinian code consists of four books

the digest

this was part of the ROman law compiled under the EMperor Justinian I. The Digest spans 50 volumes and represents a reduction and codification of all roman laws up to that time

Church of St.Sophia

this church was served as an eastern orthodox cathedral and seat of the patriarch of constantinople. it was built under the direction of the byzantine emperor Justinian I. by general consensus, it was the most important byzantine structure and one of the world's great monuments

the quran

the quran predicted that seven years after the severe defeat of hte Christian ROman armies led by Heraclius by the Persians ,that the ROmans would soon be victorius over the idolatrous Persians

Final study
