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26 Cards in this Set

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Why is it important to understand the theories and research behind leadership?

understanding the theories and research behind leadership is important b/c the theory that company executives believe about leadership will determine how an org, develops and selects managers

Leader Emergence

theory that postulates that certain types of people will become leaders and certain types others will not

What do most Recent Reviews Suggest about leadership between traits and leader emergence?

people with high openness, consciencousness, and extraversion will most likely become leaders

high self monitored people will become leaders

intelligent people will become leaders

3 Factors of Motivation To Lead:

1. Affective Motivation

2.Noncalculate Motivation

3.Social Normative Motivation

Leader Performance:

a theory that postulates that some type of people will be better leaders than others

Define Self Monitoring and what impact does it have on person's ability to lead?

a personality trait characterized to adapt one's behavior to the social situation.

helps leaders focus on what they should do as opposed to what they are

Three types of Needs a leader may have according to trait theory:

1.Need for Power

2.Need for Affiliation

3.Need for Achievement

Need for Power:

need to control people

Need for Achivement:

desire to be succesful

Need For Affiliation:

desire to be around other people

Leadership Motive Pattern:

the name for a pattern of needs in which a leader has high need for power and little need for affiliation

Fielder's Contingency Model

a theory of leadership that states that leadership effectiveness is dependent on interaction between leader and situation

LPC Scale:

a test used in conjunction with Fielder's contingency model to reveal leadership style and effectiveness

Three Variables that Determine Favorableness of a Situation:

1Task Sctructuredness

2Leader Position Power

3Leader Member Relations

Path Goal Theory:

A theory of leadership stating that leaders will be effective is their behaviors helps subordinates achieve relevant goals.

4 Leadership styles of Path Goal Theory:

1Instrumental Style

2Participative Style

3Achievenemt Oriented Style

4Supportive Style

Instrumental Style

in path-goal theory, a leadership style in which the leader plans and organizes the activities of employees

Participative Style

In path-goal theory, a leadership style in which the leader allows employees to participate in decisions

Achievement Oriented Style

in path-goal theory, a leadership style in which the ledaer sets challenging goals and rewards achievement

Supportive Style

in path-goal theory, a leadership style in which leaders show concern for their employees

Situational Leadership Theory:

a theory of leadership stating that effective leaders must adapt their style of leadership to fit both the situation and followers

5 Basic Types of Leader Power

1.Expert Power

2.Legitimate Power

3.Reward and Coercive Power

4. Referant Power

Expert Power:

Powers that individuals have because they have knowledge

Legitimate power:

the power that individuals have because of their elected or appointed position

Reward and Coercive Power:

leadership power that exists to the extent that the leader has the ability and authority to provide rewards

leadership power that comes from the leader's capacity to punish others

Referant Power:

leadership power that exists when followers can identify with a leader and the leader's goals