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23 Cards in this Set

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Hypothyroidism - Primary (Labs)
TSH - increase
T4 - decrease
Hypothyroidism - Secondary (Labs)
TSH, T3, T4 decrease
if TSH stays low after injection of TRH
Hypothyroidism - Tertiary (Labs)
TRH, TSH, T3, T4 decreased
if TSH increases after injection TRH
S/S Hypothyroidism
no symptoms
fatigue, lethargic, impaired memory, slowed speech, SOB, anemia, bruise easily, dry & coarse hair, constipation, cold intolerance, brittle nails, hoarseness, weight gain, periorbital edema
Hypothyroidism - Primary Treatment
~levothyroxine (Synthroid) - lifelong replacement

~low calorie diet
problems resulting of hypothyroidism
Low metabolic rate, sensitivity to cold, constipation, edema, heightened sensitivity to sedative-hypnotic medications, disorientation, myexedema coma
Hyperthyroidism Names
Graves Dz
Hyperthyroidism Etiology
an autoimmune dz, (unknown) marked by diffuse thyroid enlargement & excessive thyroid hormone secretions.
Precipitating Factors to Hyperthyroidism
decrease iodine, infections, stressful life events
Hyperthyroidism Patho
develops antibodies, they attach to the TSH receptors and stimulate gland to release T3, T4, or both. excessive release may progress to destruction of tissue leading to hypothyroidism
Hyperthyoidism S/S
SOB, weight loss, diarrhea, heat intolerance, diaphoresis, mood swings, increase appetite, fatigue, nervousness, increase: RR, HR, Pulse, Bowel sounds, exophtalamia
hyperthyroidism geriatrics s/s
anorexia, apathy, lassitude, depression, weight loss, atrial fib, confusion, angina & CHF
Hyperthyroidism 3 treatments
Drug Therapy
Radioactive Iodine Therapy
Surgical Therapy
Hyperthyroidism Drug Therapy Types
Antithyroid - propylthiouracil (PTU) & methimazole (Tapazole)
Iodine (SSKI)
Beta-Blockers - propranolol (Inderal), atenolol (Tenormin)
Radioactive Iodine Therapy
damages thyroid tissue & limits hormone secretion, delayed response (2-3months). usually treated propranolol & antithyroid for 3 months during lapse, most ppl become hypothyroid as result
Surgical Therapy Hyperthyroidism
Thyroidectomy- rapid reduction T3 & T4
Subtotal: remove 90%
Endoscopic : Sm Nodes (<3cm), no malignancy
Problems from Hyperthyroidism
Weakness & Exhaustion, can't close eyes, hungry all the time, gastric irritability, restless, worried
PreOp for subtotal thyroidectomy
Cardiac problems need to be controlled first (achieve euthyroid state), administer Iodine to decrease vascularity if ordered, educate TCDB, leg exercises, how to move neck and support head after surgery, room ready w/ oxygen, suction, trach tray, IV calcium salts available Ca++ gluconate or gluceptate
Complications of thyroidectomy
iodine toxicity, dyspnea, hemorrhage, tetany
Iodine Toxicity CM
swelling of buccal & mucus membranes, excessive salivation, skin reactions
Addisonian Crisis
a life-threatening disorder caused by adrenal hormone insufficiency. Crisis is precipitated by infection, trauma, stress or surgery. Death can occur from shock, vascular collapse or hyperkalemia
Addison's DZ
hyposecretion of adrenal cortex hormones (flucocorticoids and mineralocortocoids) from the adrenal gland, resulting in deficiency of the corticosteriod hormones. Condition is fatal if left untreated
surgical removal of an adrenal gland. Lifelong replacement of glucocortiicoids and mineralocorticoids is necessary with a bilateral adrenalectomy. Temporary replacement may be necessary for up to 2 years for a unilateral adrenalectomy