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50 Cards in this Set

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What are the two main types of reflexes?
Learned (acquired) reflexes and inborn (intrinsic) reflexes
What are acquired reflexes?
They are complex reflexes that result from practice or repetition
What are intrinsic reflexes?
They are simple reflexes that are rapid, predictable motor responses to a stimulus
Are intrinsic reflexes involuntary or voluntary?
Involuntary (even if reflex involves voluntary skeletal muscles)
What are the five steps to the reflex arc?
1. Sensory receptor
2. Sensory neuron caries afferent input to the CNS
3. Integration center
4. motor neuron carries efferent output from CNS to effectors
5. Effector
Most sensory neurons are unipolar or multipolar?
Motor and association neurons are unipolar or multipolar?
What are the two types of reflexes, scientifically?
Autonomic reflexes and Somatic reflexes
What are autonomic reflexes?
Autonomic reflexes are involuntary that involve smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and glands
What are some examples of autonomic reflexes?
Pupils dilating, salivate when hungry, etc
What are somatic reflexes?
Somatic reflexes are involuntary reflexes that involve skeletal muscle
What are 3 important facts about spinal somatic reflexes?
1. Integration occurs in the spinal cord
2. Do not require input from the brain, occur even when the brain is damaged
3. brain usually dampens the reflex
TRUE OR FALSE: Somatic reflexes are involuntary even though they involve voluntary skeletal muscles.
What are stretch reflexes?
Stretch reflexes are the simplest somatic spinal reflex
What is the stimulus for stretch reflexes?
A stretch in a skeletal muscle
What are the responses to stretch reflexes?
1. Reflex contraction of stretched muscle
2. Reflex relaxation of opposing muscle
Skeletal muscles often work in what kind of pairs?
If both opposing muscles contract at the same time, what occurs?
No movement
During the stretch reflex, one muscle ______ while the opposing muscle ______.
Contracts. Relaxes
What is the purpose of the stretch reflex?
To maintain muscle tone in large postural muscles
What are the sensory receptors in muscles?
muscle spindles
What are muscle spindles?
Muscle spindles are proprioceptors which give you your "body sense"
What do muscle spindles detect?
They detect changes in muscle length
When a muscle is unstretched, APs are generated at what kind of rate?
Constant rate
When a muscle is stretched, APs are generated at what kind of rate?
Increasing rate
A muscle responds to stretch by doing what?
When only motor neurons are activated and extrafusal muscle fibers contract, the muscle spindle becomes what? What happens to APs?
Slack and no APs are fired
When both extrafusal and intrafusal muscle fibers contract, muscle spindle tension is what?
What activates the muscle spindle?
A stretch
A stretch excites sensory neurons that synapse directly with what?
Motor neurons in the spinal cord
What are the sensory receptors in muscles?
muscle spindles
What are muscle spindles?
Muscle spindles are proprioceptors which give you your "body sense"
What do muscle spindles detect?
They detect changes in muscle length
When a muscle is unstretched, APs are generated at what kind of rate?
Constant rate
When a muscle is stretched, APs are generated at what kind of rate?
Increasing rate
A muscle responds to stretch by doing what?
When only motor neurons are activated and extrafusal muscle fibers contract, the muscle spindle becomes what? What happens to APs?
Slack and no APs are fired
When both extrafusal and intrafusal muscle fibers contract, muscle spindle tension is what?
What activates the muscle spindle?
A stretch
A stretch excites sensory neurons that synapse directly with what?
Motor neurons in the spinal cord
Motor neurons cause stretched muscles to what?
Which reflexes are the only reflexes that are monosynaptic?
Stretch reflexes!
What is an example of a monosynaptic stretch reflex?
Patellar (knee-jerk) reflex
During the patellar reflex, which muscle is stretching and contracting?
What is reciprocal inhibition?
Sensory neurons excite interneurons that then inhibit motor neurons to opposing muscles
Is reciprocal inhibition monosynaptic or polysynaptic?
If motor neurons are firing, muscles are always what?
Which neurons fire APs while the patellar reflex is activated?
Sensory neuron, motor neuron to quadriceps, and interneurons
Sensory neuron causes EPSPs or IPSPs in the motor neuron to quadriceps and in the interneuron?
Interneuron causes EPSPs or IPSPs in motor neuron to the hamstrings?