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17 Cards in this Set

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Assimilation ( Piaget)
interpret a new experience in terms of their previous understandins
Accommodation ( Piaget)
process by which a child incorporates new experience into previous understandings...and modifies those exiting concepts to include new information
EX : See's cow for first time but calls it a dog
Piaget's 4 stages of Cognitive development
**** Concrete operations
Formal operational
Abraham Maslow
Hierachry of human needs
moral development:
Pre-conventional - egocentric and behavior driven by avoidance of punishment
Conventional - awareness of right from wrong
begins to seek approval
Morality - think about the principael underlying society's laws and norms
Noam Chomsky
Language Development:
best known thinker about Semantics
LAD - Lang. Acquist. device
Language Acquisition Device - a human predisposition - lack of formal instruction to acquire language
LAD is universal, ensuring that all human lang. share the same logical syntas or underyling deep structure
Universal Grammar - Chomsky
children actively participate in ( generate) their own language acquisition, using their LAD"S to make sense of ( transform into meaning ) the lang. that swirls around them from birth
Multiple Intelligences

Howard Gardner
Everyone posses these 8 intelligences in varying degrees
so most standard IQ tests haven't caught up with what we now know about intelligence
Self Concept
Self esteem , feeling about himself
prior to adolescence - children identify with others until middle school. Start to ask " Who am I" therefore;
Peer relationships imp.
Lev Vygotsky
influences of social environment on language dev.
Zone of Prozimal Development
area that lies just beyone the child's capacity to solve problems on his own -
Children naturally operate at the boundaries of their capacities during unstructured play - Note: teacher should observe then create play to support child ( scaffolding) to go one step further
Influences on Development
#1 Parent /Child interaction
Socioeconomic status - family income
Sociocultural factors - race and cultural perspectives
Power of preconceptions/biases on achievement
Behavior expectations:

Simple concrete rules
wait their turn
sit at a table
refrain from hitting
memories not well dev.
moral reasonings doesn't exist
Thru 1st/2nd grade learning that there are reasons for rules
Middle grades 3-5`
why there are rules
in conventional stage of moral develpment
begin to coop with one another
work in small groups
simple conflict resolution
becoming accountable for own actions
Upper Grades
6 -8
fully resp for own behavior
remember and follow rules