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80 Cards in this Set

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Growth stage infant birth to 2 years

Neurons in the brain form new connections( transient exuberance)


10 months

Walk unassisted

12 months

Learn to kick a ball between

20-24 months

When does sensory and perceptual capabilities develop

Infant birth to 2 years

Binocular vision develops by

14 weeks

Color vision develops in

1 month

At what age infants can track a slow moving objects

2 months

By how much months they can track faster objects

5 months

At what age body proportions are similar to those of adults

Age 6 preschool 3-6 yrs

At what age the brain is 90% of adult size

By age 5 and by age 7 its fully grown

Fine motor skills improve as nerves become myelinated. Patience to practice.

Pre school 3-6

Boys and girls are about equal in physical abilities

School age 6 to 12

School age children can master almost any motor skill that does not require adult strength or judgement

School age 6 to 12

Growth slow

School age 6 to 12 yrs

Conservation happens in

The concrete operational stage

Menstruation in females usually begins in at around

Age 12 or 3 yrs earlier or later in adolescent

Height typically does not increase but young adults are typically the strongest and the healthiest they will be in life

Young adult 18 to 24

Body systems become less efficient homeostasis takes longer to reach

Young adult

Wrinkles, hair thins and fat increases

Middle adult 40-60

Hearing gradually becomes less acute

Middle adult 40-65

80% of 35yrs old will survive to age 65

Middle adult

At menopause women stop menstruating. Ovulation ceases and estrogen levels decrease

Middle adult 40-65

Sexual activity tends to decline but it continues

Middle adult age 40-65

People become about one inch shorter than they were in early adult hood

Middle adult 40-65

Over age 65, 10% see well without Glasses, 80% need Glasses, and 10%have visual difficulties even with glasses

Older adult 65yrs and older

Age related hearing loss afflicts about

40% of people over 65. Older adult 65

(1896-1980) was a biologist who originally studied mollusks

Jean piaget

Achieves object performance and differentiates self from objects

Sensori-motor birth 2yrs

Thinking is still egocentric and uses language to represent objects by images and words. Classifies objects by a single feature.

Pre-operational 2-7yrs

Can think logically about objects and events achieves conservation of numbers. Classifies objects according to several features.

Concrete operational

Can think logically about about abstract propositions and test hypotheses

Formal operation

Learning to trust is psychosocial development

Infant birth to 1 yr


Pre school

Developing a conscience and morals

School age 6 to 12

Adolescent 12 to 18 yrs

Young adult

Middle adult 40 to 65yrs

Late adult

Sigmund freud 1856-1939 Is considered to be the father of

Modern western psychology

He was a neurologist who taught at the University of vienna

Sigmund freud

Pleasure principal


Primary process thinking


Id impulses are moderated by the


The ego operates primarily in the conscious mind

The ego

Operates under the reality principle

The ego

The superego operates partly in the conscious mind

The superego

It is an outgrowth of our learned moral values and is often referred to as our conscience. It imposes guilt

The superego

Myers Briggs was associated with

Carl Jung

Most widely used personality instrument in the world

Kersey temperament sorter

Interpersonal theory Sullivan

Sullivan interpersonal theory


Learning to form satisfactory peer relationships

Juvenile 6-9yrs

initiating feelings of affection for another person

9-12 pre-adolescence

Developing sense of identity

Early adolescence 12-14yrs

Establishing self-identity; experiencing satisfying relationship; working to develop a lasting, intimate opposite sexy relationship

Late adolescence 14-21yrs

Birth to 18 months- trust vs. Mistrust

Autonomy vs shame and doubt

18 months- 3 yrs

3-6yrs initiative vs guilt

Industry vs inferiority 6-12yrs

Identity vs role confusion

Intimacy vs isolation 20-30yrs

Generative you vs stagnation 30-65yrs

Ego integrity vs despair 65 yrs to death

Relevant to psychiatric care in that it incorporates sociology cultural concepts into development of personality


A theory that is still popular and is used today

Behavior theory skinner and pavlov

All mental health problems are the result of learned Malad active behavior

Believe Behaviorist

Scientist associated with stimulus response model


Specific strategies utilized included token economies, biofeedback, systematic desensitization and aversion therapy

Behavior therapy

rely on scientific method to demonstrate the validity of their work


Experiments involved dogs


Founder of cognitive theory(thoughts)

Albert ellis

Albert Ellis

Has deep philosophical roots dating back hundreds of yrs

Humanistic theory Rogers and Maslow

view people as worthwhile beings who have an inherent capacity for growth and positive self direction in life


Is viewed as the blocking of personal growth


Choices and finding meaning


Based on how your past attachments were your future attachments will be

Physiological processes

Which theory is similar to Erickson because it goes through entire life span

Personality development