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45 Cards in this Set

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Which African country is the most populated?
Which African country is the largest geographically?
About how many languages and dialects are spoken in Africa?
Over 1000
What is the approximate religious makeup of the people in Africa?
49% Christian
49% Muslim
2% Small minorities of traditional religions
What is the belief that spirits inhabit all things in nature?
Animism: the belief that the forces of nature are inhabited by spirits.
Africa is traditionally divided into how many geographical zones?
5 geographical zones
1-Northern Africa
2-Western Africa
3-Middle Africa
4-Southern Africa
5-Eastern Africa
What are the three major ethnic groups in Africa called and where are they located?
1- Afroasiatic (Sahara)
2- Sudanic ( Sabel and upper Nile)
3- Nigritic (Sub-Sahara)
What were the two main ancient civilizations in the Sahara region?
Egypt and Kingdom of Kush (Nubia)
What were the four main ancient civilizations in the Sahel and upper Nile region?
Kingdom of Axum
Kingdom of Ghana
Kingdom of Kush (Nubia)
Kingdom of Songhai
What were some of the important ancient civilizations in the sub-Sahara region?
The Nok
The Ite
Bakongo Kingdom
Which was the oldest of these civilizations (famous for their masks)
The Nok
Who were the African “griots” and what did they do?
A class of poet-historians who preserved the legends and lore of Africa by chanting or singing them from memory. Story teller.
What was the most well-known of African epics, taking place in the Mali empire?
Sundiata: which is an epic describing the formative phase of Mali history.
What is polyrhythm?
Polyrhythm: is the simultaneous sounding of two or more independent rhythms. Polyrhythms can be distinguished from irrational rhythms, which can occur within the context of a single part; polyrhythms require at least two rhythms to be played concurrently, one of which is typically an irrational rhythm.
How are the earliest inhabitants of North America thought to have originated?
Following nomadic migrations across a land bridge that once linked Siberia and Alaska at the Bering Strait. The latest evidence suggests that it was mainly Asians who crossed the land bridge into Alaska in a single migration.
What ideas dominated the arts of Native America?
A holistic and animistic view, one that perceives the world as infused with natural spirits.
What are some of the traditional types of art works from the natives of North America?
Wooden masks, painted pottery, woven textiles, sand paintings, beaded ornaments, and kachinas, costumes, baskets.
Who were the ancestors of the Hopi and Zuni?
Anasazi (ancient ones)
What was typical for native American folk tales and who told them?
Native American folktales were transmitted orally for generations, usually told by men and passed down to boys, tales traveled distances and often appeared in many variant versions. Native American tales feature hero-tricksters who, in the course of their adventure, may transform themselves into ravens, spiders, wolves, or rabbits.
What was probably the oldest culture in Mexico and when did it flourish?
Olmecs ( 2000-400 BCE)
What kinds of art works are they most noted for?
Colossal stone heads weighing some 20 tons
What is the largest of all pre-Columbian cities in Mexico?
About when did the Maya exist?
200BCE-900 CE
What are some major innovations and advancements the Maya are known for?
-Produce a written language
- Mathematics
- Astronomers
- Calendar
- Books
- Recorded historical events
How is the Mayan calendar organized and on which number was their number system based?
365 days, based on 260 day cycles. And their number system was based on 20 with 13 numbers
When is the last day of the Mayan calendar and supposedly the end of times?
Where and when did the Aztecs exist and what was their capital city?
They were located in the Valley of Mexico, capital city was Tenochtitlan.
What are some of the notable contributions of the Aztecs?
They fabricated great statues that ranged from austere, realistic portraits to ornately carved.
Combining feline and human features.
Solar Calendar of 365 days.
They anticipated the physical destruction of the world every 52 years.
Who was the main Aztec god and what did he look like?
Quetzalcoatl, feathered serpent.
What are the Aztecs most noted for?
Human Sacrifice
Who conquered the Aztecs and when did this take place?
Cortez 1915, by 1600 80% were killed.
Where and when did the Incas exist and what was their capital city?
1200-1531 BCE the capital city was Cuzco centered in Peru and the Andes mountains.
Who was the main god (creator of the world) and the earth mother in Incan religion?
Viracoha(creator of the world)
Pachamama (earth mother)
What are some notable characteristics of the Incas?
Used mummification
Created Quipu
Who conquered the Incas and when did this take place?
Francisco Pizzaro conquered the empire in 1532.
What are some traditional instruments of the Incas?
Zampona, flutes, pampipes drums, rattles
What are some of the instruments the Spanish introduced?
Harp, mandolin, guitar, violin, lute.
What types of instruments did the African slaves introduce?
Percussion instruments.
Where did Columbus initially land on his voyage to the New Land?
One of the islands now called the Bahamas.
Why did he call the natives “Indians”?
In the mistaken belief that he had reached the “Indies”, the territories of India and Chine.
What are some traditional instruments of the Incas?
Zampona, flutes, pampipes drums, rattles
What are some of the instruments the Spanish introduced?
Harp, mandolin, guitar, violin, lute.
What types of instruments did the African slaves introduce?
Percussion instruments.
Where did Columbus initially land on his voyage to the New Land?
One of the islands now called the Bahamas.
Why did he call the natives “Indians”?
In the mistaken belief that he had reached the “Indies”, the territories of India and Chine.