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17 Cards in this Set

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What is the function of the mouth and oral cavity?

The teeth are used to mechanically break down food into smaller pieces

What is the function of saliva?

To lubricate food

What is the function of salivary amylase?

Digests starch into maltose

What does epiglottis do?

Closes off trachea so good goes down the oesophagus

What's the function of the oesophagus?

Peristalsis carries food to the stomach

Function of the stomach?

Short term storage

Enzymes start to digest proteins

Churning of stomach turning food into chyme

Liquefying food to pass into intestine

Function of the pancreas?

Produces pancreatic juice from digestive enzymes and neutralises hydrochloride acid

What is pancreatic justice and its function?

Pancreatic juice occurs in the duodenum and uses enzymes to break down food.The pancreatic analyse converts starch to maltose. Pancreatic lipase converts lipids to glycerol and fatty acids.

Active enzyme trypsin converts protein to peptides.

Function of the liver?

Produces bile which emulsifies fats and breaks down lipids. Also storage and processing of nutrients and detoxification occurs

Function of the gall bladder?

Storage of bile and regulates enzymes

Function of the small intestine?

To absorb nutrients by increasing the surface area.

Also lined with villi that absorb nutrient molecules

What is the function of the large intestine?

Water is absorbed along with soluble compounds such as vitamins and minerals; undigested food leaves body as faeces

What is the small intestine made up of?

3 sections:

1. Duodenum: begins the digestion and reviewed juices

2. Jejunum: midsection

3. Ileum: longest section

What is peristalsis and its function?

The process which fun irons through muscle contractions (like in the oesophagus) where the Nokia moves downwards allowing the oesophageal sphincter to close once in the stomach

What is peristalsis and its function?

The process which fun irons through muscle contractions (like in the oesophagus) where the bolus moves downwards allowing the oesophageal sphincter to close once in the stomach

What is salivary amylase?

It's an enzyme that beaks down starch into maltose

Digestion starts in the mouth with this salivary amylase

What is the digestive systems equation process?

Ingest --> digest --> absorb --> eliminate