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77 Cards in this Set

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The mediastinum is the
a. same as the hilum of the lung
b. total lung
c. area between the medial surfaces of the lungs
d. same as the pleura
The III cranial nerve does not supply the ____eye muscle.
a. superior oblique
b. medial rectus
c. inferior oblique
d. inferior rectus
14. In the disease called emphysema
a. the alveoli remain constricted
b. there is reduced elastic recoil after inhalation15. The cerebral peduncles in the midbrain consist of _________.
a. satellite cells
b. axons from cerebral cortical pyramidal cells
c. only collaterals of motor axons
d. auditory fibers
c. the chest is reduced in size
d. pollution helps reduce the severity
14. In the disease called emphysema
a. the alveoli remain constricted
b. there is reduced elastic recoil after inhalation
c. the chest is reduced in size
d. pollution helps reduce the severity
16. Which is not correct regarding inspiration?
a. passive movement
b. contraction of diaphragm
c. contraction of external intercostals
d. active movement
17. Which primary cortical area is not one of those first to myelinate?
a. area 4 or motor cortex
b. Broca’s area
c. area 17 or primary visual cortex
d. Heschl’s gyrus (area 41)
18. The VIII cranial nerve enters the brain stem
a. near the III cranial nerve
b. near the IV cranial nerve
c. at the cerebellopontine angle near the VII cranial nerve
d. with the II cranial nerve
19. Which is not true about the pineal gland?
a. is a biological clock
b. controls our circadian rhythm
c. regulates the inferior colliculus
d. forms melatonin
20. The VII cranial nerve supplies the
a. skin of the face
b. muscles of the neck
c. muscles necessary to smile
d. muscles of mastication
36. The XII cranial nerve nucleus is located in the
a. midbrain
b. forebrain
c. hindbrain
d. telencephalon
34. The II cranial nerve is associated with which division of the neural tube? (oops -- a
typo! This is obviously question #35...)
a. diencephalons`
b. telencephalon
c. mesencephalon
d. rhombencephalon
33. Convolutions in the cerebral hemispheres are called
a. sulci
b. fissures
c. notches
d. gyri
32. The axon hillock
a. has no Nissl substance
b. has much endoplasmic reticulum
c. is at the distal end of the axon
d.is not attached to the soma of the neuron
30. Which is not found in the alveoli?
a. elastic fibers
b. dust cells
c. secretory cells
d. cuboidal epithelial cells
28. The cranial nerve V does not innervate the
a. extraocular eye muscles
b. oral cavity
c. nasal cavity
d. cornea of the eye
26. Which area of the brain has not yet been shown to demonstrate neurogenesis
a. olfactory epithelium
b. granule cell of the cerebellum
c. pyramidal cells of the cerebral cortex
d. neurons in the dentate gyrus in the hippocampal complex
27. The VI cranial nerve supplies the ___eye muscle.
a. medial rectus
b. inferior oblique
c. lateral rectus
d. superior oblique
28. The cranial nerve V does not innervate the
a. extraocular eye muscles
b. oral cavity
c. nasal cavity
d. cornea of the eye
23. Which is not correct regarding the IX nerve?
a. innervates the nasal cavity
b. innervates the taste buds on the posterior 1/3rd of the tongue
c. innervates muscles of larynx and pharynx
d. innervates parotid gland
22. The pleural cavity contains fluid and is between the
a. right and left pleura
b. visceral and parietal pleura
c. intercostals
d. diaphragm and parietal pleura
1. Specific fiber tracts in the white matter of the spinal cord arranged according to
origin and destination are called
a. funiculi
b. visceral fibers
c. fasciculi
d. commissures
3. Anterior to the vocal cords is the _________hyaline cartilage.
a. thyroid
b. cricoid
c. epiglottis
d. arytenoid
5. The laryngopharynx connects the oral pharynx to the
a. trachea
b. esophagus
c. nasopharynx
d. larynx
6. Which is not appropriate for the epithelium lining the nasal cavity?
a. pseudostratified columnar
b. stratified squamous
c. goblet cells
d. cilia
7. The poliomyelitis virus attacks the
a. interneurons in the anterior horn
b. small posterior horn cells
c. free nerve endings
d. large anterior horn cells
8. A main sensory relay station to the cerebral cortex is called the
a. hypothalamus
b. epithalamus
c. thalamus
d. cerebral peduncle
10. Lissauer’s fasciculus, lateral to the posterior horn, carries what sensory
a. pain
b. touch
c. kinesthesis
d. pressure
11. In the adult brain the central canal of the embryonic neural tube forms the
a. Eustachian tube
b. canals of Schlemm
c. ventricles
d. amygdala
13. Cranial nerve VII
a. innervates your extra ocular eye muscles
b. supplies your skin on the cheek with sensory innervation
c. allows you to wrinkle your forehead
d. innervates your pharynx and larynx
14. Hyaline cartilage supports the lumen of the respiratory tract down to the
a. respiratory bronchiole
b. alveoli
c. terminal bronchiole
d. bronchi
16. The vagus or X cranial nerve innervates the
a. nasal mucosa
b. oral mucosa
c. tongue muscles
d. heart
18. A derivative of the diencephalon includes the
a. cerebral cortex
b. basal ganglia
c. thalamus
d. superior colliculus
20. The inferior colliculus is part of the ____pathway
a. auditory
b. olfactory
c. proprioceptive visual
d. visual
21. Stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system causes the iris to
a. dilate
b. close completely
c. constrict in varying degrees
d. all of the above
22. Incomplete closure of the head end of the neural tube causes a condition known as
a. spina bifida
b. anencephaly (little or no brain)
c. encephalitis
d. meningitis
23. Nineteen million fibers connect the cerebral cortex with the _____ whose fibers
connect with the cerebellar cortex.
a. medulla oblongata
b. superior colliculi
c. pons
d. thalamus
24. The nasolacrimal duct empties directly into the
a. inferior meatus
b. superior meatus
c. middle meatus
d. external nares
25. The middle meatus in the nasal cavity receives drainage from the
a. nasolacrimal duct
b. sphenoid sinus
c. frontal and large maxillary sinuses
d. ethmoid sinus
26. The III cranial nerve serves to
a. assist in tasting your cheese cake
b. roll your eyes and raise your eyelid
c. feel dust in your eye
d. close your eyelid
27. The pineal gland, part of the epithalamus,
a. produces melatonin to regulate the circadian rhythm
b. is located over the metencephalon
c. is part of the telencephalon
d. attaches to the medulla oblongata
29. 700 cc of cerebrospinal fluid produced each day in the CNS flows in the
a. subdural space
b. subarachnoid space
c. subpial space
d. subterminal space
30. The VIII cranial nerve
a. arises from the forebrain
b. arises from the midbrain
c. is concerned with anger and taste
d. is concerned with hearing and balance
32. In the disease known as Herpes Zoster (commonly known as shingles) the virus
attacks the dorsal root ganglia cells. What kind of neurons are these?
a. bipolar
b. pseudounipolar
c. multipolar
d. unipolar
33. Nissl substance, rough endoplasmic reticulum, is not found in the
a. dendrites
b. soma or perikaryon
c. axons
d. cell body
34. Which of the following is not part of the nasal septum?
a. sphenoid
b. ethmoid
c. hyaline cartilage
d. vomer
35. Microtubules and neurofilaments play a role in
a. forming the nucleus
b. forming the neurilemma
c. transporting substances in the axon
d. directly destroying myelin
36. The III cranial nerve
a. arises from the diencephalon
b. stimulates muscles to move the eye ball
c. causes tears to flow
d. innervates the sternocleidomastoid muscle
37. Which structure has not shown neurogenesis (formation of nerve cells) in the
a. olfactory epithelium
b. dentate gyrus
c. association cortex
d. anterior horn
38. The masses of nerve cells in the base of the developing cerebral hemispheres
a. are called substantia nigra and secret dopamine
b. control thirst
c. control pituitary hormones
d. are called basal ganglia and influence motor functions
1. The openings directly into the nasal cavity do not include
a. Eustachian tubes
b. external nares (nostrils)
c. internal nares
d. nasolacrimal ducts
2. The III neuron in a sensory pathway from the cord is found in the
a. thalamus
b. dorsal horn
c. lateral horn
d. anterior horn
6. The corticobulbar tract descends to the
a. anterior horn cell at C3 level
b. lateral horn at L2 level
c. cranial nerve VII
d. cranial nerve II
7. The oculomotor nerve
a. innervates the superior oblique extraocular eye muscle
b. is purely sensory
c. originates from the diencephalon
d. innervates the medial rectus extraocular eye muscle
8. The left primary bronchus
a. supplies three lobes of the lung
b. arises from the larynx
c. is lined with simple squamous epithelium
d. is narrower and longer than the right primary bronchus
10. A derivative of the diencephalon includes:
a. cerebral cortex
b. hypothalamus
c. VIII nerve
d. XII nerve
12. The left lateral spinothalamic tract is damaged at T2 level. Where is the lack of pain and
temperature sensations found?
a. below right T3-4 level
b. above right T3-4 level
c. below left T2 level
d. above left T2 level
13. If the anterior neuropore in the neural tube fails to close at about one month
a. the brain can still form normally
b. condition called spina bifida develops
c. condition called anencephaly develops
d. extra ventricles develop
15. Types of synapses do not include
a. axosomatic
b. axoaxonic
c. dendrodendritic
d. axoganglionic
17. Cerebrospinal fluid in the III ventricle flows into the
a. a. lateral ventricle
b. aqueduct
c. subarachnoid space
d. fourth ventricle
19. A derivative of the myelencephalon includes:
a. pons
b. cerebellum
c. corpus callosum
d. medulla oblongata
22. Visceral efferent fibers supply the
a. heart muscle
b. lateral rectus eye muscle
c. external oblique eye muscle
d. medial rectus eye muscle
24. Lack of pain in a tooth could be due to blockage of a branch of what nerve?
a. VII
b. V
c. IX
d. XI
25. The axon hillock is
a. always at the beginning of the presynaptic terminal
b. filled with rough endoplasmic reticulum
c. the site of attachment of the axon to the soma
d. is a source of collaterals
27. Pleural fluid is secreted by the pleura which
a. cover the primary bronchi
b. only cover the lungs
c. line the thoracic cavity (parietal) and cover the lungs (visceral)
d. are made of simple cuboidal epithelial cells
28. The telencephalon gives rise to the
a. cerebral peduncles
b. basal ganglia
c. superior colliculus
d. thalamus
31. Lissauer’s fasciculus is part of the
a. midbrain
b. thalamus
c. pain pathway in the spinal cord
d. fasciculus gracilis
32. The optic nerve
a. originates from the ganglion cells of the retina
b. migrates laterally from the mesencephalon
c. originates directly from the rods and cones in the retina
d. does not synapse in the thalamus
33. Pseudostratifed columnar ciliated epithelium is not found in or on the
a. vocal chords
b. maxillary sinus
c. nasal cavity
d. trachea
35. Turbinates or chonchae are not designed to
a. increase the surface area of the nasal cavity
b. provide attachment for nasal muscles
c. enhance the distribution of the venus plexus
d. allow for more cilia to clean the air
36. Which statement is incorrect about the true vocal chords?
a. are controlled by the thyroarytenoid muscles
b. border the glottis
c. constrict during asthma
d. are longer on the average in males than in females
37. Conscious proprioception or kinesthetic sense is taken to the thalamus via fibers in the
a. lateral funiculus
b. posterior funiculus
c. anterior funiculus
d. lateral cortical spinal tract
39. Neuroglia are not found in the
a. white matter
b. grey matter
c. anterior horn
d. arachnoid
40. A pseudounipolar cell
a. is not found in the dorsal root ganglia
b. has both an axon and dendrites
c. has myelin on both the peripheral and central process
d. none of the above.
41. The olfactory nerve cell is
a. multipolar
b. not found in the roof of the nasal cavity
c. found on the turbinates (conchae)
d. bipolar and sends its axon through the cribriform plate to the olfactory bulb
44. The lateral spinal thalamic tract terminates in the
a. thalamus
b. basal ganglia
c. postcentral gyrus of the cerebral cortex
d. medulla
45. The __________is not part of the nasal septum
a. perpendicular plate of the ethmoid
b. hyaline cartilage
c. nasal bone
d. vomer
46. Peripheral nerves do not have
a. somatic afferent fibers
b. somatic efferent fibers
c. pyramidal cells
d. Schwann cells
47. The adenoids (pharyngeal tonsils)
a. are not lymphatic tissue
b. produce lymphocytes
c. produce “polymorphs”
d. are found in the laryngeal pharynx
48. Which is not a function of the prefrontal cortex?
a. initiative
b. judgment
c. astereognosis
d. planning ahead
49. Most nerve cells in the CNS are
a. motor neurons
b. sensory neurons
c. interneurons
d. pseudoneurons