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50 Cards in this Set

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We fall in love with the person who offers us the fairest exchange.
Not attracted to people who give you negative reinforcement.
bymes law of attraction
Learn to like people who are associated with positive events or qualities.
bymes law of attraction
Attracted to someoone who is our temperamental opposite.
complemetary needs
Can lead to trouble if we want the person to fill the missing parts instead of improving ourselves.
complelmentary needs
Feel attracted to people who give you positive reinforcement.
bymes law of attraction
Dislike people associated with negative events or qualities.
bymes law of attraction
Looking for a person who is like your mother or father.
parent image
Someone who fills your expectations of what a partner should do or be.
role compatibility
Trade our positives and negatives in exchange for the other person's positives and negatives.
Attracted to someone who has charactersitics we admire and would like in ourselves.
complementary needs
Tendency to chose someone who lives close to your home.
Likes attract likes.
You are likely to be attracted to people who you think are the most like you in these areas: physical appearance, mental health, physical health, family background, family stability, and populartity.
Based on the ideas that we: seek pleasure and avoid pain, are inherently selfish, are happiest when we get what we think we deserve, and try to balance realationships.
Attracted to someone who has charactersitics we admire and would like in ourselves.
complementary needs
Tendency to chose someone who lives close to your home.
Likes attract likes.
You are likely to be attracted to people who you think are the most like you in these areas: physical appearance, mental health, physical health, family background, family stability, and populartity.
Based on the ideas that we: seek pleasure and avoid pain, are inherently selfish, are happiest when we get what we think we deserve, and try to balance realationships.
Which of the following is not a sign of infatuation.
-fear of rejection
-drastic mood swings
-constantly thinking of the person
Infatuation is beleived to last for apporiximately.
2 weeks to 2 years
According to Sternverg's Thoery of Complete Love, what are the 3 sides of the triangle that must be in place for the most positive relationship?
intimacy, passion, commitment
Intimacy according to Sternberg is:
a connected feeling
According to Sternberg, what type of love is lacking intimacy and passion?
Empty love
"The more I get to know her, the better she becomes"
Stage 1
One minute I'm sure, the next I'm not.
Stage 2
I'm jealous.
Stage 1
I'm beginning to see a side of her I've never seen before... and I'm not sure I like it.
Stage 2
I can't believe how great he is .. he's just wonderful.
Stage 1
Once I realized she wasn't going to cook all the meals, I realized she wasn't marriage material.
Stage 2
I think I'm in love!
Stage 1
We're growing apart.
Stage 2
I can live with the fact that he has a few faults.
Stage 3
She isn't that way when we're alone.
Stage 1
All types of love are positive, because love feels so good it must be positive.
Nurturing or Mature Love makes a person feel proud and amibitious, not want to give up everything for love like infatuation.
People in romantic love idealize their partners and often can't see any faults in that person.
Most people have a highly romanticized view of love.
Most people will be infatuated many times before thay find a mature love relationship.
Finds joy in separateness as well as togetherness.
Grows slowly and steadily.
Very selfish in actions.
Emotions flow at a fast rate.
Aware of the other person's faults, but accepts them as part of the total personality.
Tries not to see the other person's faults.
Enhanced by time.
Makes one feel proud, confident, and ambitious.
May be distrustful of friends.
Often pushes people away, jealousy is often present.