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39 Cards in this Set

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what is flow through the heart
body(vena cavae), RA, tricuspic(av) valve, RV, pa, lungs, pv, la, mitral(av valve, lv, av, body
what do papillary muscles do
limit movement of valves so they aren't pushed too far open --> ensure unidirectional flow
what are cardiomyocytes
single cells, smaller than skeletal muscle fibers; gap junctions allow AP to spread rapidly; rich in mitochondria
what is the pathway of electrics in the heart
SA --> internodal pathways, av node, bundle of his, purkinje fibers
why can't there be tetanus
long AP because of Ca channels that open after the closing of Na channels
what is the sa node
generates action potentials with voltage gated Ca channels; generates 100AP/minute
what is the pacemaker potential
depolarization due primarily to na, then threshhold and AP is generated due to Ca
how many action potentials would the av node produce
how is heart rate affected by sympathetic
NE released increases depolarization
how is heart rate affected by parasympathetic
ach released decreases depolarizations
in an ekg, what is one heart beat
what is P
atrial depolarization
what is QRS
ventricular depolarization
flat area?
no change in charge
ventricular repolarization
what is not seen on a ekg
atrial repolarization because signal gets lost in ventricular depolarization
what is normal heart rate
how long does each cycle last?
what are the two phases in the heart cycle
diastole and systole
what is diastole
cardiac muscle relaxes, heart fills, 500msec
what is systole
cardiac muscle contracts; heart empties; 300msec
what is the first step in the heart cycle
atrial and ventricular diastole; atria fill with bl. from veins; av valves open because of increased pressure in atria; semilunar valves closed; passive flow
what is the second step?
atrial systole; completion of ventricular filling (20% bl. is forced), follows depolarization of SA node; av valves still open
what is EDV?
end diastolic volume ~135mL
What is the third step
isovolumic ventricular contraction; pushes AV valves closed (lub sound); both valves closed;
what is the fourth step?
ventricular ejection; semilunar valves open
what is ESV
end systolic volume ~65mL
what is the last step
ventricular relaxation; Pventricles<Parteries; semilunar valves close (louder DUP sound); isovolumix
what is a heart murmur?
bl. through constricted passages
what side of the heart creates a larger pressure
left side
what is stroke volume?
amount of blood pumped by one ventricle during contraction; SV=EDV-ESV = 135-65=70mL
what is cardiac output
amount of blood pumped by heart in a given amount of time; CO=HRxSV = 5L/min
how is heart rate regulated?
SA node; PNS slows HR, SNS speeds HR
how does PNS slow HR
ACh on muscarinic receptors slows rate of depolarization through SA node
how does SNS quicken HR
NE on beta 1 receptors increases rate of depolarization through SA node
how is SV regulated
increasing EDV or decreasing ESV; related to force generated during contraction;
what is starling's law
SV increases in proportion to EDV
what are ways venous return can be increased
skeletal muscle pumping, respiratory pumping, venoconstriction by SNS(more bl. in heart)
what is the ejection fraction
proportion of amt. of bl. in the ventricle pumped out SV/EDV