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104 Cards in this Set

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multinational enterprise
a firm that engages in foreign direct investments and operates in multiple countries
foreign direct investment
investments in controlling and managing value-added activities in other countries
emerging economies
a term that has gradually replaced the term developing countries since the 19990s
gross domestic product
the sum of value added by resident firms households and governments operating in an economy
purchasing power parity
a conversion that determines the equivalent amount of goods and services different currencies can purchase used to capture the differences in cost of living
expatriate manager
manager who works abroad
gross national product
gross domestic product plus income from nonresident sources abroad
gross national income
gdp plus income from non resident sources abroad. GNI is the term used by the world bank and other international organizations
3 regions of developed economies
North America
Western Europe and Japan
international premium
a significant pay raise commanded by expats when working overseas
institution-based view
formal and informal rules of the game
resource-based view
firm-specific resources and capabilities
What determines the success and failure of firms around the globe?
institution based or
resource based
liability of foreignness
the inherent disadvantage that foreign firms experience in host countries because of their nonnative status
the close integration of countries and people of the world
-emerging economies
a perspective that suggests that barriers to market integration at borders are high but not high enough to completely insulate countries from each other
formal and informal rules of the game
institution-based view
suggests that firm performance is at least in part determined by the institutional frameworks governing firm behavior around the world
formal institutions
institutions represented by laws regulations and rules
regulatory pillar
the coercive power of governments
informal institutions
institutions represented by norms cultures and ethics
normative pillar
the mechanism through which norms influence individual and firm behavior
cognitive pillar
the internalized taken-for-granted values and beliefs that guide individual and firm behavior
transaction costs
the costs associated watch economic transactions-- or more broadly costs of doing business
self-interest seeking with guile
legal system
the rules of the game on how a country's laws are enacted and enforced
civil law
a legal tradition that uses comprehensive statutes and codes as a primary means to form legal judgments
common law
a legal tradition that is shaped by precedents and traditions from previous judicial decisions.
theocratic law
a legal system based on religious teachings
iran saudi arabia
property rights
the legal rights to use an economic property and to derive income and benefits form it
intellectual property
intangible property that results from intellectual activity
intellectual property rights
rights associated with the ownership of intellectual property
legal rights awarded by government autoritites to inventors of new products or processes who are given exclusive rights to derive income from such inventions through activities such as manufacturing licensing and selling
exclusive legal rights of authors and publishers to publish and disseminate their work
legal rights of firms to use exclusive specific names brands and designs to differentiate their products from others
the unauthorized use of intellectual property rights
economic system
rules of the game on how a country is governed economically
market economy
an economy that is characterized by the invisible hand of market forces
command economy
all factors of production are government owned and controlled and all supply demand and pricing re planned by the government
mixed economy
that has elements of both a market economy and command economy
market transition debate
how to make the transition to a market economy work in most effective and least disruptive way
path dependency
the present choices of countries firms and individuals are constrained by the choices made previously
the collective programming of the mind that distinguishes the member of one group or category of people from another
lingua franca
the dominance of one language as a global business language
the underlying background upon which interaction takes place
low context culture
a culture in which communication is usually taken at face value without much reliance on unspoken context
countries that share similar cultures together
the highest cultural grouping of people and the broadest level of cultural identity people have
power distance
the extent to which less powerful members with in a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally
the perspective that the identity of an individual is fundamentally his or her own
the idea that the identity of an individual is primarily based on the identity of his or her collective group
a relatively strong form of societal level sex role differentiation whereby men tend to have occupations that reward assertiveness and women tend to work in caring professions
a reatively weak form of societal level sex role differentiation whereby more women occupy positions that reward assertiveness and more men work in caring professions
uncertainty avoidance
the extent to which members in different cultures accept ambiguous situations and tolerate uncertainty
long-term orientation
a perspective that emphasizes perseverance and savings for future betterment
a set of guidelines for making ethical decisions
code of conduct
a set of guidelines for making ethical decisions
ethical relativism
a perspective that suggests that all ethical standards are relative
ethical imperialism
the absolute belief that there is only one set of ethics and we have it!
the abuse of public power for private benefits usually in the form of bribery
foreign corrupt practices act
a us law enacted in 1977 that bans bribery to foreign officials
prevailing practices of relevant players that affect the focal individuals and firms
individuals and firms regarded as part of us
individuals and firms not regarded as part of us
cultural intelligence
an individuals ability to understand and adjust to new cultures
the tangible and intangible assets a firm uses to choose and implement its strategies
the tangible and intangible assets a firm uses to choose and implement its strategies
tangible resources and capabilities
assets that are observable and easily quantified
intangible resources and capabilities
assets that are hard to observe and difficult to quantify
innovation resources and capabilities
1. research and develop new products and services
2 innovate and change ways of organizing
reputational resources and capabilities
-outcome of competitive process
value chain
a chain of vertical activities used in the production of goods and services that add value
an examination as to whether a firm has resources and capabilities to perform and particular activity in a manner superior to competitors
a process of market competitionthorugh which unique products that command high prices and high margins gradually lose their ability to do these products thus become commodities
out sourcing
turning over an organizational activity to an outside supplier that will perform it on behalf of the local firm
outsourcing to an international foreign firm
outsourcing to domestic firm
captive sourcing
setting up subsidiaries abroad the work done is in house but the location is foreign also known ask foreign direct investment
VRIO framework
casual ambiguity
the difficulty of identifying the causal determinants of successful firm performance
complementary assets
the combination of numerous resources and assets that enable a firm to gain a competitive advantage
social complexity
refers to the socially complex ways of organizing typical of many firms
firm that executes the design blueprints of provided by other firms
a firm that both designs and manufactures products
a firm that designs manufactures and markets branded products
institutions ---- transaction costs
a rule must rest on ---- pillars to be effective
political risk
risk associated with political changes that may negatively impact domestic and foreign firms
what drives economic development
culture, geography or institutions
contracts are more specific under
... civil law
rules reduce...
political risks ex
gov seizures of assets
embargoes and sanctions
boycotts, revolution, terrorism, hostage taking
political strategies
voice: lobbying
exit: relocating value added activities
close ties between gov and corporate elite ... more gov interaction
large number of interests exist with equal access to policy makers, gov is relatively neutral
dimensions approach
hofstede 5 dimensions
power distance, individualism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance, long term orientation
strategic responses to norms
convergence vs divergence
divergence is a deep rooted norm
internet--> convergence
cultural intelligence steps
countries competing for world market share
how to identify resources and capabilities
corporate value chains- horizontal integration
reasons to go abroad
1 to exploit existing resources
2 to gain new resources
economies of scale
per unit cost decreases and volume increases