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88 Cards in this Set

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Middle Age
no determined begining or end
no biological or social markers of it
US middle age is a state of mind
Middle Age is a period of declining _____ and increasing ______.
physical Skill; responsibiltiy
What do most younger middle-adults see their lives as.
Needing improvement
What do most olde middle-adults think about their lives.
They are satisfied with most areas of their lives, social financial and health.
Most people up until age 75, aging is a _____ experience.
People who are active early in life
reatp the benefits later in life
How does Endurance change in Middle Adulthood?
Decrese in Basal Metabilism
What are physical changes that occur in middle adulthood?
Decrease in Basal Metablism, skin becomes taut and smooth, hair becomes thinner, fait gain in torso
Where does fat spread in middle aged men?
Upper adomen, back
Where does fat spread in middle aged women?
Waist and upper arms
How can fat gain be avoided in Middle age?
Eating and exercise
What are the changes that happen in the eye of a middleaged person?
Changes in puipl letting in more light, less flexible lens, sensitivity to light, speed of processing, loss of visual acuity
What does Presbyopia mean?
What does Myopia mean?
Is hearing loss gradual or fast coming?
What age does hearing loss start to speed up?
In their fifties
What happens with sleep in the beginnig 40s
wakeful periods are more frequent, less of deepest sleep.
In Middle age sleep problems are more common in...
Those who use higher number of prescription and nonperscription medication. Obese. Depressed. Cardiovascular disease.
What is Menopause?
When a woman permanetly stops ovulationg and menstruating. The woman would not longer be able to concieve.
What is the average age for Menopause?
What is Perimenopause?
3-5 years slowing process before menopause
What begins to slow down in woman beginning in mid 30s?
Estrogen and ova produciton
What are womens attitude toward Menopause?
In the US, women view it positively, express relief, and see it as indepences and growth.
How many women experience little discomfrot in menopause?
Little discomfort
What is the most common of menopause and how many women actually experience it?
hot flashes and only half
What are other symptoms of menopause?
vaginal dryness, buring, itching; Sexual appetite remains.
What can calcium depletion result in?
loss of height and "Hunchback"
What racial group is less likely to develop osteoporosis?
African American women
How can you slow down osteoporis?
Proper nutrition, exercise, avoidance of smoking
Is there a Male menopuase>
No evidence to support
What begins to decrease in Male Sexuality?
Testosterone, slowly
What percent per year does testosterone decrease in men after 30s?
about 1%
Are there any strong relationship between testosterone levels and sexual performance?
What is a possible side effect of Testosterone decrease?
Possible erectile dysfunciton.
What percent of people in middle age report their health as good or excellent?
What kinds of chronic conditions do middle age people start to develop?
arthritis and circulatory conditions.
How does stress affect?
Not what happend, but how you take it.
What does Allostasis mean?
ability to adapt to stress
Allostic Load is
damage that occurs when coping abilites are inadequate
What are side effects of expressed hostility?
Cardiovascular problems, health complaints, depression, unhealthy behaviors.
How can Hypertension be controlled?
Blood-pressure screening, low-salt diets, medication
What is the leading cause of death between ages 45 to 64?
Heart Disease
Diabetes has doubled since?
One-third of midlife deaths in the us is?
what do oncogenes do
convert normal to cancer cells
what do tumor suppressor genes do?
Block development of cancer
Can cancer be often curable?
when detected early
What is the double standard of aging
That because of media and social messages men see aging positively while women view aging negatively.
Does Double Standard of Aging appear to be declining
yes, positive models are replacing old ideas
What does Fluid Intelligence depend on?
Basic information-processing Skills
What is Fluid intelligence responsible for?
detecting relationships among stimuli, analytical speed, and working memory
What skills doe crystallized intelligence depend on:
accumulated knowledge, experience, good judgment, mastery of social conventions.
Memory in Middle Adulthood has few changes in:
Factual knowledge, and procedural knowledge, and metacognitive knowledge
What memory in middle adulthood declines?
Working Memory
What does the decline in middle adulthood working meomry mean?
less memory strategies, may be slower processing, and attention problems.
What do Mature Adults show in their fields.
they show increasing competence in solving problems in their feild.
Changes in creativity peak in?
late 30s
Changes in creativity become
less spontaneous intensely emotional
What is Generativity?
building the next generation, commitment beyond self, often realized through child rearing, other family can also do this.
What is Stagnation?
Placing own comfort above challange and sacrifice, self-absorbed, lack of involvement or concern with young people, little intrest in work productivity.
Becoming One's Own Man phase
Women outlive males on an average of
5 years
Genetic-Programing Theories
genes switch off
Variable Rate Theories
wear and tear
If we live to old age we will develop
wrinkles and age spots, loss of height and weight, and slower movements
In Late Adulthood what percentage of adults report good general health?
Even though Late Adulthood patients report good health they typicaly have?
2-3 chronic health conditions and 5 perscriptions
Activities of Daily Living
What are some ADL
Dressing bathing, toileting, getting around the house, getting in and out of bed, grooming, and meals
Instrumental Activities of Daily Living
What are some IADLs
Going shoping alone, using phone, taking meds, heavy housework and laundry, getting around town.
Functional activites are?
walking, climing stairs, reaching, grasping, lifting and carrying.
What cognitve functions decline in late life?
tasks that require elabortaion; names and faces recording new informtion
What cognitive functions remain stable in late life?
Task requiring procedural memroy, ability to sove a problem or answer questions
What cognitive functions can improve in late life?
semeantic memory: vocab and knowledge
What is the age for defining early or later onset of alzheimers
Final stage of life Span?
Ego Integrity vs. Despair
Disengagement Thoery?
Mutual withdrawl of old persona and society
Activity Theory
Activity linked with life satisfation
Continuity Thoery
Need to maintain a connection between past and presnt
Selective optimization with compensation
positive and creative coping strategies to deal with their limitations.
order of stages of death
denial, anger, bargining, depression, and acceptance
Infants and death
no cognitive understanding, separation anxiety
Early childhood and death
death is temporary, magical explanations or blaming self, need to speak in concrete terms
Middle childhood and death
Death is final and irreversible, won't happen to them, anger towards those responsible, internalization, need to be includen in funerals
Late childhood and death
final, irreversible, and univeral, morbid curiosity of death
Adolescents and death
able to thnk abstractly about death, intreted in existential meaning of death, may feel no one understans their loss, may engage in high risk behavior to confron own mortality.
At all ages what is successful grieving linked with?
at least 1 sgnigicant adult present and a safe and emotionally supportive environment.