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46 Cards in this Set

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Another word for letter
I Corinthians is 1 of 12 letters written by
How much of the New Testament was written by Paul?
In the letters/epistles, we see the __________ of Christianity.
What is the plumb line for all wisdom and boasting?
The Cross
What is our example of all behavior?
I Corinthians describes __________ as Christ's body
The Church
What did Christ's resurrection on all creation create?
Powerful consequences
How many New Testament letters did Paul write?
I Corinthians was written when?
Approximately 55 A.D.
What missionary journey of Paul's was he on when he wrote it?
his 3rd missionary journey
Who was Paul writing to in I Corinthians?
Christians gathered in Corinth
Where was Paul when he wrote I Corinthians?
How long did Paul stay in Ephesus?
Stayed there to complete a 3 year commitment
Who are the key people in I Corinthians?
Members of Chloe's household
Christians in Corinth
What are the main themes of I Corinthians?
Correction of behavior
Corrections based on doctrine
Divine wisdom vs Human wisdom
Work of the Holy Spirit
Divine role of women
Marriage and divorce
Doctrine of the resurection
Who wrote II Corinthians?
When did he write II Corinthians?
Approximately 56 A.D.
Where was he when he wrote II Corinthians?
He wrote it after leaving Ephesus. Many think he was in Philipi when he wrote it.
Who was II Corinthians written to?
The Christians gathered in Corinth or the Church of Corinth
Who were the key people in II Corinthians?
the false apostles
the Christians in Corinth
Who planted the church in Corinth and spent 18 months there as a minister?
In II Corinthians, Paul rejoices over what?
those in Corinth who righteously responded to his previous letters
They responded to his previous letters by doing what?
Why did Paul write II Corinthians?
Becauase Corinth continued to prosper materially yet decline moraly
Who delivered II Corinthians?
Many think there was another letter to the Corinthians. What is it called?
The lost epistle
What is the key word in II Corinthians?
In the old Testament we see the _________ of Christ
In the gospels we see the _________ of Christ
In the book of Acts we see the __________ of Christ
In the epistles we see the _________ of Christianity
II Corinthians reveals Jesus in four primary focuses
1 Our relationship with God in Christ
2 our service to God in Christ
3 our present life with God in Christ
4 our future life with God in Christ
In II Corinthians, Paul explains and defends four things
1 His actions
2 His ministry
3 The collection of offerings
4 His authority
Difference b/t I Cor and II Cor

Practical & Personal
I Corinthians - Practical
II Corinthians - Personal
Difference b/t I Cor and II Cor

I Corinthians - Focuses on the character of the Corinthian Church
II Corinthians - Focuses on Paul as he shares his heart and defends his ministry
Difference b/t I Cor and II Cor

Deals with...
I Corinthians - deals with questions on marriage, freedom in Christ, spiritual gifts, and order in the church
II Corinthians - deals with the problem of false teachers, whereby Paul defends his authority and message in Christ
Difference b/t I Cor and II Cor

I Corinthians - Paul instructs in matters concerning the church's well being
II Corinthians - Paul gives his testimony because he believes acceptance of his advice is vital to the church's well-being
Difference b/t I Cor and II Cor

I Corinthians - Contains advice to help the church combat the pagan influences in the wicket city of Corinth
II Corinthians - Contains testimony to help the church combat the havoc caused by false teachers
Where was Corinth and what kind of city was it?
Southern Greece and it was a crazy city
Prosperous epicenter in all of Europe
Corinth was known for what and honoring what?
Known for mythology and honoring Aphrodite
There was 1,000 priestesses in the temple of Aphrodite. What are they?
Who is Sosthenes?
Paul's secretary
What are some problems going on in the Church in Corinth?
Mairage and divorce
Paul's teaching on God's wisdome vs human wisdom
God gives people wisdom and they don't use it right
Paul's instructions on dealing with a brother living in immorality
Confront him, go to the elders, give him over to satin