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17 Cards in this Set

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What are the five general review questions
Have you had any fevers?
Have you had any chills?
Have you had any night sweats?
Any weight loss or gain?
Are you tired or fatigued?
What are the 5 dermatologic questions
Do you have a rash or new skin lesion?
Does the rash itch
Any changes in moles (ABCD)
Any changes in hair texture
Any changes in your nails
What are the nine head and neck/ endocrine questions
Do you have headaches? Where?
Do you have any dizziness or lightheadedness?
Do you have any neck pain?
Have you noticed any neck masses or swollen glands?
Do you have any neck stiffness?
Have you noticed any tremors or shakes
Any new changes in your hair or skin
Any constipation or diarrhea
Have you noticed any excessive thirst and or frequent urination?
What are the 5 ear questions
Do you have any hearing loss
Do you use hearing aids
Have you had any ear pains or earaches
Do you have any ringing in your ears
Do you have any discharge or pus from your ears
What are the 4 nose/sinuses questions
Do you have any nasal discharge? What color?
Do you have nose bleeds?
Do you have any sinus pains or pressure?
Do you have any post nasal drip?
What are the 5 throat and oral cavity questions
Do you have any sores in your mouth
Do you have any tooth or gum problems
Do you have a sore throat
Have you noticed any hoarseness
Do you wear dentures
What are the 8 eye exam questions
Have you had a change in vision
Do you uses glasses/contacts
Have you had any double vision
Do you have blurred vision
Any redness of your eyes
Any discharge from your eyes
Any excessive tearing or dryness in your eyes
Have you had any eye trauma
What are the 5 axilla/breast questions
Lumps or masses in breasts?
Any discharge from nipples?
Any breast pain/tenderness?
Any swollen glands under arms?
Breast exam done monthly?
What are the 6 pulmonary questions
Do you have a new cough
Are you bringing up any sputum/phlegm. What color?
Are you coughing up blood
Do you have pain with breathing
Are you short of breath
Have you noticed any wheezing when you breathe
What are the 5 cardiovascular questions
Have you had any chest pain
Have you been short of breath w/ exertion, while lying flat, or while sleeping and have to sit up to breathe?
Have you had any palpitations?
Have you had swelling in your legs/feet?
Do you have pain in your calves while walking?
What are the 16 abdominal questions
Do you have any difficulty swallowing
Do you have pain on swallowing
Have you had any heartburn
Are you having any abdominal pain
Have you had a loss of appetite
Do you have any nausea
Have you had any vomiting
Have you had any diarrhea
Have you had any constipation
Have you noticed a change in your bowel habits
Have you had any black,tarry stools
Have you had any bloody stools
Have you noticed a change in the caliber of your stool size
Have you noticed your skin or eyes turning yellow
Do you have any hemorrhoids
Have you noticed any easy bleeding or bruising
What are the 8 genito-urinary questions
Do you have to urinate more frequently
Do you feel the urge to urinate more often
Have you had any pain or burning on urination
Have you noticed any blood in your urine
Have you had any problems with loss of urine or bladder control
Do you wake up at night to urinate & how often
Have you noticed a change in urine color/odor
Have you noticed a change in your libido
What are the 5 gynecologic questions
Regularity and heaviness of menses?
Do you have any pain with menses?
Have you had any hot flashes?
Have you had any problems with vaginal dryness?
Have you noticed any spotting between menses or after menopause?
What are the five male questions
Do you have difficulty starting your stream
Have you noticed any lesions on your penis
Have you had any penile discharge
Have you had any problems with erection
Have you noticed a scrotal or testicular mass?
What are the 6 musculoskeletal questions
Do you have any pain in your joints. Which ones?
Have you noticed any joint or muscle stiffness
Have you had swelling in your joints? Which ones?
Have you noticed any muscle weakness? Where?
Do you have any muscle tenderness? Where?
Do you have any back pain? Upper/Lower?
What are the 8 neurologic questions
Do you have any numbness & where?
Do you have any tingling & where?
Have you had any problems with your memory?
Have you had any new headaches & where?
Have you noticed any dizziness or vertigo?
Do you have any problems with tremors
Have you had any episodes of blacking out or a loss of consciousness
Do you have any problems with unsteadiness or loss of balance?
What are the 10 psychiatric questions
Do you have any problems with anxiety
Do you have any:
-Difficulty getting to sleep/waking up early?
-Loss of interest in doing things?
-Feelings of guilt?
-Problems with lack of energy/feelings of fatigue?
-Poor concentration?
-Loss of appetite/increase in appetite
-Problems with thinking slowly/moving slowly
-Thoughts of suicide
Have you seen people or things that others do not see? (hallucinate?)