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68 Cards in this Set

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What was the earliest deglaciated route?
coastal; west coast of N. America
When was this blocked route first colonized
Why go the coastal path?
Interior routes were blocked by interior glaciers between Beringia and the Southern areas of North America (11,000 bp)
Site that predates the opening of the mid-continental route
Monte Verde
What Monte Verde indicates
they predate the opening of the mid-continental route indicating peoples were south of the continetal glaciers prior to deglaciation, 11,000 bp
When do reliably dated human remains first appear in N. America?
Between 11,000 and 11,500 bp
What do these first human remains provide?
limiting minimum dates for human occupation and suggesting human colonization occurred earlier
When was regional cultural adaptation under way in N. America?
11,000 to 12,000 bp - suggests earlier migration
When did the Paleoindian tradition spread from south to north?
10,500 bp - indicating people were south of the continental ice prior to deglaciation, 11,000 bp.
How did the Paleoindians subsist?
they had an economic system rooted in general foraging, not specialized big game hunting
What was the New World's first weapon system?
The foreshaft/harpoon/end-blade atlatl dart assembly
This weapon can be traced to:
coastal marine mammal hunting instead of large terrestrial mammal hunting
Evidence from other regions of the world indicates that:
humans had watercraft and the ability to navigate near-shore ocean waters prior to 14,000 b p
The two major colonizing events:
13,500 bp using the atlatl and 10,500 bp introducing the bow and arrow
Main people of Africa (San-Bushman) and Congo-Kordofanian
African Bantu language
Majority of India, to Pakistan and Burma and Himilayas down to central India
Dardic language
Northern portion of India (Kashmir region)
Iranic language
Pakistan and Afghanistan
Indic, Iranic and Dardic
members of the Indo-European language family (aligned with Europe)
souther third of Indian peninsula; represented by Tamil peoples of S. India and Sri Lanka
Sino-Tibetan origin
southern slopes of Himilayas from Kashmir to Burma
Peoples of India's northeast region
Malay people
Malay peninsula and most of Indonesia; many ethnic subgroups in this region (ex: Java has 5 distinct ethnic groups)
far eastern Indonesia, New Guinea, and Australia (aborginees)
some claim there were 500 languages in this country when the Europeans arrived
Han people
China and Taiwan; dominant ethnic group
Tibetan people
southern Tibet
Northeast Manchuria of China
northern China (separated by the great wall
Korean people are related to
Mongolian people
Japan, Hakkaido, Juril Islands and Sakhalin peoples
Mandarin language
national language of China
colonized Arctic region of Europe and western Siberia (Russia)
colonized eastern portions of southern Siberia (Altai Mountains in central Asia)
AKA Eskimo; colonized Greenland, Aalska, and northern Canada
Athapaskan (athabaskan people)
central Canada and inland Alaska
Apache and California tribes
related to Athapaskan
Algonkian (algonquin) people
colonized small areas of northeastern Canada and New England tribes from Virginia across to the Rocky Mountains
colonized by the Asia people
Native Hawaiians
New Zealand
colonized by Polynesian people
Neolithic period marked a turning point for humans...why?
humans stopped being controlled by climate and chose to stay in certain areas
Neolithic period 2 developments:
choise to not wander but stay in one place; practices environmental control and agriculture and 2 increased population denisty when they stopped moving
Population of the earth when agriculture originated
10 M
Population in 1750 (start of the Industrial revolution)
500 million
Population today
Neolithic period demonstrates importance of
new technolgy to human migration
First major technological development of the last 10,000 years
first Big Bang
colonizing the world
second big bang
Plant species
Millet (Yellow River) and Rice (Yangtze River)
Grain stored in
China - rice grown
in the South by 5,000 bc
Taiwan - rice grown
by 3500 bc
Rice in Borneo and Sumatra
2000 bc
Rice grown in the rest of the Indonesian archipelago
1500 bc
Rice agriculture spread to islands of southeast Asia over
3,000 years - similar to agriculture expansion in Europe
1st agriculturalists were descendants of
Half of the entire male population of China have Y-chromosomes defined by marker from
M122 now widespread throughout
east Asia
M122 not found
west of the great central Asian mountain ranges, and does not occur at all in the Middle east or Europe
Rice agriculture in E. Asia created
a Wave of Advance
Wave of abundance in Europe
dissipated after inundating the Meterranean
Wave of abundance in China
saturated all of east Asia
Today M122 chromosomes are high in
China and Taiwan but drops significantly moving southward into peninsular Malaysia and Indonesia
Population explosion in China parallels the spread of
rice agriculture
Neolithic immigrants account for
20 percent of the present Y diversity