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15 Cards in this Set

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71 million >200 mg/dL

High is >240, >200 borderline

Males higher than females, except for whites

Statin Benefit Groups

Clinical althersclerotic vascular disease

LDL >190 mg/dL

DM w LDL>70

LDL >70 and estimated 10 year >/=7.5%

Primary Prevention

>/=21 yo c LDL >/=190

statin max + adj to reduce LDL 50%

>21 c LDL>190 and TG >500 evaluate for secondary causes

40-75 yo c LDL 70-189: risk 7.5% or more - moderate statin


5-7.5% - consider statin, weigh risks/benefits

Secondary Prevention

<76 c ASCVD - High-intensity statin therapy

<76 c ASCVD - moderate if can't tolerate high

>75 with ASCVD - continue statin if tolerating

High Intensity

Atorvastatin 40-80

Rosuvastatin 20-40

Moderate Intensity

Atorvastatin 10-20

Rosuvastatin 5-10

Simvastatin 20-40

Pravastatin 40- 80


Pravastatin, Fluvastatin, Rosuvastain, , Pitavastatin

Less interactions, esp Pravastatin

R has higher SE profile


Lovastatin, Simvastatin, Atorvastatin

HMG-COa inhibitors: block enzyme necessary for cholesterol synthesis in the liver -> increasing LDL clearance from blood

Effect: Increase LDL, TG and increase HDL

-improve endothelial function

-moderate inflammation

-maintain plaque stability/prevent thrombus

Given in evening, cholesterol is produced between MN and 3 am, except Lovastatin needs to be with food

DO NOT GIVE for Preg/lac, liver disease, ETOH. seizures, severe infection

Monitoring: baseline, 6 & 12 weeks LFTs, greater than 3x basline dc, return to baseline try different statin, possibly baseline CK, >10 normal, cut in 1/2 or dc

SE Myopathy -> Rhabdomyolysis, Hepatoxicity


Lower all bad, increases all good

Indicated for patients at risk for pancreatitis

Start low, give 3 divided dose daily, titrate 1-2 weeks; or LA 1 QD, titrate monthly; max 6g/d

Avoid c gout, renal failure, liver disease

Monitor lipids, LTFs, uric acid, INR(if applicable), check q3m

SE: Flushing, pruritis - asa 325 before dose offsets, HA, GI, arrthymias

Bile Acid Resins

Decrease LDL, increase TG

CI: LDL elevation only

Monitor: LDL/TG baseline, LFT, INR, 1-3 month intervals

DO NOT take dry, take with largest meal of day, no carbonated beverages. ABX, thyroid hormones and fat soluble vitamins must be taken separately. Avoid children/pregnant, biliary obstruction, HX constipation


Gemfibrozil, Fenofibrate

Decrease TG and increase HDL(feno slight effect on LDL) - Gem best for increasing HDL

Rapid action 2-5 days, reduced dose with peptic ulcer disease, warfarin: Gem 30 minutes before meals, feno with meals

Monitoring: LFTs, PT

Do NOT hepatic, renal, biliary cirrhosis, very cautious with statins

SE: GI, myopathy


Cholesterol Absorption Inhibitor in small intestine

Adjunct with statin therapy

SE: fatique, back/joint pain, GI sinisitus


150-199 Borderline high

200+ High

500+ becomes primary target

gemfib or nicotinic acid are best Tx

Metabolic Syndrome

Abdominal obesity

low HDL levels

High TG (>150)

Elevated BP

Fasting BG >110

Statin recommended, could use gemfibrozil

