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23 Cards in this Set

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The adjustment of all of the body's systems to keep physiological functions in a state of equilibrium.

As the body ages this takes longer to adjust.


A dynamic body adjustment, related to homeostasis, that affects overall physiology over time.

Long-term adjustment

Allostatic Load

The stresses of basic body systems that burden overall functioning, eventually causing hypertension, obesity and diabetes.

Set Point

A particular body weight that an individuals homeostatic processes strive to maintain.

Body Massage Index (BMI)

The ratio of a person's weight in kilograms divided by his/her height in meters squared.

Diathesis-Stress Model

The view that psychological disorders are produced by the interaction of a genetic vulnerability (the Diathesis) and stressful environmental factors and let life events.


Not in Education, Employment or Training. Individuals at high risk for psychopathology.


Substance Use Disorder - The ingestion of a drug to the extent that it impairs the user's biological or psychological well-being.

Drug Addiction

A condition of drug dependence in which the absence of the given drug in the individual's system produces a drive - physiological, psychological, or both - to invest more of the drug.

Social Norms Approach

A method of reducing risky behavior that uses emerging adults desire to follow social norms by making them aware, through the use of surveys, of the prevalence of various behaviors within their peer group.

Postformal Thought

Stage that goes beyond adolescent thinking by being more practical, more flexible and more dialectical (more capable of combing contradictory elements into a comprehensive whole)

Dialectical Thought

The most advanced cognitive process: ability to consider a thesis and antithesis to arrive at a synthesis.

Objective Thought

Abstract, impersonal logic. Not based on thinkers personal qualities, but based on facts and numbers that are universally considered valid.

Subjective Thought

Arises from personal experiences and perceptions.


Defining Issues Test A series of questions developed by James Rest and designed to assess respondents' level of moral development by having them rank possible solutions to moral dilemmas.

Fowler's Stages of Faith

S1: Intuitive-projective faith

S2: Mythic-literal faith

S3: Synthetic-conventional faith

S4: Individual-reflective faith

S5: Conjunctive faith

S6: Universalizing faith

Morality of Care

Moral principles that reflect the tendency of females to be reluctant to judge right and wrong in absolute terms because they are socialized to be nurturing compassionate and non non-judgmental. (Having to make decisions involving children/abortions/parenting/reproduction requires advanced moral thinking) Gilligan

Morality of Justice

Moral principles that reflect the tendency of males to emphasize Justice over compassion, judging right and wrong and absolute terms. Gilligan


Massive Open Online Course a course that is offered solely online for college credit. Tuition is low, thousands of students enroll.


The idea that establishing institutions of higher learning and encouraging college enrollment can benefit everyone (the masses).

Plasticity Genes

Genes and alleles that make people more susceptible to environmental influences, for better or worse. This is part of differential sensitivity.

Intimacy vs. Isolation

6/8 Erikson - Adults seek someone with whom to share their lives in an enduring and self-sacrificing commitment. Without such commitment, they risk profound aloneness and isolation.

Linked Lives

Lives in which the success, health and well-being of each family member are connected to those of other members. This includes those of another generation, as in a relationship between parents, grandparents and children.