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90 Cards in this Set

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-childhood development-
what years are the trust vs mistrust stage?
birth - 1 year
-childhood development-
what years are the autonomy versus shame and doubt stage?
1-3 years
-childhood development-
what years are the initiative versus guilt stage?
3-6 years
-childhood development-
what years are the industy vs iferiority stage?
6-11 years
describe identity versus role confusion in adolecscense
this identity focuses on who we are, what we value, and where we are headed in life. adolecents experiment with different identities.
-young adulthood-
describe intimacy versus isolation in young adulthood
at this time we are concered with establishing intimate long term relationships with others. if we are successful, we can then warm up and open up to to others.
which theoretical perspective emphasiszes nature in the nature versus nurture controversy?
psychodynamic theory
which theorist would be most likely to expect cultural differences in development?
to determine whether boys and girls play differently, a researcher videotaped children playing during recess, this is an example of what?
naturalistic observation
the average child begins to walk between what age?
11-12 months
according to piaget, adaption is made up of the two processes called what?
accommodation and assimilation
the fact that parents will provide less direction to a child who begins to show competence on a task, supports the theory of
the fact that parents will provide less direction to a child who begins to show competence on a task supports the theory of who?
according to the information-processing approach, childrens memories improve with age becuase (why?)
they get better at organizing information. (reason-the better a child organizes new information, the better that info is encoded for storage in memeory and later retrieval).
jane diges a hold in the sandbox while jim who is sitting next to her fills his bucket with sand. they share the shovels in the sandbox and talk about school, they are engaged in what kind of play?
associative play- they are in associative play because even though they are not sharing the same purpose or goal.
which of the following is an example of instrumental agression?
1. sara pushes joy out of the way so she can get a toy she wants to play with first.
explain why this is?
instrumental aggression is aggression that is used in order to achieve an end. the child in this example uses aggression as a means toward the end of getting the toy. Instrumental aggression is usually used in battles over toys and is not personal.
which of the following theories describes stages of development? collectivist, continuty, discontinuity, nature, nurture.
according to statistics, which group commits most of the child abuse in our country?
which theoretical perspective assumes there is a bidirectional relationship between the person and the enviroment?
a problem with longitudinal research is what?
subject drop out
(logitunal research involves collecting data from the same group of participants at several points in their life).
students who have developed a mastery orientation would attribute a good grade on a test to their ability and a bad grade on a test to what?
lack of effort
(those with mastery oreinted attribution style typically attribute successes and failures to internal traits or abilities and effort)
according to recent research, which of the following has shown a correlation with age, but not found only in older people?
(insight, wisdom, collectivism, the executive process?)
compared to peer groups in middle childhood, adolescents peer groups are more structured and exclusive - true or false?
(adolecent peer groups are more structured and exclusive, in other words, they are more requirments to meet for acceptance into the gorup and stricter rules regarding things like acceptable behavoir and dress)
mollie sees jake crying and gives him a toy to help him stop crying, this indicates the presence of what?
among the parenting styles that have been studied by baumrind, which of the following is associated with the most negative impact on development?
(authoritative, strict, permissive, univolved)
physical growth is rapid during infancy, slows during early and middle childhood, and then is rapid again during adolescence. is true or false?
research on growth hormone (GH) has shown that children given early treatments of GH develop _______ ?
they have developed normally. (as long as a child who lacks GH is given injections of the hormone eraly on, he or she will grown to their full height potentional.
researches have studided the impact of late versus early maturation on adolecents adjustments. What is a pair that has been to show the best outcomes?
early maturing boys and late maturing girls. (early maturing boys benefit from having larger physical stature than their late maturing peers.
one theory of biological agin suggest aging is inevitable and is cause by what?
the wear and tear from normal use (the wear and tear from normal use - )
what is an effective treatment for the side effects of menopause?
estrogen replacment therapy. (the therapy is used to treat symptoms of menopause in women, replaces female hormone, estrogen, which decreases.)
compared to women, the male climateric is ...
a slower decline. (the male climacteric is a less noticbeable physiological proccess than the female climateric. this is due to changes in a decline of testosterone.
what is osteoporosis ?
a bone disease caused by a decline in the bone density.
janets mother is terminally ill and the doctors have said her death is imminent. A hospital social worker has suggested to janet that she contact the hospice program. the social worker most likely told janet what?
would do everything possible to give her mother in the hospital where she can get the best medical care.
what was the signifigance of gibsons visual cliff experiment?
eleanor gibsons classical visual experiment showed that six month old infancts would not crawl across the "visual cliff". the experiment showed that a person with depth perception was inate, b/c 6month old infancts have already had experiance with depth perception.
visual scanning experiments with infants suggest which pattern of looking?
newborns scan the edges of a stimulus, and older infants scan the center or inside of a stimulus. (
when you see a german sheppard 100 yards away from you in a park, you dont think its a miniature dog becuase of what?
size consistency.
which of the following is the LEAST developed in newborns?
speed of habituation in infancy and later IQ scores have been shown to be (conversely related, positively correlated, diametrically opposed, negatively correclated)
positively correlated (habituation is a form of learning that has been shown to be in normborns and is measured by length of looking at a stimulus. Habbituation is seen when an infant looks away or stops looking at a stimulus).
what type of hearing loss associated with aging?
lhigh frequency sounds (decreased sensitivity to high pitch sounds)
one reason older adults experience declining eye sight is what?
a decreased flexibility in the lens of the eye due to normal biological agin is one of the most common type of declining eye sight.
children learn language through imitaing the speech of those around them, this represents the learning approach to what?
language development.
"mommy and i goed to the store" is an example of what - in language development?
overregularization (this is when a child who is learning language produces speech errors that are due to exceptions to grammatical rules.)
billy sees a beach ball and says "ball'. Finally he sees a globe on a desk and says "ball". Calling the globe a ball is referred to as what?
overextension (this is when a child learning a language applies a label like "ball" to an object that does not belong to the category but may share similar features of the category members.
Noam Chomsky argued that the ability to learn language ... what?
is innate
this person argued that each person is born prepared to aquire a language.
noam chomsky
the first stage of language development is what?
cooing. (cooing is the first stage of language development. cooing appears about eh same age in babies across cultures).
an indication that we are born prepared to acquire a language is the fact that (what?)
infants can discriminate among all of the the speech sound used in all of the worlds languages even better than adults.
studies of intelligence in adulthood have shown ...
while there is some decline in information processing, there is some stability in fluid and crystalized intelligence. (
sibling rivarly tend to be worse during what time period?
middle childhood. (
compared with children who have siblings, an "only child" are ...
less well accepted by their peers. (less accepted by their peers compared to their counterparts who have siblings. this could be becuase only children may develop social skills from interacting with siblings before school)
although the rate of divorce is high, the rate of remarriage is also high. This leads to a large number of reconstituted families referred to as what?
blended families (the term "blended family" refers to complex familial structures that are the results of remarriages)
a sexual offender is more likely to target who?
children who are emotionally needy and socially isolated (this allows the predator to gain the trust of the children becuase they are craving attention).
one way to help children adjust to divorce is to do what?
minimilize the conflict between parents after the divorce.
researchers examining cultural influences on self esteem have found what about chinese and japenese children?
chinese and japanese children score lower in self esteem than american children. (cross cultural research on self estem has shown signifigant differences in levels of self esteem)
children display learned helplessness if their parents
set high standards of achivement for them, but also
the use of parenting called induction can help promote the development of a conscience. Which of the following is an example of induction? "if you dont put your toys away, someone may trip on them, fall, and get hurt" or "if you put your toys away, i will talk to you".
induction is parenting technique used to teach children morality. A parent is using induction when she explains to the child how the childs actions may negatively affect people.
a child who laughs when daddy dresses up as a women for halloween, but knows daddy is still a boy shows what?
gender constanty (understanding that a person cannot change his maleness or her femaleness by simply changing how he or she looks0
the most important personality achievement of adolescenes according to Erikson is what?
identity (erikson suggested that ideneity development was the most important task of adolescense. The physosocial crisis of this stage is identity versus identity
In Freuds theory, resolution of the Oedipal conflict is achieved how?
identifying with the father. (Oedipal stage of personality development experience an unconsious conflict becuase they have an unconsious sexual desire for their mother and at the same time, unconsiously fear reprisala dn punishment from their father-rival.
What is the phychosocial crisis of young childhood in Eriksons model?
intimacy versus isolation (Young adults are highly motivated to be with a romantic partner. Erikson suggested a need to be with a significant other occurs at this time becuase of a self awareness if full, and they feel the need to share with another person)
males have a higher risk of sex linked genetic diseases like hemophilia than females do - becuase why?
becuase males only have one sex chromosome. (
what kind of disorder can be controlled with diet?
phenylketonuria (PKU) (is a genetic disease caused by the bodys inability to break down phenylanine. The disease is controlled by a diet kept free of phynylalanine.
What is the best aproach to helping a profoundly deaf child?
teach them sign language and how to read lips.
johnny is disobedient, loud, and aggressiive in the classroom and at home. He recently threatened to hit his teach. Johny would most likely be diagnosed with what?
conduct disorder ( this is when a child acts out and is aggressive in many situations and settings. A child with a conduct disorder is disobedient and aggressive).
What is a key indicator that a child has a learning disability.
a discrepency between ability and performance (
Recent survey research has shown the period of time between launching the last child and retirement to be a part time of - what?
renewal and regrowth for parents (this breaks the myth of the "empty nest" which has been thought to cause depression in parents)
the social smile first appears in infants beween what age?
between 6-10 weeks of age (begins to smile in the presence of the caregiver. Prior to this time, the smile is merely a reflexive reponse)
research suggest it is important to plan for ones retirement becuase - why?
engaging in meaningfull activiteis during retirement is associated with happyness.
which mediates betwen wish-fulfilling desires and the outer reality - is it the id or the ego?
the ego
Freud believed that the primary driving force in an individual life was - what?
libido (freud believed the primary driving force in a persons life is the libido - the sexual drive)
which approach to psychology stresses the importance of the persons enviroment on development
the behavoiristic approach (stresses the the control that the enviroment has on development)
Suppose you believe that people are capable of developing personally throughout life and that, given the oprotunity they will achieve their full potential. Which approach to personality does this describe?
Humanistic (The cognitive approach stresses the construction of meaning, interpretations, and beliefs).
Ivan P. Pavlov is famous for his research on what?
classical conditioning (Irvin Pavlov virtually discovered the phenomenon of classical conditioning with the dogs salivating).
The role of immitaion in social learning was first symatically observed by who?
Bandura and Walters (conducted the classical experiment in which children shown videotapes of adults kitting a kicking a doll, later imitated the adults aggressive behavoir. The children also hit and kicked the doll.
Correlational Studies do what?
indicate a relationship between two variables (a researcher measures two variables in a group of participants in order to determine if a relationship exist between the two variables.
Which of the following effects does adrenaline have on the human body?
Accelerated heartbeat
According to Piaget, a person who cannot connot consistently use abstract logic has NOT reached the stage of what?
formal operations (the formal operations is noted for the abiltity of the indivual to
Suppose you teach preschool and you break Joes candy bar into three pieces and mikes candy bar into two pieces. Mike complains that he received less than Joe. What does Mike lack?
Convservation ( a Piaget concept of recognizing the identity of number, mass, and volume despite transformations that alter their perceptual properties.
the short term memery can hold how many items at one time?
seven items, plus or minus two. (This brief rehersal requires deliberate reahrsal to prevent a specific memory from decaying over time)
choosing the best move in a card game would require what kind of thinking?
divergent thinking (one must be able to think of many possible solutions, therfore, divergent thinking requires flexibilit, fluency of ideas and originality)
The language acuisistion device was proposed by whom?
Noam Chomsky (belived that children are born with a cerain "something" a certain generic predisposistion that enables them to learn grammar. He then used this to explain the relative case with which normal children learn grammar.
In linguistic terminology, the term "boy" is ... ?
a morpheme ( is the smallest unit of meaning in a given language. In english, morphemes can be whole words such as boy)
The normal average I.Q age is what?
100 (the normal IQ age is about 100)
Why does intensity of seperation anxiety predicts IQ NOT show a true relationship between eviromental factors and IQ?
There are too many childhood enviromental factors that have been shown to correlate with later IQ.
shortly after birth a duck will follow the first object that walks by it. What does this action illistrate?
Imprinting ( this is instinctual behavoir - the ducks follow)
Which of the following is NOT a factor that influences the degree to which two people like each other (familiarity, conformity, proximity, similarity, physical attractivness) pick one
conformity (proximity is the most important in dating - attractiveness is too - but conformity is not)
Which of the following increases as a persons need for social affilication increases?
Fear (the need for social affiliration or a desire to be with other people is great when we are afraid).
According to the social learning theory, what is a primary means of socializing our children example?
observational theory (according to the social learning theory, we learn new behavoirs by ovbserving other people who serve as models for us.)
According to Freud, a development halt due to frustration and anxiety is reffered to as what?
fixation (according to Freud, fixation results from abnormal personality development.)
A stimulus that elicits a response before the experimental manipulation is what?
an unconditioned stimulus