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54 Cards in this Set

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International Conference on Human Rights, Tehran, 1968
The ability of parents to determine when and how many children to have is deemed a human right
World Population Conference, Bucharest, 1974
The human rights from Tehran are extended to individuals
United Nations Conference on Human Rights, Vienna, 1993
Violence against women is officially considered a human rights abuse. It is declared that individuals have the right to control their own bodies.
International Conference on Population and Development, Cairo, 1994
"Reproductive rights" is extended to include "sexual rights"
4th World Conference on Women, Beijing, 1995
The first time the concept of sexual rights receives broad consensus as a component of human rights
World Conference of Sexology, Valencia, 1997
A Declaration of Sexual Rights is first drafted
World Conference of Sexology, Hong Kong, 1999
The Declaration of Sexual Rights is ratified.
Japan Family Planning Association and Japan Federation of Sexology Joint Meeting, 1997
Barbara Axelson cites three conditions necessary for sexual enjoyment: a loving partner, sexual knowledge and contraceptives.
3 influences on sexual health (direct determinants)
-sexual ideology
-sex education and information
-sexual health services
Indirect determinants of sexual health
-Country characteristics
-Laws and policies
-Political and Economic distribution of power
-Health and social benefits
Sexual health components
-Planned and unwanted pregnancies
-Low risk of contracting an STI
-Low incidence of sexual violence
-Lack of discrimination
-Sexual enjoyment and pleasure
-Good reproductive health
Awareness of HIV diagnosis by percentages
-33% are aware of the diagnosis and take meds
-33%are aware of the diagnosis and take no meds
-33% are not aware of the diagnosis
What percentage of pregnancies are unintended?
about 50%
Violence against gays and lesbians
80% of gay men and lesbians have experienced mental or physical abuse. 45% have been threatened with violence. 17% experienced a violent physical attack
definition of sexual health
the extent that men and women are able to express and enjoy sexuality as they choose and do so free from risk of contracting STIs, unwanted pregnancies, coercion, violence and discrimination.
Major themes of Surgeon General's Call to Action
-sex is important throughout the lifecycle
-individuals and communities need to work together
-sexuality has a meaning for everyone
-sex education must be based on science
Which groups have increased sexual health problems?
-LGBT communities
-Economically disadvantaged
Characteristics of countries where women have more sexual freedom
-women have political power
-women are not sole caregivers
-the society is less militaristic
-women are part of the religion/origin stories
-women play important economic roles
Reasons for increased levels of abortion and unintended pregnancies in the US
-restrictive ideas and a lack of openness about sexuality
-a less equal distribution of income
-higher levels of poverty
-low availability of contraceptive education and contraceptive services
-higher levels of religiosity
-low tolerance of teen sexuality
Reasons for increased STI rates in the US
-inequity of resources
-lack of education
-media messaging
-secrecy, shame and punishment
-inadequate access to healthcare
-alcohol & drug use
-lack of attention to special populations
Richard von Kraft-Ebberling
Sexuality was disgusting, grouped sexuality deviant acts accordingly: masochism, sadism, homosexuality and fetishism. Masturbation was bad. Hereditary weakness is the cause of all of those; procreative sex was the only necessary sex
Sigmund Freud
sexual development of children and its effect on adult lives; all adult sexual pervasions were rooted in childhood; oral / anal / phallic / latency; penis envy
Henry Havelock Ellis
Great variety in sexual behaviors; Sexual morals were determined by cultural and social influences; Masturbation was normal for men and women; Women can have as much sexual desire as men; A woman’s orgasm and a man’s orgasm were very similar/if not the same.
Alfred Kinsey
University of Indiana to teach sexuality, but no one had knowledge on it so he did research; interviewed over six thousand, but was not representative (willing volunteers); Created Kinsey scale of homosexuality, and said that most people exist in degrees; 10percent of population said he was gay.
Magnus Herschfeld
First to say homosexuality was okay; first to argue against claims that masturbation was bad
Masters & Johnson
physiological observations of couples having sexual intercourse; first to actually say what human sexual response is; Human Sexual Response
Founded as part of Kinsey Institute; provides materials for sex educators
creates standards and certification for sexuality educators
Society for Scientific Study of Sexuality- organization for sexuality researchers
Five images that form child's sexual health
-body image
-images of self-control
-how sexuality is portrayed in the home
-gender portrayal in the home
3 categories of sexual attitudes
National Health and Social Life Survey
Originally gov't funded, but conservatives repealed funding; provided most comprehensive and accurate data since Kinsey
Characteristics of abstinence-only education
-scare tactics
-no contraceptive information
-emphasizes unreliability of birth control
-negative consequences of sex
-biased inaccurate information against abortion, STIs and sexual response
-reinforcement of traditional gender roles
-misinformation about sexual orientation
-no data
-advocates only one set of acceptable behavior
Which programs successfully reduce teen pregnancy?
Those that provide contraceptives
Do parents favor abstinence-only?
90% of parents want their kids to have information on contraception.
Which ethnic group has the highest teen birth rate?
Hispanic, then blacks, then white, then Asian.
What is the cost to society of supporting teen moms?
In 2004, $9.1 billion was spent to support teen moms in the US.
How did teen pregnancies end in 2006?
59% gave birth, 27% had an abortion, 14% miscarried
Who do most women report having their first sexual intercourse with?
75% report it being with a steady boyfriend, fiance, spouse or cohabitant.
How many Americans lack health care?
approximately 51 million
Psychosexual development
the interaction of biological factors and environmental interactions
Biophysical drive/instinct theory
-inborn sexual instinct
-assumes a sexual drive that is sated by sex and then revs back up again
-leads to value judgments about certain behaviors
Psychodynamic theory (Freud)
-instincts include libido/ sexual longing
-libido and unconscious mind linked
-stage theory- oral/anal/latency/genital
Conditioning and Social Learning theory
-learned behavior/conditioned response
-reinforcement- pleasure/reward/denial
-cumulative observation and identification
Developmental theory (Erikson)
-libido plus cultural and social influences
-role confusion when a clear understanding isn't reached
Unified Theoretical Model (Bancroft)
3 strands-
-gender identity
-sexual release and understanding sexual orientation
-capacity for intimate dyadic relationships
Strands develop in parallel, then come together in adolescence
Contemporary Social Process Theory
-developed out of results of NHSLS
-utilizes 3 theories- sexual script theory, (rational) choice theory, and social network theory
Statistics on teen moms
-more likely to drop out
-more likely to receive public assistance
-more likely to be single parents
-kids are more likely to be worse off than others
-increased strain on public resources
STIs in the US
12 million people are infected in the US each year
Effect of touch on babies
increased stimulation, leading to better brain development
at least 6 months recommended- underdeveloped countries can end up with healthier children because of a reliance on breast milk
effects of tubal ligation
leads to better sexual health and satisfaction because of a reduced fear of pregnancy
effect of sexual satisfaction for women
increased marital satisfaction
effect of orgasms for men
can have a protective effect on heart health for men in stable relationships