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110 Cards in this Set

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X-linked agammaglobulinemia
congenital in males with delayed onset of 6 months
signs and symptoms of X-linked aggamglobulinemia
otitis media, diarrhea, pneumonia, sinusitis
pathogenesis of X-linked agammaglobulinemia
imparied bruton's tyrosine kinase expression expression in pre-B cells
in X-linked agammaglobulinemia, there are
reduced-to-absent B cells inperipheral lymphoid tissues
selective IgA deficiency is the most
common primary Ab deficiency
often there are ____ which can ____ but in IgA deficiency ____
normal B cells which can make IgA but in IgA deficiency, secretory IgA cannot be made
half of the IgA deficiency patients are
asymptomatic because the Ig receptor can bind IgA and IgM so the IgM will compensate
transient hypogammaglobulinemia has an onset of ___ and patients with this have ____
5 to 6 months
normal numbers of B and T cells but low numbers of Ig production in neonate
signs and symptoms of transient hypogammaglobulinemia
recurrent otitis media, pneumonias, diarrhea
a child with hypogammaglobulinemia may
methods to diagnose B cell deficiencies
serum protein electrophoresis
quantitative immunoglobulins
isohemagglutinin titer
Ab responses to immunization (protein and polysaccharide)
treatment of B cell deficiencies
Antibiotics as needed
IVIG (every 3 weeks)
Stem cell reconstitution is rarely lused
T cell deficiencies are ____ that progress______
early onset of infections that progress rapidly and disseminate
T cell deficiencies lead to _____
intracellular pathogens, especially virla, fungal
DiGeorge syndrome has ____
congenital thymic hypoplasia
signs/symptoms of DiGeorge syndrome
lymphopenia, moderate hypogammaglobulinemia, Ca++ imbalance, cardiac disease
DiGeorge syndrome also shows
early onset viral and fungal infections
Examples of T cell signaling defects
CD3 deficiency
CD4-associated Lck kinase deficiency
CD154 coreceptor deficiency: Hyper IgM syndrome
Hyper IgM-1 syndrome has an absence of
CD154 on Th cells
CD154 =
ligand for the CD40 co-receptor on B cells
Hyper IgM syndrome leads to
poor signaling for Ig class switching
Bare lymphocyte syndrome-II is primarily a mutation in
transcription factor CIITA
mutations in CIITA lead to
failure to express MHC class II in thymus
if MHC II is not present there is
poor development of CD4+ T cells due to imparied positive selection
signs of bare lymphocyte syndrome II
peripheral CD4 lymphopenia and poor activation of CD4+ T cells in periphery
bare lymphocyte syndrome I has mutations in
TAP genes which leads to defective class I expression
in bare lymphocyte syndrome I there is impaired
development of CD8+ T cells
family of congenital Th1 defects
IFN-gammaR1 deficiency
IL-12BR1 deficiency
IL-12 deficiency
all of these produce susceptibility to infections
Ig Locus deletions results in
normal B cell number but no IgG1, IgG2, IgG4 or IgA1
Ig locus deltions have no
increased susceptibility to infection
one Ig class can compensate for the absence of another in providing protective immunity
ZAP-70 Deficiency can manifest early
in life as severe opportunistic viral and fungal infections
the number of circulating CD4+ cells is ____ and the number of circulating CD8+ T cells is ____and they both
don't respond normally to antigenic stimulation in vitro
CD3 deficiencies result in
severe lymphopenia and the inability of thymocytes to signal through pre-TCR- there is no pre-TCR
CD3 deficiency does not allow
positive selection to occur
AIDS infects
CD4+ cells, DC and macrophages
AIDS leads to
severe lymphopenia by destroying the helper T cell subset
yc deficiencies lead to
multiple cytokine receptor deficiencies
defective lymphocyte development and poor isotype switching in B cells
ADA enzyme catalyzes the
breakdown of adenosine to inosine
deficiencies in ADA lead to
increase in intracellular adenosine, deoxyadenosine (ATP, dATP)
inhibition of methyl transferase reactions
thymocyte, mature T, B and NK cell toxicity
Progressive T-B-NK- phenotype and severe lymphopenia
ADA deficiency is
autosomal recessive
Wiscott Aldrich Syndrome is a _____ with ______
combined immune deficiency with thyrombocytopenia
wiscott aldridch syndrome protein controls
kinase signaling to actin cytoskeleton
Wiscott Aldrich Syndrome patients have _______ but ________
near normal Ig but poor antibody responses to T-independent polysaccharide antigens
patients with wiscott aldridch syndrome have
infections with encapsulated extracellular bacteria; and later intracellular pathogens
Wiscott aldrich syndrome causes
progressive lymphopenia and defective humoral and cellular immunity
presentation of T cell and combined immune deficiencies
early onset, opportunistic viral/fungal infections; later extracellular bacteria
tests to test for T cell and combined immune deficiencies
CBC, lymphocyte counts, CD3,4,8 and CD4:CD8 ratios
anti-HIV antibodies
Intradermal skin testing for delayed hypersensitivities
treatments for SCID
stem cell transplantation
treatments for DiGeorge
thymus transplantation
treatment for ADA deficiency, hyper IgM syndrome
gene therapy?
cyclic neurtopenia is a deficiency in
neutrophil elastase
therapy of cyclic neutropenia
recombinant CSF-G therapy
leukocyte adhesion defect leads to
altered neutrophil extravasation and opsonophagocytosis
LAD-1 is the absence of
CD18 (LFA-1, CR3, CR4)
therapy for Leukocyte adhesion defect
antibiotics and stem cell transplantation
diagnosis for complement deficiencies
immunoassays for individual components
hemolytic complement assay for activity
AIDS has
CD4+ depletion
AIDs patients sometimes have
kaposi Sarcoma
Kaposi Sarcoma is caused by
morbidity of AIDS caused by
opportunistic intracellular infections
Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome Canae-Smith Syndrome has mutated____which leads to ____
mutated Fas (CD95) leads to lots of CD4/CD8 cells
Autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome has mutated
transcription factor autoimmune regulator which usually regulates the expression of self-antigens
symptoms of polyendocrine syndrome
chronic muccocutaneous candidiasis, hypoparathyroidism, and adrenal insuffiency
Celiac Disease patients have _____
gluten intolerance
when gluten intolerance is present there is an________
inflammatory response with Th1, CD8 T cells/ plasma cells and cause damage to GI endothelial tissue
chediak-Higashi Sydrome patients have defective____ and ____
lysosomal traffickig regulator
poor killing of infected/phagocytosed cells
Chediak-Higashi Syndrome leads to
platelet defects
Chrohn's Disease involves____
inflammation in intestine
Chrohn's disease causes
intestinal damage and granulomas
treatment of Chrohn's disease
Common Variable Immunodeficiency is characterized by defective _______ and _______ with increased risk of ____
B cell maturation
low Ig levels
cyclic neutropenia has mutated ___
neutrophil elastase
treatment of cyclic neutropenia
Factor I deficiency
cannot destroy C3 convertases
leads to complement deficiency
Goodpasture syndrome
autoantibodies for type Iv collagen in BM
symptom of goodpasture syndrome
Grave's Disease
autoantibodies agonistic to TSH-R
Grave's Disease symptoms
Graft vs. Host Disease occurs when
the donor cells attach recipient
Hashimoto thyroiditis
autoimmunity to follicles of thyroid
Hemolytic disease of newborn occurs when
Rh negative mother creates Ag against Rh-positive child RBC
test to determine hemolytic disease of newborn
clears fetal RBC from mom
inhibits B cell activation
Hereditary angioedema leads to
low C1 inhibitor leels
C1 inhibitor regulats
C1 complex, XII, kallikrein, plasmin
Hyper-IgE syndrome caused by
low IFN-gamma
increased IgE switching
infectious mononucleosis called by
EBV which increases CD8+ cell
Job's syndrome
poor IFN-gamma- neutrophils fail to respond to chemotactic stimuli
Multiple sclerosis (MS) caused when
microglia express B7 and demyelinate CNS
MS is a type ___reaction
remember! B7 cross reacts with
CD28 on T cells
multiple myeloma patients have ____
high serum Ig and high L chains
Also have high IL-1, TNF, IL-6
myasthenia gravis
autoantibodies against AchR
Myasthenia Gravis results in a type _____ reaction
Pernicious anemia results in
no B12 absorption
autoimmune attack on gactric
Rheumatoid arthritis is a result of
inflammation and production of rheumatoid factor
rheumatoid factor is
an autoantibody to Fc of IgG
Rheumatic Fever results from
auto-antibodies that cause cross-reaction and damage heart/joints
rheumatic fever shows type ___ reaction
Sjogren syndrome leads to destruction of
destruction of lacrimal and salivary glands
Autoantibodies of sjogren syndrome
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus patients have this diagnostic autoantibody
symptoms of lupus
fever, arthralgia, arthritis, myalgia, photosensitivity, skin rashes, anemia, glomerulonephritis, hpercoagulative state
death from lupus occurs by
renal failure and intercurrent infections
systemic sclerosis (scleroderma) causes
fibrosis in skin and organs caused by damage to small blood vessels
ANA of systemic sclerosis
anti-topoI and anti-centromere
Toxic Shock Syndrome caused by this microbial agent
gram positive
TSS caused by
superantigen (TSST)
tumor antigens
tumor suppressor genes
overexpressed genes
gene silence
ongogenic viruses
oncogetal antigens
differentiation/associated antigen
how tumor cells evade the immune system
weak immunogenicity
lack of co-stimulation (tolerance)
low to absent expression of MHC I
suppressive tumor activities
IDO deposition
immunosuppressive cytokines
Receptors on T cells Down-regulating T cell activation (CTLA4 & PD-1)