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38 Cards in this Set

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What are the parts that make up an embedded system?

1. Microprocessor

2. Sensors

3. Actuators

What is a Microprocessor?

> A CPU on a single IC (integrated circuit)

> The brain of the system

What is a Sensor?

> A device that measures a physical quantity and converts it into a signal which can be read by an observer or by an instrument

What is an Actuator?

> A mechanical device for moving or controlling a mechanism or system

What is the purpose of a computer?

> To turn data (the raw facts and figures) into information (data that has been summarized and manipulated for use in decision making)

What is hardware? What is software?

> Hardware is the machinery and equipment in the computer

> Software is the electronic instructions that tell the computer how to perform a task

What are the basic operations of a Computer System?

1. Input (what goes into the computer system)

2. Processing (the manipulations a computer does to transform data into information)

3. Storage (Temporary storage: memory is primary storage | Permanent storage: disks and media such as DVD's are secondary storage)

4. Output (number of pictures on screen, printouts, sounds, ect.)

5. Communications (sending and receiving data)

Explain the concept of a Universal Computing Device.

> All computers, given enough time and memory, are capable of computing exactly the same things because they are programmable (like Turing's Universal Machine)

How do we solve a problem using a computer?

1. Problem in our natural language

>Software Design: choose algorithms and data structures

2. Algorithm: step-by-step procedure, guaranteed to finish | well-defined, effective computability, finiteness

>Programming: use language to express design

3. Program: express the algorithm using a computer language |high-level language, low-level language

>Compiling/Interpreting: convert language to machine instructions

4.Instruction Set Architecture: specifies the set of instruction the computer can perform | data types, addressing mode

What are the deeper levels of Computer problem solving?

1. Instruction Set Architecture

>Processor Design: choose structures to implement ISA

2. Microarchitecture: detailed organization of a processor implementation | different implementation of a single ISA

>Logic/Circuit Design: gates and low-level circuits to implement components

3. Logic Circuits: combine basic operations to realize microarchitecture

>Process Engineering and Fabrication: develop and manufacture lowest-level components

4. Devices: properties of materials, manufacturability

What are the electricity basics?

1. Basic Electrical Circuit

2. Voltage

3. Current

4. Flow of Electricity

5. The Breadboard

What are the Characteristics of an Electrical Circuit?

1. Closed Loop

2. Contains a source of electrical energy (battery)

3. Contains a load (light bulb)

4. Electrical energy flow (from + to -)

5. Described by a schematic

What are the characteristics of Voltage?

> The relative level of electrical energy between any two points in the circuit

> Measured in Volts (V)

What are the characteristics of Current?

> The amount of electrical energy passing through any point in the circuit

> Measured in Amperes or Amps (A) or (I)

What are the characteristics of Resistance?

> The amount that any component in the circuit resists the flow of current

> Measured in Ohms (R)

What are the characteristics of Electrical Power?

> The combination of current and voltage

> Measured in Watts (W)

> Watts = Volts x Amps

What is Ohm's Law?

> Volts = Amps x Ohms

> Voltage = Current x Resistance

> V = I x R

What is a Serial Circuit?

> There is only one path for electrons to flow

What is a Parallel Circuit?

> All components are connected between the same set of electrically common points (different paths for electricity to flow in)

What is a Short Circuit?

> A circuit with no load

What is a diode?

> Permit the flow of electricity in one direction, and block it in the other direction

> Anode (the thicker side) is positive

> Cathode (the thinner side) is negative

What is an LED?

> Light-Emitting Diodes

> Positive is longer (long lead) Negative is shorter (short lead, flat side, spot)

What is a switch?

> Control the flow of current through a junction in a circuit

What is a resistor?

> Limit the current flow in a circuit

What is a voltage regulator?

> Take a range of voltage and convert it to a constant voltage

> 1 connects to circuit, 2 connects to ground and 3 connects to the rest of the circuit

What is a potentiometer?

> Can change resistance

> Outer leads connect to circuit, middle connects to wiper which is the knob that changes the resistance

What is negative feedback? What is positive feedback?

> Negative feedback: back to the initial state

> Positive feedback: away from the initial state

What is Abstraction?

> Programmable devices (microcontrollers) that can be used without having to completely understand the details of how they work

What is Modularity?

> composing systems of reusable, mix-and match part

What is Transduction?

> The conversion of one from of energy into another

Describe what part Input, Processing and Output play in energy flow.

> Input: takes less energy than output

> Processing: requires a computer to read the input, make decision and activate output (requires programming)

> Output: often requires electrical and mechanical skills (light, sound, movement)

What is Digital? What is Analog?

> Digital: limited number of states (usually 2)

>> Yes, or not

> Analog: continuous range of multiple states

>> How much, stronger, faster, brighter

If something is Serial and Digital it is...

> Easy to make

If something is Serial and Analog it is...

> A bit more difficult

If something is Parallel and Analog it is...

> Time consuming, but not too hard

If something is Parallel and Digital it is...

> The most challenging

How do you calculate the resistance in a Serial Circuit?

> Add all the resistances

How do you calculate the resistance in a Parallel Circuit?

> Find the current for every individual resistor (I = V/R)

> Add up the current

> R = V/I

> Should be smaller than all the other resistors