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62 Cards in this Set

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Where do the ova and the sperm rendezvous?
In the oviduct
Sperm leave the epididymus and enter where to be stored/transported?
Vas deferentia
How many sperm are produced each day?
200 million
What two structures produce seminal plasma?
Secretions of the male accessory glands(prostate and seminal vesicle)
Where do the sperm and seminal plasma mix?
The ejaculatory duct
What is the purpose of seminal plasma?
Contributes to maintenance, maturation, and transport of sperm
What is in seminal plasma?
-Citric and ascorbic acid
-Prostaglandins (for sperm motility)
What is role of prostaglandin in seminal fluid?
Prostaglandins contract smooth muscles in the vasa deferentia, thus aiding sperm passage during ejaculation
How much sperm in a single ejaculation?
40-500 million with an average of 180 million
What percentage of ejaculated sperm are structurally or biochemically abnormal and are not capable of fertilization?
How much has sperm count decreased by over the past 50 years? (% per year)
1% a year
What are some characteristics of human semen?
Creamy texture with gray to yellow color
What is the average volume of human semen after 3 days of abstinence?
2.5-3.5 ml
What are the minimum qualifications for male fertility? sperm/ml? % able to swim? % normal shape and size?
• ≥ 20 million sperm/ml
• ≥ 40% being able to swim
• ≥ 60% are normal shape and size
What is the size of an average sperm in micro meters?
40-250 micro meters long
What are the different structures of a sperm?
• Sperm head
• Neck
• Midpiece: contains mitochondria which produces energy for tail movement
• Tail
What is the elongated haploid nucleus of the sperm head surrounded by?
A nuclear membrane
On the sperm head, what is the acrosome and what is it's role?
• Acrosome: membrane bound vesicle external to nucleus that fits over the head of the sperm like a cap
• Acrosome is full of enzymes important in the penetration of the ovum
What is the flagellum made of and how is the tail configured?
Made of midpiece and tail and is configured in a "9+2" arrangement of microtubules
What is the purpose of the flagellum?
Provides propulsive force, allowing for locomotion of the sperm cell and penetration of the ovum
Trace the path of a sperm to the oviduct ampullary-istmic junction.
(Uterus, Cervix, Vagina, Uterotubal junction, oviductal isthmus, ovidcut ampullary-istmic junction)
• Vagina
• Cervix
• Uterus
• Uterotubal junction
• Oviduct isthmus
• Oviduct ampullary-isthmic junction which is most common site of fertilization
Of the 40-500 million sperm from a single ejaculate, how many make it to the uterus? How many make it to the oviduct? How many make it to the egg?
• < 1,000,000 make it to the uterus
• 100 - 1000 reach the oviduct
• 20 - 200 reach the egg
Can sperm "smell" the egg?
What does the semen increase the vaginal pH to and why?
pH 7.2 to increase sperm motility
What is semen coagulation?
about one minute after deposition into the vagina, the semen becomes thicker which may prevent sperm loss from vagina
What is semen liquefaction?
about 20 minutes after deposition into vagina, semen again liquefies which enables sperm to swim faster toward cervix
What is a female orgasm?
• Female orgasm includes vaginal wall muscular contractions that produce pressure in vagina that is greater than in uterus which creates a pressure gradient that facilitates sperm movement through cervix
• Female orgasm can also cause the cervical os to dilate
which allows the sperm to pass through more easily
What is the cervical canal lined by?
Folds and crypts with tiny cervical fibers
During the menstrual cycle, is the mucus thick and are the fibers densely packed?
Shortly before ovulation, estrogen levels rise, what does this cause the mucus to do?
Mucus becomes more liquid and the gaps between the fibers become wider
What do cervical fibers do to aid sperm movement through the cervix?
Cervical fibers may vibrate in rhythm with sperm tail beat frequency
How do sperm climb up the uterine wall? What mechanism of the uterus plays a more important role in transporting the sperm up the uterus? How?
By beating their tails, however, uterine muscle contractions and cilia movement play a more important role in facilitating sperm transport up the uterine wall
What hormone is released from the posterior pituitary when the cervix is stimulated by the penis during coitus?
Oxytocin is released from the woman's posterior pituitary gland
What does oxytocin do?
Enhances force of rhythmic waves of uterine muscle contractions which help move sperm to the uterotubal junction
What % of sperm go into the left and right oviducts?
On entrance of sperm into istmus of oviduct, does sperm tail beating increase or decrease?
Decreases to wait for ovulation to occur
What do the sperm do after ovulation occurs?
• After ovulation, sperm move up to the ampullary-isthmic junction where it meets the
ovum that has traveled from the ovary through the oviductal infundibulum & ampulla
• Fertilization of ovum by sperm usually occurs
at the ampullary-isthmic junction (Fig 9-3)
What increases cilia number?
What increases cilia beating and egg transport?
Do oviductal cilia in the deep recesses beat toward the ovary or away from the ovary?
Toward ovary to help move sperm
Do oviductal cilia in the ridges beat toward or away the uterus?
Toward to help move the egg and pre-embryo
Where do the sperm and ova/pre-embryo travel? (Ridges or recesses)
Sperm travel in recesses while ova and pre-embryo travels on the ridges.
Are freshly ejaculated sperm capable of fertilization?
No, sperm must undergo sperm capacitation
What is sperm capacitation?
during journey through female reproductive tract, the sperm matures and gains ability to
fertilize eggs and increases tail
movements of sperm
How do eggs attract the sperm?
Human sperm have at least 20 chemical receptor molecules on its head to detect the chemicals from the egg
What must the sperm penetrate to fertilize an egg?
• Sperm passage through cumulus oophorus
• Sperm passage through zona pellucida
• Sperm attachment to egg plasma membrane
• Cortical reaction
• Completion of second meiotic division of egg
• Formation/fusion of sperm and egg pronuclei
What is the cumulus oophrus?
A layer of loosely packed follicle cells that surround the ovulated ovum
What sperm enzyme dissolves the hyaluronic acid? What does this allow the sperm to do?
Hyalouronidase: it dissolves the cementing material found between cells. This allows the sperm to reach the zona pellucida.
What are the three glycoproteins in the zona pellucida?
ZP1, ZP2, and ZP3
What is the acrosomal reaction?
Hydrolytic enzymes are released from acrosome which degrades the zona pellucida and creates a tunnel through which the sperm moves
What triggers the sperm head to undergo the acrosomal reaction?
Receptors on sperm plasma membrane attach to ZP3 to trigger the acrosomal reaction
How does the sperm enter the perivitelline space?
Inner acrosomal membrane of sperm has has egg binding proteins that attach to egg
cell membrane (Fig 9-5D) and enters in to the perivitelline space
What must happen for the sperm nucleus and centriole to enter the egg cytoplasm?
The sperm cell membrane must fuse with the egg plasma membrane
What do the egg and sperm pronuclei do in preparation of syngamy(sexual reproduction)?
They migrate toward each other within the egg cytoplasm
When sperm penetrates the egg, what ions are released into the egg cytoplasm?
Calcium ions
What does the sudden increase in calcium ions trigger?
Triggers egg activation with cortical granule release and completion of the second meiotic division in egg before fertilization occurs
What is the cortical reaction?
• Once a sperm has penetrated an egg, a defense is mounted to prevent another sperm from penetrating the egg
• Cortical granules under the egg cell membrane release enzymes that debilitate ZP3 and ZP2 which prevents attachment of additional sperms which prevents polyspermy
• This cortical reaction is the first step in a series of biochemical and physical changes known as egg activation
What is egg activation?
• Cortical reaction
• Completion of 2nd stage of meiosis
• Increase in egg metabolism
• Synthesis of protein, RNA, and DNA
What happens soon after the sperm nucleus enters the egg?
• Soon after sperm nucleus enters egg, its nuclear membrane breaks down
• Sperm DNA re-condenses as a result of exposure to egg cytoplasm
• A new membrane is formed to enclose the sperm pronucleus
When the diploid zygote cell mitotically divides, what does the zygote produce?
Two identical daugther cells called blastomeres
How many mitochondria does each sperm bring into the egg?
What happens to the sperm mitochondria soon after fertilization?
The mitochondria disappear, all of our mitochondria are inherited from our mothers