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98 Cards in this Set

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What does DNA do?
Protects the cells
Triggers cell division
Are unique
22 pairs of chromosomes are called ________ and one pair is called _______.
22 pairs - Autosomes
1 pair - Gametes
What is the length of time for the prenatal period of development?
266-280 days or 38 weeks
What is the chronology of development for the period called prenatal through infancy?
Zygote, blastocyst, embryo,fetus, newborn, infant, toddler
What are the odds that a child will be a boy or girl?
Pairs of Genes are called:
Recessive traits can only be expressed if:
If paired with another recessive trait or the recessive trait has no matching trait.
What can be observed during the embryonic period?
Organs differentiate
Fetus develops human shape
placenta develops
sex organs start to differentiate
Development of endoderm, ectoderm, and mesoderm
What are the sub-structures of a Blastocyst?
What are the key areas of development in the embryonic period?
Placenta, umbilical cord, amnion fluid, heartbeat,major organ development, brain development, arm/leg buds, facial features
The typical sex chromosome pattern for males is:
What is the sex chromosome pattern for Kleinfelter's Syndrome?
An ultrasound gives a visual idea of:
The condition of the child
The traits that we inherit are called:
Actual traits are called:
Tay-Sachs disease affects:
Sperm motility means:
Movement of the sperm
The _______ is a fluid-filled ball of cells:
Two alleles that are the same:
Two alleles that are different
He believed that the child came into the world as a clean slate, and approval/disapproval shaped behavior:
John Locke (1632-1704)
He believed that all children are inherently good, and if allowed to express natural impulses, will become moral adults:
Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)
Transmission of traits & characteristics from one generation to the next:
23 pairs of these store and transmit genetic information:
22 pairs of chromosomes are called:
1 pair of chromosomes are called:
Sex chromosomes or gametes
The basic unit of heredity:
the form of cell division in which each chromosome splits lengthwise to double in number:
Sperm and ova (egg cells) are produced through:
The process where Ovum & Sperm unite to form a one-cell organism
The first cell that is fertilized is called:
Cell duplication is called:
Females are born with approximately how many eggs?
Who determines the sex of the child, and why?
The male, because of his "Y" chromosome.
Pairs of genes are called:
Identical twins are called _______ twins:
Monozygotic Twins
Fraternal twins are called _______ twins:
Dizygotic twins
Why is the neonate's head slanted? (2 reasons)
1. To allow the baby's head to go through the birth canal.
2. To allow the brain to develop.
What are 3 things that occur to bring about childbirth and manage contractions?
1. Cervix dilates
2. Oxytocin starts contractions
3. Fetus secretes hormones that stimulate labor
What effects can deprivation of oxygen have on the baby?
memory problems,spacial relations,motor movement problems,schizophrenia, cerebral palsy,diabetes
Why is sensory development so important to the newborn baby?
to allow baby to attach & bond with caregivers in early development
What babies are prone to SIDS?
Babies who sleep on their stomach; low birth weight babies; males; lower socioeconomic families; teen moms; mothers who smoked during pregnancy; drug users
When is the woman considered ready to deliver?
Cervix dilates to 10cm
What is the result of the 2nd stage of childbirth?
Baby is born
Where are most babies born?
In hospitals
Have the numbers of Cesarean births increased or decreased?
What is anoxia?
Oxygen deprivation
What is lanugo?
Fine downy hair that covers the skin of newborns
What percent of new moms experience post-partum blues?
How do we assess neonatal health after childbirth?
Recessive traits can only express itself if: ___________ or ___________
If paired with another recessive trait
trait is recessive and has no matching trait
Sex-linked Inheritance Genes are transmitted primarily to _______ from the _______.
primarily to males
from the mother
Sex-linked Inheritance Genes are carried as a _______ gene on the _______ chromosome.
recessive gene
on the Y chromosome
list some of the sex-linked inherited traits:
Hemophilia; red/green colorblindness; sickle cell anemia; baldness; duschene muscular disease
two paired dominant or recessive traits are called:
a dominant trait paired with a recessive trait is called:
What is the chance that 2 brown-eyed parents will have a blue-eyed child?
25% if both carry the heterozygous trait.
Observable traits, or actual characteristics are called:
The genetic heritage/gene pool inherited from parents is called:
The study of effects of heredity and environment on behavior; study of chromosomal abnormalities:
Behavioral Genetics
What causes Down Syndrome?
21st pair of chromosomes has an extra chromosome
Tay-Sachs disease is usually fatal by what age?
5 years old
Turner Syndrome is caused by:
Females missing an X chromosome.
List some characteristics with strong hereditary components:
height/weight, pulse/breathing rates; perspiration*;tooth decay*; word fluency*; intelligence*;memory
Amniocentesis is usually extracted when?
14-16 weeks
An amniocentesis can cause:
An ultrasound of the fetus can detect:
multiple pregnancies
structural abnormalities
high frequency sound waves directed toward the abdomen is called:
Ultrasonic Sonography
A test where a sample of the outer membrane of the amniotic sack is tested:
Chorionic Villus Sampling
The Germinal stage lasts how long?
2 weeks after conception
Development of the Trophoblast and the Blastocyst occurs during what stage?
Germinal Stage
Prenatal development is divided into what 3 stages?
Germinal stage
Embryonic Stage
Fetal Stage
The outer part of the Blastocyst is called:
The inner layer of cells of the blastocyst are called:
Also called the blastocyst
Cell replication and duplication is called:
The embryonic stage starts when and ends when?
2 - 8 weeks
What is the fastest growing stage in the development process?
Embryonic Stage
The ectoderm develops into:
Nervous system, sensory organs, nails hair, teeth and the outer layer of skin
The endoderm forms:
Respiratory and digestive systems, liver and pancreas
The mesoderm forms:
excretory, reproductive, & circulatory systems. muscles, skeleton, and the inner layer of skin
The outer layer of cells of the embryonic disk are called:
The inner layer of cells of the embryonic disk are called:
The middle layer of cells of the embryonic disk are called:
the fetal stage lasts from:
8 weeks to birth
The fetus responds to sound waves by what week?
the 13th week
Lanugo appears during what stage?
Fetal Stage
Teratology is the study of:
birth defects
What is the Age of Viability and when does it occur?
The point where the fetus can survive outside the womb
(22-26 weeks)
the fetal stage lasts from:
8 weeks to birth
The fetus responds to sound waves by what week?
the 13th week
Lanugo appears during what stage?
Fetal Stage
Teratology is the study of:
birth defects
What is the Age of Viability and when does it occur?
The point where the fetus can survive outside the womb
(22-26 weeks)
Environmental agents that can harm the embryo or fetus are called:
List some Teratogens:
Rubella or German Measles, Chicken Pox or mumps, syphillis or gonnorhea, aids, mercury exposure, heavy caffiene usage, carcinogens in tobacco, alcohol, aspirin, thalidomide, drugs,incompatable blood types, pollutants, maternal stress, parental age, infectious diseases, Second hand smoke, Toxoplasmosis, radiation
This disorder occurs when the mother consumes substantial alcohol during pregnancy:
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
What are some of the results of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder?
Mental Retardation
Delayed Growth
Facial Deformities
Defective Limbs
Learning Problems
What are Fetal Alcohol effects (FAE)?
When the mother drinks smaller quantities of alcohol during pregnancy