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82 Cards in this Set

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Mental operations

cognitive actions can be performed on objects or ideas

Detective reasoning

drawing conclusions from facts; characteristic of formal operational thought

Working memory

Type of memory in which a small number of items can be stored briefly

Long term memory

permanent store house for memories that has unlimited capacity


As applied to children's memory, a strategy in which information to be remembered is structured so that related information is placed together


memory strategy in which information is embellished to make it more memorable


Persons informal understanding of memory; includes the ability to diagnose memory problems accurately and to monitor the effectiveness of memory strategies

metacognitive knowledge

a persons knowledge and awareness of cognitive processes

Cognitive self regulation

skill at identifying goals selecting effective strategies, and monitoring accurately; a characteristic of successful students


psychologists who specialize in measuring psychological traits, such as intelligence and personality

emotional energy

Ability to use one;s own and others emotions effectively for solving problems and living happily

analytic ability

Sternberg's theory of intelligence, the ability to analyze problems and generate different solutions

Creative ability

Sternberg's theory of intelligence, the ability to deal adaptively with novel situations and problems

Mental Age (MA)

in intelligence testing, a measure of children performance corresponding to the chronological age of those who performance equals the child's

Intelligence quotient (IQ)

mathematical representation of how a person scores of an intelligence test in relation to how other people of the same age score

Culture-fair intelligence test

Intelligence tests devised using items common to many cultures

Stereotype threat

an evoked fear of being judged in accordance with a negative stereotype about a group to which you belong

divergent thinking

thinking in novel and unusual directions

Intellectual disability

substantially below average intelligence and problems adapting to an environment that emerges before the age of 18

Learning disability

When a child with normal intelligence has difficulty mastering at least one academic subject

Word recognition

The process of identifying a unique pattern of letters


Process of extracting meaning from a sequence of words

Phonological awareness

the ability to hear the distinctive sounds of letters

Knowledge-telling strategy

Writing down information as it is retrieved from a memory, a common practice for young writers

Knowledge-transforming strategy

deciding what information to include and how best to organize it to convey a point


Teaching children the values, roles, and behaviors of the culture

Authoritarian parents

style of parents in which parents show high levels of control and low levels of warmth toward their children

Authoritative parenting

style of parents in which parents use a moderate amount of control and are warm and responsive to their children

permissive parenting

Style of parenting in which parents offer warmth and caring but little control over their children

uninvolved parenting

style of parenting in which parents provide neither warmth nor control and minimize the time they spend with their children

Direct instruction

Telling a child what to do, when, and why


Learning what should be done by observing the behavior


consequence that increases the likelihood that a behavior will be repeated in the future


application of an aversive or removal of an attractive stimulus-decreasesliklihood of that being preformed again

negative reinforcement trap

unwittingly reinforcing a behavior you want to discourage

time out

punishment that involves removing children who are misbehaving from a situation to a quite unstimulating environment

joint custody

custody agreement in which both parents retain legal custody of their children following divorce

blended family

family consisting of a biological parent, a stepparent, and children


persons ability to respond adaptively and resourcefully to new situations


voluntary relationship between two people involving mutual liking by age 4 to 5


conversations about ones personal problems, common among adolescent


small group of friends who are similar in age, sex, and race


large group, including many different cliques that have similar attitudes and values

dominance hierarchy

ordering of individuals within a group in which group members with lower status defer to those with greater status

popular children

are liked by many classmates

rejected children

are disliked by classmates

Controversial children

are liked and disliked by classmates

average children

are liked and disliked by some classmates, but without the intensity found for popular, rejected, or controversial children

Neglected children

As applied to childrens popularity, children who are ignored- neither liked or disliked by their classmates

instrumental aggression

aggression used to achieve an explicit goal

hostile aggression

unprovoked aggression that seems to have the sole goal of intimidating, harassing, or humiliating another children

relational aggression

try to hurt children by undermining the social relationships

recursive thinking

thoughts that focus on what another person is thinking


Collection of physical activity changes that marks the onset of adolescents including growth spurts and the growth of breasts and testes

Primary sex characteristics

Physical signs of maturity that are directly liked to the reproductive organs

Secondary sex characteristics

Physical signs of maturity that are not directly linked to reproductive organs


onset of menstruation

Usually 13 years old


first spontaneous ejaculation of sperm

usually at 13 years old

Body mass index

adjusted ratio of weight to height; used to define "overweight"

Anorexia nervosa

Persistent refusal to eat accompanied by an irrational fear of being overweight

Bulimia nervosa

Disease in which people alternate between binge eating and periods when they eat uncontrollably- and purging with laxatives or self induced

pre conventional level

1st level in Kohlberg theory, where moral reasoning is based on external forces (Reward and punishment)

Obedience orientation

characteristic of stage 1 in kohlbergs theory, in which moral reasoning is based on the belief that adults know what is right and wrong

Instrumental orientation

Characteristic of stage 2 in kohlbergs theory, in which moral reasoning is based the aim of looking out for ones own needs

Conventional level

2nd level of kolhbergs theory of reasoning, where moral reasoning is based on societal norms

Interpersonal norms

Characteristic of kolhbergs stage 3, in which moral reasoning is based on winning the approval of others

Social system morality

characteristic of kohlbergs stage 4, in which moral reasoning is based on maintenance of order in society

post conventional level

3rd level of reasoning in kohlbergs theory, in which morality is based on a personal moral code

Social contract

Characteristic of Kohlbergs stage 5 in which moral reasoning is based on the belief that laws are for the good of all members of society

Universal ethical principle

6th stage of Kohlbergs in which moral reasoning is based on moral principals that apply to all

adolescent egocentrism

self absorption that is characteristic of teenagers as they search for identity

Imaginary audience

adolescents feeling that their behavior is constantly being watched by their peers

Illusion of invulnerability

adolescents belief that misfortunes can't happen to them

ethnic identity

feeling that one belongs to a specific ethnic group


1st phase in supers theory - in which adolescents use their emerging identities to form ideas about careers


2nd phase in supers theory - in which adolescents learn more about specific lines or work and begin training


3rd stage of supers theory- in which individuals enter the work force

personality-type theory

view proposed by Holland that people find their work fulfilling when the important features of a job/profession fit their personality


disorder characterized by pervasive feelings of sadness, irritability, and low self esteem

juvenile delinquency

when adolescents commit illegal acts that are destructive to themselves/others

Adolescent-limit antisocial behavior

behavior of youth who engage in relatively minor criminal acts but aren't consistently antisocial

life-course persistent antisocial behavior

antisocial behavior that emerges at an early age and continues throughout life