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45 Cards in this Set

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Question 1: A child with chronic constipation and soming who had delayed passage of meconium and has an empyyu rectum and a tight sphinctyer may have
A Hirschprung disease
B Cystic fibrosis
C Intestinal obstruction
D Nasty hemorrhoids
E Meconium ileus
A Hirschprung disease***
B Cystic fibrosis
C Intestinal obstruction
D Nasty hemorrhoids
E Meconium ileus
Question 2: Which options for eneuresis include the following?
A Conditioning therapy
B Pharmacothereapy
C Hypnotherapy
D Eneruresis Alarm
E All of the above
(Tx of choice is D)
A Conditioning therapy
B Pharmacothereapy
C Hypnotherapy
D Eneruresis Alarm
E All of the above**
(Tx of choice is D)
Question 3: Which Dx test are you going to do on recurring UTIs on children up to 6yo?
A Voiding cystourethrogram
B Magnetic resonance imaging
C CAT scan
D X ray
E Nuclear resonance
A Voiding cystourethrogram**
B Magnetic resonance imaging
C CAT scan
D X ray
E Nuclear resonance
Question 4: which threesome best characterizines the triad of helytic uremic syndrome?
A epistaxis, hematuria and heoptusios
B Anuria, thrombocytopenia, bleeding diasthesis
C microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, and renal injury
A epistaxis, hematuria and heoptusios
B Anuria, thrombocytopenia, bleeding diasthesis
C microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, and renal injury
Question 5: In a male, physical signs of GONADARCHE includee all of the following except?
A pubic hair
B axillary hair
C increased muscularity
D Deeper voice
E Decreased testicular volume
A pubic hair
B axillary hair
C increased muscularity
D Deeper voice
E Decreased testicular volume***
Question 6: Kallmann sundrome combines isolated gonadotropin deficiency with what?
A Sensation
B Olfaction
C Hearing
D Speech
E Muscle tone
A Sensation
B Olfaction ***
C Hearing
D Speech
E Muscle tone
Quuestion 7: The normal developmental sequencei nh irls is
A menarche pubarche thelarche
B pubarche thelarche menarche
C enarche thelarche pubarche
D thelarche menarche pubarche
E thelarche pubarche menarche
A menarche pubarche thelarche
B pubarche thelarche menarche
C enarche thelarche pubarche
D thelarche menarche pubarche
E thelarche pubarche menarche*
Which of the choices is the most common form of tracheoesophageal fistula?
*A - esophageal atresia with distal TEF
B - esophageal atresia with no TEF
C - H-type TEF
D - esophageal atresia with procimal TEF
E - esophageal atresia with procimal and distal TEF
*A - esophageal atresia with distal TEF
B - esophageal atresia with no TEF
C - H-type TEF
D - esophageal atresia with procimal TEF
E - esophageal atresia with procimal and distal TEF
For suspected pyloric stenosis, ultrasound is the preferred stdy. If a barium upper GI is done what finding would lead one to diagnose puloric stenosis?
A - Hey hole sign
*B - string sign
C - telescoping sign
D - steeple sign
E - kerley B sign
A - Hey hole sign
*B - string sign
C - telescoping sign
D - steeple sign
E - kerley B sign
Whitis the classic laboratory finding in pyloric stenosis?
A - hyperchloremic respiratory acidosis
B - hyperchloremic metbaolic alkalosis
*C - hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis
D - hypochloremic respiratory alkalosis
E - hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis
A - hyperchloremic respiratory acidosis
B - hyperchloremic metbaolic alkalosis
*C - hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis
D - hypochloremic respiratory alkalosis
E - hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis
Which is not an association of VACTERL
A - vertebral anomalies
B - anal atresia
C - cardiac anomalies
D - tracheaoesophageal fistula
*E - retinoblastoma
F - limb anomalies
A - vertebral anomalies
B - anal atresia
C - cardiac anomalies
D - tracheaoesophageal fistula
*E - retinoblastoma
F - limb anomalies
A classic late finding in intussusception is
A classic late finding in intussusception is
A - Severe persistent bradycardia
B - profound marked hypertensions
*C - currant helly stools
D - peanut buttery stools
E - raspberry marmalade stools
A - Severe persistent bradycardia
B - profound marked hypertensions
*C - currant helly stools
D - peanut buttery stools
E - raspberry marmalade stools
what is FUNCTIONAL constipation
no underlying disorder (no GI, endo, neiro, etc that is causing it)
whats enchopresis

what is soiling
regular VOLUNTARY or INVOLUNTARY pooing somewhere other than the toilet after 4 yo

soiling: INVOLUNTARY always, assocaited with fecal impaction, fecal impaction can be palpated
when might you think a kid has hirshsprungs disease
chronic constipation and soliling (soiling is INVOLENTARY and assocaited with fecal impaction)

**delayed passage of meconium, empty rectum and tight sphincter
whats the dif btwn 1 and 2 enuresis
primary: incontinence in a child who was NEVER potty trained

secondary: incontinence in a kid who was previously dry for 6 months
what is the spontaneous remission rate of enureis
what is common in the hx of a kid w/enuresis
one of their parents was also a bed wetter
what goes into teh PE of a kid with enuresis
1. check social interactions with patents
2. development of kid
3. abd
3. neuro
4. genital exam
5. rectal only if constipated
what lab is good for kids with enuresis
clean catch urine for UA

check for

renal disease
what are parts that go into enuresis tx
1. conditioning- enuresis alarm is most common
2. drugs
3. hypnotherapy
what is retrograde flow of urine from bladder to the ureter or kidney called

what does reflux nephropathy refer to
VUR- vesiculoureteral reflux

**development/progression of renal scarring , renal scars best picked up with nuclear renal scanning
what are 2 thigns that can cause VUR
1. duplication of ureters
2. neurogenic bladder
what tests do kids <6 get who have a confirmed UTI
1. VCUG- voiding cystourethrogram

2. radionuclide cystogram
how is VUR graded

1 is best
5 is worst:
what is the best way to ID renal scars
nuclear renal scanning
what are some complications of reflux nephropathy
chronic kidney disease
what is the HUS triad
microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
renal injury

**HUS is an important cause of renal failure in kids
your kid has low platets, renal injury and microangiopathic hemolytic anemia. what is this called, what can it lead to

*8can lead to ARF

seizures in like 20%
1. irritable, pallow, edema, petechia, HSM
2. dehydration or gluid overload
3. HTN bc of renin or volume
what does PE show for HUS
1. irritable, pallow, edema, petechia, HSM
2. dehydration or gluid overload
3. HTN bc of renin or volume

microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
renal involvement

seizures in like 20%
HUS appears after diarrhea bc its associated with E coli. what if you have sx of mucroangiopathic hemolytic anemia abd NO diarrhea prodrum?
its TTP-

theu will have predominant CNS sx, also renal. recurrence is common
what does peripheral blood look like in HUS
burr cells
tragmented erythrocytes (intravascular hemolysis)
whats adregenarche
its pubarche- adrenal maturation

Does NOT include breast and testicular development
what is NOT included in puberty adrenearche
whats gonadarche
secretions of gonadal sex steroids when hypothalamic pit tract matures.

testes- testosterone. hair, deep voice, penile/test enlargement, masculinize face

ovary- estrodiol, progesterone. breasts, uterus grows, menarche (menstruation)

Growth spurt for all
what is the isolated gonadotropin disorder assocated with loss of smell
is anorexia strictly an eating thing
no its like a psychotic disorder, their perception is all wrong
what can increased physical activity lead to in adolescents

decreased gonadotropins
what does hypothyroidism have to do with puberty
inhibits onset of puberty and delays menstruation. severe primary hypothyroid can lead to precocious puberty
precouscious puberty can be initiated by what
SEVERE primary hypothyroid

**but in just regular hypothyroid it can delay puberty- go figure
whats turners
XO female

*gonadal agenesis, ovarian failure, short stature

**features of a girl with turners need not be evident on PE or Hx. Dx MUST be considered in any short girl (WTF?)
what are the 2 parts for puberty to roll
1. adrenache- adrenal maturation (no breast or teste)

2. Gonadarche- estrogen and testosterone to get the boobs nad balls
whats the normal sequence of puberty in girls
thelarce (bc of gonadarche)
pubarche (adrenarch)
whats central precousous puberty
normal but early, its familial
whats McCune Albright
most common cause of GnRH INDEPENDENT precousious puberty
cafe au lait spots