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39 Cards in this Set

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4 types of urethritis/cervicitis syndromes
nongonococcal urethritis (males)
mucopurulent cervicitis (females)
Sx of urethritis?
discharge, dysuria, PMN's
how to tell gonorrhea urethritis vs nongonococcal (NGU) ?
gram stain, negative diplococci intracellularly -> gonorrhea
not seen, NGU
Sx of cervicitis?
mucopurulent vaginal discharge
cervical friability (bleed easily)
vaginal discharge
difference of gram stain of female cervicitis vs male urethritis?
female less sensitive and specific due to other vaginal bacteria
characteristics of gonorrhea
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
non motile gram negative diplococcus
oxidase positive, rapid division
aerobic growth, requires CO2 enriched atmosphere on chocolate agar media
gonococcus evades host immune response via?
antigenic variability of pili
3 outer membrane proteins of gonococcus? their fxn?
Opa, Por, LOS
facilitate cell invasion and evasion of host immune system
pathogenesis of gonococcus?
pili and opa mediate attachment to host cells
endocytosis w/ associated loss of cilia in adjacent cells
organisms penetrate host epithelium to submucosa
host immune response. inflammation, pus
antigenic variation inhibits host immune clearance
humans sole host
survive briefly outside
mucosal contact required for infection.
incubation ~7days
urethritis can progress to?
cervicitis can lead to?
frank salpingitis, PID
fitz-hugh curtis syndrome
long term infertility, ectopic pregnancy, chronic pelvic pain
color of gonococcal urethritis discharge? chlamydia discharge?
gonococcus - yellow green
chlamydia - milkish
non genital tract gonococcal infections?
rectal infection/proctitis
disseminated gonococcal infection - dermatitis (pustules), arthritis (small joints), bacteremia
ophthalmia neonatorum/conjunctivitis (vertical transmission)
Tx of gonococcus?
30% co infected w/ chlamydia so treat for both infections
characteristics of chlamydia?
chlamydia trachomatis
obligate intracellular bacteria
3 species:
trachomatis: urethritis, cervicitis, conjunctivitis
pneumoniae: respiratory infections
psittaci: respiratory infections
antigenically complex w/ multiple serovars
genus specific LPS antigen and psecies specific antigens in major outer membrane protein
pathogenesis of chlamydia
infectious particle is elementary body
EBs attach to and invade host cells through receptor mediated endocytosis
lysosomal fusion inhibited
EBs coalesce into reticulate bodies (RB)
Rbs divide by binary fission
RBs revert to EBs, and released
clinical presentation of nongoconoccal urethritis, mucopurulent cervicitis?
like gonorrhea
most cases of nongonococcal urethritis and mucopurulent cervicitis caused by chlamydia?
no. other pathogens including mycoplasma, ureaplasma, trichomonas, anaerobes
other clinical manifestations of chlamydial infection?
lymphogranuloma venereum
ophthalmia neonatorum
neonatal pneumonia
Tx of chlamydia?
macrolide (azithro, erythro)
screen for GC but don't treat empirically
3 vaginitis/vaginosis syndromes?
bacterial vaginosis
trichmoniasis (only this is STD)
vulvovaginal candidiasis
bacteria normally present at high livels in vagina?
role of lactobacillus in vagina?
ferment glucose to lactic acid
produces hydrogen peroxide
protects against bacterial overgrowth
protects against other cervical pathogens including GC, Ct, and HIV
what things disrupt normal vaginal ecology?
multiple sex partners
defective lactobacilli
difference between vaginitis and vaginosis?
vaginitis - inflammatory response of the vagina. presence of WBC
vaginosis - noninflammatory, absence of WBC. decreased lactobacillus, increased anaerobes
presentation of vaginosis?
thin homogeneous discharge
elevated vaginal pH >4.5
fish like odor on addition of KOH
presence of "clue cells"
agent of trichomoniasis?
parasite: trichomonas vaginalis
motile, seen on wet mount
slightly larger than WBC
strawberry cervix in what disease?
agent of vulvovaginal candidiasis?
candida albicans
Sx of vulvovaginal candidiasis?
thick, white cottage cheese like discharge
vulvar edema, erythema
low vaginal pH <4.5 (compared to trich or bacterial vaginosis)
Tx of bacterial vaginosis?
tx of trichomoniasis?
tx of vulvovaginal candidiasis?
OTC antifungal cream (triazoles) or azole agent
2 agents of exophytic STDs
molluscum contagiosum
HPV strain that causes warts?
GPV strain that causes cervical dysplasia and cancer?
16,18. others can do it too
gardasil covers which HPV strains?
6,11, 16,18
presentation of molluscum contagiosum?
common pox virus
smooth, domed lesions
2 ectoparasitic infestations?
public lice
phthirus pubis - crab louse. causes external itching. seen w/ naked eye
sarcoptes scabei - mite, burrows intoskin, causes itching and tracks