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27 Cards in this Set

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What is the key to Quality Service?
Good Human Resources
Explain Value Added Service
How people perceive value (expectations and needs). Based on what the customer perceives as important
What are some Industy Challenges?
Seasonality, Demand Variations, Small Businesses, Intangibility
What are some Human Resource Challenges?
Recruitment, Retention, Image of Industry, Training, Management
Explain the following phrase:
"Communication is the most important and used of all skills in the hospitality industry"
Managers spend the largest portion of their time in verbal or written communications with their empoloyees, other managers, or outside parties. Frontline employees have frequent interaction with customers and other employees. Other staff members communicate among themselves, as well as with their managers, frontline employees, suppliers, and so on, to give and receive information they need to perform their jobs
Good Communication + Effective Business Management= ?
Organizational Success
What is Internal Communication?
Communication that occurs between employees and within companies
What is External Communication?
Communication that takes place between companies or their representatives and their customers
What is external noise?
Any distraction or interference whose source is outside of the receiver
What is Physiological Noise?
Interference caused by a biological force- loss of sight or hearing
What is Psychological noise?
forces that either cause a transmitter to improperly encode a message or a receive to incorrectly decode a message.
What are the two basic laws of Communication?
1). It is not what the transmitter says, or intends to say, that is "true" or important, but rather what the receiver understands to be "true" or important

2). If the receiver misinterprets the transmitter's meaning, the transmitter is at fault.
What do the 8 rules for Supportive Communication Accomplish?
Supportive Communication provides a mechanism for overcoming most barriers to effective communication. It occurs when both the transmitter and receiver interact in a way that increases the potential for a message to be accurately conveyed.
What is Active Listening
Active listening is listening that occurs when a receiver searches for the full meaning in a message. Active listening is vital to effective communication and involved several crucial steps.
What are the four stages in Active Listening?
1). Focusing
2). Interpreting
3). Evaluating
4). Responding
What is "grapevine communication?"
Any communication that is not offically sanctioned by an organization and/or transmitted through designated channels, such as office gossip.
What is Leadership?
The quality and or position of a person who has commanding authority or influence over other employees.
What are the two types of Leadership?
Formal & Informal
What is Formal leadership?
Appointed or elected to a position of authority
What is informal leadership?
Without formal authority exerts influece over other members of an organization. Usually the individual possesses certain skills, resources or characteristics that meet the needs of others.
What are the powersharing leadership styles?
1). Autocratic
2). Bureaucratic
3). Participative/Democratic
4). Laissez-faire
Explain the Autocratic Leadership Style
No power is shared with employees, all power is retained by leader
Explain the Bureaucratic Leadership style
"By the book"... Employees with jobs defined by strict procedures
Explain the Participative Leadership Style
Some or all power is shared with employees, employees are allowed to participate in decision making processes, leader relies on majority rule
Explain Laissez-Faire Leadership style
"free rein," "hands-off" Leader relinquishes power to employees employees make all of the decisions.
What are transactional leaders
Maintain quality requirements, rarely inspire major change, just work and meets goals
What are transformational leaders?
achieve quantium leaps ni performance by setting forth a vision, create a willingness and way for employees to make that vision a reality