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33 Cards in this Set

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hypothalamus acts as


connection between brain and endocrine system

integrating signals like temp, thirst/hunger, light, immune responses to infection

where is the BB barrier missing in brain? why

some areas around the hypothalamus

so brain can directly communicate with hormones in the blood

example: GH negative feedback

where are hypothalamic hormones secreted to?

pattern of release?

anterior pit: via hypophysial vessel

posterior pit: neurons starting in hypothalamus project to/ terminate in post pit

pulsatile release

outputs of hyp

1. direct innervation of adrenal medulla / other endocrine tissues

2. neurosecretion: hormone secreted by hypothalamic nuclei and act on pituitary

TRH // function

thyrotropin releasing hormone

regulation of TSH - thyroid stim hormone

GnRH // function

gonadotropin releasing hormone

regulation of gonadotropins FSH (follicle stim hormone) and LH (leutinizing hormone)

somatostatin function

inhib glucagon, insulin, GH, TSH, and others

(-) regulator

GHRH // function

growth hormone releasing hormone

tropic effect on GH (stim it)

trophic for somatotrophs - cause them to grow/thrive

PIH // function

prolactin inhibiting hormone (same as DA)

inhibits PRL (prolactin release)


corticotropin releasing hormone

regulates ACTH, appetite, sym nervous system, adrenal medulla

GnRH - type of receptor, where is R found, main functions (3)


reproductive tissues

1. stim release of LH and SFH

2. secondary effects on limbic system

3. acts locally at ovaries/placenta (produced here, and receptors found here)

effects of FSH and LH?

sex specific

in general, increase sex steroid production and gametogenesis

HPG axis - feedback?

what could f up this axis?

estrogen/progesterone and testosterone are negative regulators -- neg feedback to hyp and ant pit

GnRH must be released pulsatile, otherwise FSH and LH become desensitized

CRH main function

interactions w/ other hormones?

CRH released in response to stress; stim the ant pit to release products of POMC such as ACTH from corticotrophs

VP and angiotension - synergy

oxytocin - inhibs the CRH-mediated released of ACTH

Feedback loops in HPA axis

(-) feedback: short

- ACTH inhib own secretion (or secretion of CRH)

(-) feedback: long

- cortisol ... fast = nonnuclear, depends on rate of change of cortisol levels ... slow = nuclear, depends on abs levels of cortisol

what mediates release of ACTH

circadian rhythm -- ACTH + cortisol peak after waking, cortisol decreases throughout the day (low while sleeping)

stress stim ACTH

thyroid axis - hyp hormone, type of receptor, pit hormone

feedback loops?

TRH from hyp


TSH from ant pit (thyrotroph cells)

stim by TRH, inhib by SS (from hyp)

inhib by TH (TH, T3, T4) -- (-) feedback loop

what is the thyroid axis/regulation (specifically - input + 5b steps)

input: circ rhythm, cold

1. hyp releases TRH to ant pit

2. pit releases TSH to thyroid

3. thyroid releases TH (T3 + T4) to target tissues and back to hyp and pit for feedback

4. TH transported into cells of target tissues

5a. (-) feedback: serum T3/T4 levels regulate TRH and TSH

5b. (-) feedback: excess iodide inhibits

what is T3 known for

main active nuclear transcription factor of TH

lactotrophs - stimulated by? receptor type?

they release?

stim by sleep/stress/suckling stimulation by baby

main input from hyp is PIH (inhibitory)

- G-alpha-i inhib AC, decrease cAMP

release PRL

function of PRL?

feedback loops?

men/women - sexual gratification

men - sperm production

women - menstrual cycle

(-) feedback; increases PIF

also inhibits GnRH

effect of SS on various hormone axes? -- via which receptor?

inhibs sec of GH and TSH from pit

- GPCR G-alpha-i --> inhibs AC, decrease cAMP

GHRH receptor type?

GPCR - G-alpha-s--> stim AC, increases cAMP, increases GH release

somatotrophs - effects

feedback loops?

stim prod of IGF-1

direct effects on lipolysis, AA uptake in various tissues, protein synth in liver, opposes insulin actions

(-) feedback loops to regulate self -- autocrine

which hormones have reciprocal actions on GH?


SS inhibs AC, decreases cAMP, less GH

GHRH stim AC, increases cAMP, more GH

tropic vs trophic

tropic - stim a particular target gland to release a certain set of hormones

trophic - affect growth/nutrition/function of another endocrine gland/cell

protein processing

1. pre-prohormone (not functional): SP + H + CP

2. prehormone (not functional): H + CP

3. mature hormone (functional): CP cleaved at dibasic residues

4. secretion (vesicles)

relative concentration of POMC in various lobes of pit?

int pit: highest concentration, almost completely composed of melanotroph cells

ant pit: speckled

post pit: virtually no POMC

tissue-specific POMC processing?

ant pit: POMC --> Pro-ACTH --> ACTH (by Prohormone Convertase 1)

int pit, skin, hyp: all above steps, plus ACTH --> MSH (by PC2)

ACTH controls what...?

steroid secretion from adrenal cortex - glucocorticoids, mineraliocorticoids, androgens

what happens when ACTH binds MCR in the adrenal cortex?

coupled to G-alpha-s: stim AC, increase cAMP, stim PKA

stim prod of adrenal glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, androgens (tropic)

crucial for development of adrenal cortex (trophic effect)

functions of MSH?

- mammals: stim melanocytes to produce/release melanin (protect skin from UV radiation)

- frogs: adaptive coloration (causes dispersal of pigment in melanophores in skin)

- radiotrophic fungi: photosynthetic pigment to capture gamma rays and use for energy

- protects microbes from temp/chemical damage

- in hyp, role in appetite suppression/regulation

main regulator of MSH and melanocytes?

DA from hyp, via int pit