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31 Cards in this Set

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Competitive Dynamics
The actions and responses undertaken by competing firms
Competitor Analysis
The process of anticipating a rivals' actions in order to both revise a firm's plan and prepare to deal with rivals' responses
Collective attempts between competing firms to reduce competition
Tacit Collusion
Firms indirectly coordinate actions by signaling their intension to reduce output and maintain pricing above competitive levels
Explicit Collusion
Firms directly negotiate output, fix pricing, and divide markets
An entity that engages in output and price fixing involving multiple competitors
Antitrust Laws
Laws that attempt to curtail anti competitive business practices
Prisoners Dilema
In game theory, a type of game in which the outcome depends on 2 parties deciding whether to cooperate or defect
Game Theory
A theory that studies the interactions between 2 parties that compete and/or cooperate with each other
Concentration Ratio
The % of total industry sales accounted for by the top 4, 8 or 20 firms
Price Leader
A firm that has a dominant market share and sets "acceptable" prices and margins in the industry
Capacity to Punish
Sufficient resources possessed by a price leader to deter and combat defection
Market Commonality
The overlap between 2 rivals' markets
Multimarket Competition
Firms engage the same rivals in multiple markets
Mutual Forbearance
Multimarket firms respect their rivals' spheres of influence in certain markets and their rivals reciprocate, leading to tacit collusion
Cross-Market Retaliation
The ability of a firm to expand in a competitor's market if the competitors attacks its original market
Competition Policy
Policy governing the rules of the game in competition in a country
Antitrust Policy
Laws designed to combat monopolies and cartels
Collusive Price Setting
Price setting by monopolists or collusion parties at a higher than competitive level
Predatory Pricing
An attempt to monopolize a market by setting prices below cost and intending to raise prices to cover losses in the long run after eliminating rivals
An exporter selling below cost abroad and planning to raise prices after eliminating local rivals
Resource Similarity
The extent to which a given competitor possesses strategic endowments comparable, in terms of both type and amount, to those of the focal firm
An initial set of actions to gain competitive advantage
A set of actions in response to an attack
The classic frontal attack with brute force
A firm's attack on a focal arena important to a competitor but not the attacker's true target area
To withdraw from a low value market to attract rivals to divert resurces into it and then to apture a high value market
Defender Strategy
This strategy centers on leveraging local assets in areas in which MNEs are weak
Extender Strategy
This strategy centers on leveraging homegrown competencies abroad
Dodger Strategy
This strategy centers on cooperating through joint ventures with MNEs and sell offs to MNEs
Contender Strategy
Centers on a firm engaging in rapid learning and then expanding overseas