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103 Cards in this Set

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The transition between childhood and adulthood
A flood of biological events leading to an adult-sized body and sexual maturity.
Marks the start of adolescents
What 3 forces combine to form adolescent development?
Biological, psychological, and social
Biological changes are _________
At what age do the complex hormonal changes that underlie puberty occur?
Ages 8-9
What 2 hormones increase, leading to tremendous gains in body size and to attainment of skeletal maturity?
Growth hormone and Thyroxine
Sexual maturation is controlled by what?
Sex hormones
Are estrogens and androgens found in both males and females?
Hormone that leads to muscle growth , body and facial hair, and other male sex characteristics
Androgen testosterone
In both sexes, what does GH do?
Adds to the growth spurt and stimulating gains in bone density.
Estrogen increase
What does estrogen that is released by the girls ovaries do?
Causes the breast, uterus, and vagina to mature, the body to take on feminine proportions, and fat to accumulate
What contributes to regulation of menstrual cycle?
Released from adrenal glad, on top of each kidney, influences girls height spurt and stimulates growth of underarm and pubic hair.
Adrenal androgens
The first outward sign of puberty is the rapid gain in height and weight
Growth spurt
What age does the growth spurt happen for girls and boys?
Who is taller and heavier during early adolescents? (boys or girls)
When is growth in body size complete for girls and boys?
Girls- 16
Which hormone is more in girls? Estrogen or androgen?
Sex hormones cause what to change in boys? and girls?
Boys: Shoulders broaden relative to hips, taller than girls
Girls: Hips broaden relative to shoulder and waist
Who does this describe: boys or girls?
Gain more muscle, develop larger skeletal muscles, heats, and lung capacity, number of red blood cells increases (ability to carry oxygen from lungs to muscles)
Organs that directly Involve the reproductive organs (ovaries, uterus, and vagina in females; penis, scrotum, and testes in males).
Primary sexual characteristics
Physical signs of maturity that are not linked directly to the reproductive organs.
Visible on the outside of the body and serve as additional signs of sexual maturity ( breast development, and appearance of underarm and pubic hair)
Secondary sexual characteristics
The first menstruation.
Around age 12.5
The first ejaculation.
Around age 13.5
Protein released by fat cell, believed to signal the brain that a girl's energy stores are sufficient for puberty
Girls that are heavier and/or obese will experience breast and pubic hair and menarche growth (sooner or later) than girls who start athletic training at an early age and have very little body fat?
A generational change.
A trend in pubertal timing that lends added support to the role of physical well being in pubertal development
Secular trend
When a child's safety and security are at risk, it is adaptive for them to reproduce (earlier or later) than when there is a warm, stable family?
How does puberty begin for girls and boys?
Girls: Growth of breast, growth spurt, followed by pubic hair
Boys: Growth of testes and scrotum, pubic hair appears, growth spurt, and penis enlarges
What are some individual differences in the timing of puberty?
Heredity, Nutrition/exercise, Geographical location, SES, ethnic group, early family experiences, and secular trend
What are the 4 NT suseptable at this time?
Glutamate, serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline
Do adolescents go to bed earlier or later?
Do they need as much sleep still, even if they go to bed later, as they did in middle childhood? And how much sleep is that?
Yes; 9 hours
What is the "governor of thought and action?
Our frontal lobe
What is sculpted in the adolescent brain that supports diverse cognitive skills, including improved processing speed, attention, memory, planning, capacity to integrate info, and self regulation
Growth and myelination of stimulated neural fibers accelerate, strengthening connections among various brain regions (linkages between the 2 cerebral hemispheres through the corpus callosum
What does lack of sleep do to adolescents?
Impairs cognitive functioning (lower achievement, mood problems, and high risk behaviors)
How do tribal and villages celebrate the onset of puberty?
A ritualized announcement to the community that marks an important change in privilege and responsibility.
Initiation ceremony
Girls who are unpopular, withdrawn, have low confidence, have more deviant behavior, negative body image, and more long term problems, have probably started maturing early or late?
Girls who are popular, confident, independent, and have a positive body image have probably starting maturing earlier or later?
Boys who are popular sociable lively, school leaders, and have a positive body image have probably starting maturing sooner or later?
Boys who are unpopular, anxious, talkative, attention seeking, and have a negative body image have probably started maturing sooner or later?
What is supposed to happen; Going out with friends and romantic partners increases so dramatically during adolescence it is called this
Cultural script
Moodiness in adolescence is NOT due to what?
Hormonal changes
Why do adolescence appear moody?
B/c they change social activities so many times during one day
Most conflict between adolescents and parents are mild, they both display conflict and what?
What are the 2 factors that account for pubertal timing trends?
1. how closely the adolescent's body matches cultural ideals of physical attractiveness
2. how well young people fit in physically with their peers
Conception of and attitude toward their physical appearance
Body image
Early- maturing Caucasian girls tend to report (more/less) positive body image.
What is the ultimate body image for boys and girls at the time of puberty?
Girls: thin and small
When do adolescence fell most comfortable with peers?
When their peers match their own level of biological maturity
How many more calories do boys and girls need during their growth spurt?
Boys: 2700 and more protein
Girls: 2200 and somewhat less protein
Who are at high risk for eating disorders?
Girls who reach puberty fast, who are very dissatisfied with their body image, and who grow up in homes where concern with weight and thinness is high
A tragic eating disturbance in which young ppl starve themselves b/c of a compulsive fear of getting fat
Anorexia nervosa
What percent of boys and girls experience anorexia nervosa
1% girls
10% boys
What percent of anoerxics die of this disorder?
Is there a genetic influence? How do you know/
Yes b/c identical twins share the disorder more often than fraternal twins
What is the most successful treatment for anorexia nervosa?
family therapy and medication
What type of dangers are involved with anorexia nervosa?
Heart damage, kidney failure, irreversible brain damage, and loss of bone mass
An eating disorder in which young people (mainly girls, but gay and bisexual boys are vulnerable) engage in strict dieting and excessive exercise accompanied by binge eating, often followed by deliberate vomiting and purging with laxatives
Bulimia nervosa
Which is more common: Bulimia or Anorexia?
What percent of teenage girls are affected by bulimia?
2-4% only 5% of whom had been anorexia
What is bulimia influenced by?
Heredity, depression, guilt, and overweight
For adolescent sexuality, North American attitudes are what?
Northern American attitudes have become more liberal over the past 40 years. Meaning premarital sex (is/isn't) ok for committed partners?
US youths become sexually active (earlier/later) than Canadian and European counterpart?
Earlier- by ninth grade (age 14-15)
Who has their first intercourse: males or females?
What percent of sexually active teens in US are at risk for unintended pregnancy b/c they do not use contraception correctly?
What is the sequence of "coming out?"
Feeling different, confusion, and self acceptance
A stage of "coming out" children start to engage in sexual questioning ( wondering why the typical heterosexual orientation does not apply to them.
Feeling different
A stage of "coming out" Not knowing who they are physically attracted to. some throw themselves into activities they associate with heterosexuality (boys=athletic teams, girls=dance)
Ages 11-15
Stage of "coming out" The majority of gay, lesbian, and bisexual teens accept their identity
Age timing varies
Coming out
What age group has the highest rates of STD's?
1/5 of US cases of AIDS occur between what ages?
In the US how many teen that are sexually active, contract one of those illnesses each year?
1 in 6
What age group is AIDS mostly affected and when does AIDS manifest?
Adolescence and 8-10 yrs later
It is twice as easy for a (female/male) to infect a (female/male) with any STD.
But male with males are at a high risk
How many teenage girls in the US become pregnant annually?
800,000 and 25,000 under age 15
What percent of US adolescent pregnancies end in abortion?
What percent of teen mothers are unmarried?
These are all risks for who?
less educational achievement, more time as a single parent, economic problems, pregnancy and birth complications, and lack of parenting sills
Teen mothers
What percent of US teen moms graduate?
A mother's age at childbirth is a strong predictor of what?
The next generation's age at childbirth
A minority of teens move from substance use to abuse, what does this mean?
Taking drugs regularly, requiring increasing amounts to achieve the same effect, moving on to harder substances, and using enough to interfere with their ability to meet daily needs
By 10th grade what percent of students have tried cigarettes? Alcohol? illegal drug?
50% cigs; 63% alcohol; 31%illegal drug
Adolescent substance abusers are most likely affected by what?
Genetic and environmental factors
The majority of teens who dabble in alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana that are not headed for a life of addiction. Usually psychologically healthy, sociable, curious young ppl.
According to Piaget, at what age do children enter the formal operational stage?
Piaget's stage in which children develop the capacity for abstract, systemic, scientific thinking.
Formal operational stage
When faced with a problem, children start with a hypothesis about variables that might affect an outcome, from which they deduce logical, testable inferences. Then they systemically isolate and combine variables to set which of theses inferences are confirmed in the real world
Hypothetico-deductive reasoning
children "operate on reality" which is called concrete (they start with reality) operational thought and adolescence "operate on what" which is formal operational thought
What is the famous example of Piaget's formal operational thought process?
The pendulum problem
Adolescents' ability to evaluate the logic of propositions (verbal statements) without referring to real world circumstances
Propositional thought
What are the 2 things formal operational thought requires?
Language based and other symbolic systems that do not stand for real things
What are the 2 important characteristics of Piaget's formal operational stage?
1.hypothetico- deductive reasoning
2. Propositional thought
What is this an example of?
"either the chip in my hand is green or it is not green"
"the chip in my hand is green and it is not green"
Propositional thought
The accuracy of conclusions drawn from premises rests on the rules of logic, not on real world confirmation
Logical necessity
What type of improvements are these? Attention, inhibition, strategies, knowledge, metacognition, cognitive self regulation, speed of thinking and processing capacity?
Information processing improvements
What is the central information processing component to adolescent cognitive development?
The ability to distinguish theory from evidence steadily (improves/declines) from childhood to adolescence?
Adolescents' belief that they are the focus of everyone else's attention and concerns
Imaginary audience
Certain the others are observing and thinking about them, teens develop an inflated opinion of their own important- a feeling that they are special and unique
Personal fable
What are the 4 steps to planning?
1. identify pros and cons
2. assessing the likelihood of various outcomes
3. evaluating choice in terms of whether their goals were met
4. learning from mistakes
Do adolescents have a harder time when changing between 3 schools or 2?